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Since about 11:30 am, our house has been internetless. This was not a big deal until the AT&T technician came in at 7:30 pm to say that while he had done all he could, a different tech had to come fix an issue out in the street. So tonight we have no internet for our laptops and it makes me appreciate all the time I spend on there and everything it allows me to accomplish. Luckily, I’ve still got my phone, but it’s more of a “skeleton crew” kinda thing where I’m only doing the basics and nothing else. So here’s to the internet! It connects in ways we sometimes forget and is a great tool.

April 26, 2013 8:48 am
I had a similar situation when we moved into our new house. Apparently the internet or cable had never been run to our house, and it took a month of calls, technician visits and construction crews to get a straight answer and finally a little over a month later we got internet! It is hard when you don’t have it!
April 26, 2013 7:56 pm
Oh wow, that sounds terrible! I’d definitely have to trek out to some free wifi hotspots if we couldn’t get internet for a month.