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I discovered solid shampoo on a vacation at Myrtle Beach. A very helpful sales clerk was showing me a bunch of the cool products they had in their store and solid shampoos and conditioners were one of them. I really loved the idea of something that eliminates the water from the product so you add it in as necessary (like powder detergent vs. liquid). It saves a ton of space! Maybe even water too, depending on how you use it. Plus, with solid shampoos, you no longer have to find those 3-oz containers to put your shampoo in when you travel (nor do you need to hoard hotel shampoos that you could use instead). After happily using up that first bar, I decided to try out this LUSH one that’s pretty good as well. I’d love to get more of the original one though! Either way, not having to worry about travel restrictions is pretty great.