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You’re probably munching on some right now, aren’t you? These cookies are not only delicious and an anticipated annual treat, they help teach girls some basic business skills. It takes a certain amount of planning, strategizing, and selling skills to successfully sell these cookies, even if they already have a fan following. It’s a great way to get young girls to start thinking about the types of skills they’ll need to do well in the workforce and at home. It’s often a benefit that is overlooked, but the teamwork, goal-setting, budgeting, time management, overcoming fear, gaining confidence, and acquisition of other skills are great for any situation.
Then of course, there are the cookies themselves. I don’t know what they put in these things to make them so delicious and addicting, but paired with the cute scouts eagerly trying to sell you a box, how can you say no? I always end up getting at least a box or two, if not a dozen (or two). After all, they’re only available once a year, so if you want them to last, you’re going to need to stock up. My personal favorites are Samoas, but this year I opted to try something new in the Thank You Berry Munch flavor – very tasty too! I do miss the All Abouts, which they discontinued awhile back. I guess you could always dip Trefoils in chocolate to get the same effect. Between the delicious cookies and the lifelong skills they’re teaching girls, don’t you think Girl Scout Cookies are pretty great too?