Welcome to ((little fat notebook)), my observations and thoughts on life! My name is Mary Qin, though I write under the pseudonym of laelene.
This blog will discuss many issues involving life experiences, random observations, career exploration, Generation Y, Asian American perspectives, social media, and feminism. There will be some entries on memories, reviews, or personal experiences speckled in there as well.
my bio

Meet baby panda! He is just the most adorable little thing, isn’t he?
I am a UCLA alumna bound for adventures galore! Now that I’ve graduated from uni, it’s time to explore what the world has to offer and what I can contribute to it. I have a double degree in Psychology and Economics and I’m interested in getting into marketing, management, and entrepreneurism. My work experience thus far has spanned marketing, sales, counseling, tech support, customer service, finance, entertainment, disability services, swim instruction, and waitressing.
I am interested in developing myself as a blogger while discovering more about myself and the world at large. I’ll take this as an opportunity to explore my ever-changing goals and aspirations, dreams and hopes, ambitions and desires. It’s also a chance to practice my writing! I’ll work on being more articulate and may try a variety of styles.
I believe in sharing. Mostly ideas, but also resources, knowledge, even food. That is why I am putting everything out there. Maybe I can help someone, or maybe they can help me. The world can afford some more generosity.
I love to travel and I have been fortunate enough to go to a lot of the countries I’d hoped to visit (in order of when I went):
China, USA, Canada, Japan (ever so briefly), Australia, Mexico, Scotland, England (or United Kingdom, if you must), Greece, Italy, Hungary, Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Netherlands, France, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Belgium, Ireland, and now Singapore!
That’s over 20 countries and around 80 cities! I even got to drive in China, Germany, and the US! Pity the rental plan only covered my dad, or else I could have in Mexico as well. I studied abroad in England for a year and that was fabulous, so I’m super excited to head to work in Singapore, since life abroad is so amazing! When I get a chance to travel again, I’d like to write about that as well.
I have lived in three countries, going on my fourth, which has opened my eyes greatly. I think it’s important to keep an open mind about everything. Opinions vary and they can be changed, so there are hardly any surefire answers. What works for one may not work for others, and what works now may not work later. Therefore, I am always on a quest to reconstruct my life, readjust my goals, and reconsider my opinions. I believe in relentless self-improvement and lifelong learning!
By default, I laugh and smile. I readily offer a cheerful face and helping hand. The smallest things make me happy and I am easily entertained. I am very sentimental, so anything I receive that took time, effort, and thought is worth far more to me than something that may carry more monetary or social value. That is part of the reason why I love pictures so much! I love to document life.
Ultimately I would like to inspire and motivate people and create healthy, happy work environments. I am young, fresh, ambitious, and ready to conquer the world. I think it’s important to adapt in this ever-changing world, so come adopt adept adaptation with me! (Now there’s a tongue-twister!)
Oh, and in case you haven’t noticed from the links above, I am the empress of list-making. I like to carry around a little notebook and pens around with me everywhere I go just for that purpose. I also make a lot of notes and just generally like the feel of ink flowing onto paper.
I like to stay just off the beaten path. This is my life, on my own terms.