I had a lovely afternoon out in the “wilderness” of Bukit Timah, where I spent a few hours exploring the playgrounds and playing with the monkeys. I was worried that I wouldn’t make it at one point because when I got off the bus I had no idea where to go. After some wandering (and going in the wrong direction), I finally found a sign directing the way and happened upon the Visitor’s Center. As I was approaching, I was staring at these plants that fascinated me, so I was startled when I turned my head to find a baboon-looking creature not but a few feet away from me.
I spent a good amount of time near the building, following the primates around and trying to grab some nice shots. I wasn’t sure where all the trails for hiking and biking were, so I just followed this wooden ramp up into the woods. It took me at least half an hour to go a mere 100 feet because there were just so many cute monkeys along the way! I was engrossed with them all – there were ones play fighting, grooming and eating ticks, hugging each other, swinging in the trees, and all sorts of other activities. I’ve always had a huge soft spot for animals, so I spent some extra time just standing there watching them, taking pictures and videos and enjoying their antics.
When dealing with animals, I’m always immensely curious but slightly wary, since ultimately they are unpredictable creatures. In this case, I was careful to not make loud noises or bare my teeth and to move slowly and predictably. The older ones were still stand-offish, but the younger ones were curious as well and wouldn’t mind if I was close. One of them even approached me and reached for my knee, trying to find a tick or two to pick, but alas, he came up empty. Later on, I was leaning on a wall when I got approached by four of them and one even started to climb up my extended arm! Their hands are so soft and warm; it was quite cute.
As for what was inside the reserve, I found some great play toys, including a zip line, suspension bridge, and slide. I had a great time exploring the little paths they had that led to more secluded areas where you could appreciate the vegetation and quiet. At the far point of the trail, there was a lovely lookout point that overlooked a beautiful quarry. I wish I could have gone swimming there, with steep cliffs on one side and the woods surrounding me on the others. Too bad there was a signal tower of sorts out there, or you could really start to imagine scenes from Hero, with epic battles fought in breathtaking environments (or maybe it was just that one scene with the lake).
All in all I had a fabulous time and if I get a chance, I’d like to go back at least once more. If I lived here for a long period of time, this would be the type of place I’d want to visit every weekend and come running through. I didn’t venture up the steeper trails since they mostly seemed to be meant for working out. I do believe I was the only person there wearing flip flops and non-athletic clothes. It’s a pity I didn’t bring my sneakers with me, but unfortunately they take up a lot of room that I couldn’t exactly afford. Too bad there are no monkeys wandering in forests in LA for me to visit.

June 29, 2009 8:34 am
Aww, i do want a pet monkey.