It’s always so sad when I see roadkill along my route. This weekend, I saw a beautiful deer on the shoulder, looking so pristine it could have just been sleeping. Unfortunately that was not the case and it made me sad to wonder what happened and why it got on the road. Over the course of the past month, I’ve seen a variety of animals including raccoons, skunks, and squirrels crushed by the side of the road. I love all creatures and I cringe whenever I come across those depressing scenes. It’s been so many years that I’d sort of forgotten about this part of roadways out here. The last time I lived on this side of the country was back in 2002 and I was just barely learning how to drive. That’s one thing I haven’t missed about life in these parts.
Speaking of all this, I’m reminded of a friend back in my high school in New York who was learning about taxidermy. As part of a research project, she needed a squirrel specimen that she could dissect and stuff. Due to certain regulations, she had to basically look for roadkill that wasn’t too smashed up. It was definitely a strange thing, to be driving around on the lookout for a dead squirrel in near-perfect condition. Lucky for her, she found one just in time to do her project. Certainly not how I wanted to spend my high school days!
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