Yay look at what came in the mail a few days ago! This is the July blissmobox, themed Summer Beauty. I had actually missed out on June because I wanted a box that was sold out by the time I went to choose. I decided to do my very first skipped month, which brought me to now. July would have been my last box (my subscription was from July 2012-June 2013, with a bonus month thrown in when I had some customer service issues) but now August will be!
blissmobox is just under $25 per month with shipping (or as discounted as just under $120 for 6 months) and comes with eco-friendly products in themes like beauty, snacks, home, pets, and more. Each month you choose from two or three themes, or skip if none of them appeal to you. They do not offer a referral program.
I went with Summer Beauty not only because of my new obsession with skincare products, but because I didn’t want nuts or popcorn or bars, which seemed to be what the snack theme would include. I like crackers, chips, cookies, candy, chocolate… 😛 I was surprised to find it fit into my tiny mailbox and that it was suuuper heavy! Looks like they rid this one of any packing material and let the items keep each other in place, which was nice.
Own Skin Health, Anti-Aging Rejuvenating Cleanser – Wow, this is one giant bottle! This would last me for ages. I’m still debating if I want to use it since I don’t really need anti-aging benefits at this point and I have a ton of facial cleansers I’m working through. I’ll keep it brand new and consider put it on my trade list. Own is a brand I’ve been interested in so I’m glad to be getting their products. I’m curious how this non-foaming cleanser works, since I’m used to (and love) foaming ones. Even ones that aren’t foaming ones seem to foam when I use them. I’ll keep it in my queue for now and see how I feel later.
Own Skin Health, Dual Protecting Day Lotion sample – This lotion smells ever so lightly of that sunscreen scent, in a nice way. It’s a nice thick formula that’s not drippy and absorbs superbly into your skin. I can see this being a perfect lotion to use when you’re going out and exposing yourself to UV rays. It definitely feels like you’re being protected, unlike with some other products I have that have SPF, but make me wonder if they’re effective. I would absolutely consider purchasing the full size of this lotion when I start running out of lotions. Once again, it’s one of those products that I have so much of right now that I can’t justify getting more.
Trillium Organics, Lemon Ginger Body Polish – Oooo I’m so excited about this! I adore scrubs, whether for your face, body, hands or feet. I currently have all of those! This is a super adorable size too and perfect to bring on travels. I might break and open this before I use up my current scrubs because I’m such a sucker for these things. I really want to try it out right away! I also want to get some of their other products to test out.
Le Buchette, Pucker Up Peppermint Lip Fix – I thought it was funny how they filled up the lip balm over the edges of tube so it had that sort of mushroom cap. I’ve never seen that before! This is a nice cooling peppermint lip balm and I was glad to see it’s good for dry lips, cold sores, and burning lips! Pretty much anything that can hurt your lips can be prevented/healed with this lip balm. I started using it right away to ward off any lip issues. The balm is very sticky and I couldn’t glide it on my lips at first. It has since gotten smoother, but is still more of a sticky formula.
Dream Water, Sleep Naturally Nighttime Nectar – I’ve got a few of these lying around now, from various subscription boxes. I’m going to try one out tonight for the first time since I want to get to sleep earlier than usual for an interview tomorrow morning! I always have trouble falling asleep at night unless it’s way into the wee hours of the morning, so let’s hope that Dream Water comes to my rescue. 🙂
Better Life, Cool Calm Collected Citrus Mint – What a refreshing lotion! The mint is very soothing and this is a great lotion to use on a hot day to help cool you down. It does apply a bit sticky on my skin so I’m not sure I’d get more. Plus, I’m pretty sensitive to mint and I already started to feel cold from the little bit I used on my hands and arms. I do love what I see on their site and it kind of reminds me of Method with their cleaning products. When I move to our new home I might want to get some cleaning supplies from Better Life.
Greek Island Labs, Joint Mud sample – Missing. So I guess they forgot to throw in that sample for my bag, which is no big deal, but it would have been nice to get! I’m going to see if they can remember to add it in to my next box, if they still have samples left.
If you’d like more info on these brands, you can click below to enlarge the photo and read more.