
laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , ,

I’ve just spent a good 3-4 hours deep in the world of community marketplaces offering all kinds of awesome products and services, powered by the individual.  These sites are empowering people around the world to become part-time (or even full-time) entrepreneurs who get to choose what they do and when they do it.  It ranges from sites like TaskRabbit and Zaarly, which offer skill-based listings, to Vayable, which offers tour listings, to Airbnb, which offers accommodation listings.  Whatever the niche, the message is clear: personalized, personable services provided by your neighbors or that local in your destination city are on the rise.

Our society is seeing a shift away from “traditional” jobs and towards the more flexible, on your own terms type jobs that are a far cry from the salaried employee.  And those people clamoring for these unconventional/unpredictable job bookings find themselves serving a consumer that has evolved too.  It used to be that consumers had to go to the store and choose from whatever was available at the time, or customers had to sit through customer service calls before finally getting help.  Now it’s all about getting what you want when you want.  Who needs to sit through half an hour of automated phone menus when you can just hire the guy in your town to install that new TV?  Why go to the store and be forced to choose from food in flavors you don’t like when you can have someone come cook for you or bring you delicious baked goodies just the way you like?

It’s service to the max, because it’s customized for your needs.  On TaskRabbit and Zaarly, you can post exactly what, when, where, and how you want things done, then choose who to do it.  Or, for sellers, you can post exactly what and how you’ll do something, then determine the when and where with the “who” who’s booking you.  The great thing about these services is that it not only empowers people to make money for doing what they love and/or what they’re good at, but it offers a better experience for us as clients.  Get a tour of a city you’re visiting customized to your interests!  Discover that perfect room to stay in that’s closer to everything you want to see than any reasonable hotel option.  Let someone else handle the chores for once, so you can relax and take time to do what you love.  Meanwhile, the people doing this work find themselves more fulfilled AND with more money to line their pockets.  It’s a wonderful win-win situation.

Along those lines, I have a similar idea of connecting people with specific needs to those who can help fulfill them.  I’m still working on the details of the idea, but as far as I’ve seen there is no other service out there that completely addresses the issue.  I’m really excited to develop it further and hopefully I’ll be sharing it with the world sometime next year!  For now, you can use your imagination to try to guess what it might be… and hey, maybe you’ll come up with another brilliant (and viable) idea to take advantage of the power of community-powered marketplaces, where everybody’s a micro-entrepreneur!

The personal chef fantasy

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Lately I’ve been daydreaming about having a personal chef at my beck and call, ready to whip up whatever I’m craving when I want it.  I even started an Evernote note listing a bunch of the dishes and types of food I like so my future chef can be prepared for all that I may request.  While my desires aren’t particularly hard to meet since my tastes are simple, it would be so nice to be able to eat exactly what I want without the normal restrictions of either having to cook the dish myself or finding that the restaurant offering that dish is not in the vicinity or is closed.  After all, I’m not a very good cook and unfortunately my favorite dishes are scattered around the country at various restaurants that I usually don’t get to go to except for special occasions.

This all started when a friend was telling me about one time when she had a business meeting with an affluent businessman who she was pitching an idea to.  He met with her at a restaurant that he owned and the chef asked her about the foods that she liked, then went to the kitchen and whipped up what she remembers as one of the best dishes she ever had.  That sort of planted this whole fantasy into my head about a personal chef, since I often crave things that I don’t have access to and/or am unable to make myself.  Most recently I had a lovely Northern Chinese style seaweed dish that is a traditional cold appetizer or side dish, which had a really lovely sauce that I wouldn’t know how to replicate.  I could track down some dried seaweed at an Asian market and mix it up with some of the sauces at home, but it wouldn’t taste anything like what was provided at the restaurant.

Wouldn’t it be great if someone could figure that all out for me?  Much like people with perfect pitch, I’m sure there are those out there who can taste a dish and replicate it almost exactly.  Then I not only save the effort of trying to figure out how to make it taste like that, but I also get to skip the whole preparing and making it process.  I’d definitely need a capable chef who can make close imitations to my favorite dishes in a broad scope of styles, including Northern and Southern Chinese, Korean, Thai, Vietnamese, Japanese, Ethiopian, Mongolian, Italian, French, British, and American spanning everything from appetizers, soups, salads, side dishes, entrees, and desserts.  Oh, and in just about every cooking method as well… baking, stir frying, broiling, steaming, dehydrating, sizzling on a platter, and who knows what else.

What I wouldn’t want is someone who is too classically-trained, since they’d probably be happier making some weird dishes that are way too classy for me.  I like simple foods – comfort food, finger food, and plain old tasty food.  I’ve never really been into steaks, I don’t like lobster, and I hate caviar.  I don’t go for “weird” body parts (I’m sure that’s all relative) and I generally am perfectly happy eating as a pescetarian, though certain dishes just aren’t the same without meat.  Oh, and I love desserts, so that’s a total must!  With that said… any takers?  😉  Well, I’m sure that one day down the line I’ll make this dream come true to some extent.  I might have to hire a couple of chefs to handle the variety though!

Traveling saleswoman

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Ever since I started selling things on eBay, my choice of products has been affected by my physical location.  When at home, I list the items we have there; when at Panda’s I list the items we get here.  These things vary based on our interests, as well as what stores we have access to.  So, when it came time for a bit of traveling, I found myself packing a suitcase full of products so I’d be prepared in case something sold while I was on the road.  It certainly made for some interesting packing!

It’s funny how I’ve become a sort of new-age “traveling saleswoman.”  Rather than traveling around the country to try to increase sales, I’m traveling as I please and bringing my inventory along for the ride.  As my needs change, I hope to one day travel to discover new products to add to my offerings.  That way I’m enjoying myself while still managing to get plenty of work done to further my business!  Plus, I can find excuses to travel to some awesome places around the world, searching for the best gift items out there.

Cat obsession

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You know, I don’t quite get what Americans think of cats. For the most part, you hear of dog-lovers vs. cat-lovers, but it doesn’t seem to be that simple. A lot of people will tell you they aren’t really fond of cats. They find them aloof, scary even. But then they turn around and spend so much of their time enjoying cat videos and cat cartoons and cat pictures. You don’t really see the same amount of attention given to dogs.

There seems to be a bit of a love/hate relationship going on here. People love to see funny/weird media regarding cats, but they don’t actually like the creatures that much? Or maybe there are just tons of cat-lovers out there who are in denial of their status. It’s all confusing to me since I’m a cat-lover! Make up your minds people!! Either way, it seems we’re a nation obsessed with our felines, good or bad.

Entrees just aren’t my style

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table overflowing with plates of food including soup, salad, appetizers, breadsticks, and pasta

I love having tons of smaller items to eat!

For a period, Panda and I were eating out consistently (something like 3 times a week).  In that time, I came to a realization after he commented that I seemed to gravitate towards appetizers and desserts.  Indeed it’s true that I tend to prefer appetizer dishes, soups, salads, bread, tapas, dim sum, hors d’oeuvres, finger foods, and desserts.  These are generally things that come in smaller portions, don’t usually include much if any staple items (like pasta or rice), have stronger flavors, and are fun to eat.  All of that make them so much more appealing to me.

Smaller dishes mean you can try out a more varied set of food and it’s all the better when you can get a sampler platter!  This also fits really well into my snacking eating habit, where I can’t seem to eat much in one sitting, but I get hungry again soon after.   I have to eat about 4-5 times a day, just a little each time.  There are probably other reasons I can’t quite pinpoint, but non-entree dishes just feel right to me.  Meanwhile, full-on main courses are over-sized (especially in America), more bland, and generally less exciting.  Don’t you think so?

What I love about AT&T

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at&t website countdown to iphone 5 pre-order launchI did a lot of research leading up to the pre-order of my iPhone 5 (I even wrote a full-on how-to about it).  One of the things that I spent time looking into was whether I should stay with AT&T or move to another carrier.  And you know what?  For all the bad rap that AT&T gets, I really think they’re not that bad.  In fact, they’ve got some great selling points that made it easy for me to decide to stick with them for the foreseeable future.  So while a lot of people may have jumped ship, I’m going to remain a loyal customer… which I’ve been, ever since the Cingular days!

First of all, I got scared when I read that Verizon customers would be losing their grandfathered unlimited plans once they went from 3G to 4G LTE.  It hadn’t occurred to me that this could be an issue, so I quickly set about looking up whether the same thing would happen to AT&T customers.  Some online searches didn’t provide the answer, so I called up customer service and spoke to a very nice lady who assured me that it wouldn’t be a problem.  Whew!  AT&T: 1, other carriers: 0.  (Oh, though she did note that I wouldn’t be able to use FaceTime over cellular since that’s only for people with shared data plans… and shared data plans meant forfeiting grandfathered unlimited data plans.  That doesn’t matter to me since I wasn’t planning on using it anyway.)

Secondly, I’ve been so used to being able to talk and surf at the same time that it didn’t even occur to me that others can’t.  I assumed it would just be something you can do across all devices and carriers, but for iPhones, the only US carrier that supports it is AT&T.  I happen to be a huge multi-tasker so I definitely put this feature high on my list of “needs” for my phone service!  After all, if I can’t look something up while talking to someone on the phone, I end up being very inefficient having to call them back or text them a reply.  If nothing else, I love being efficient.

Also, I find that AT&T has a good balance between 3G and 4G LTE coverage areas and the types of plans offered.  To the first point, Sprint I hear has limited coverage so getting a consistent signal on the move might be more challenging.  I took a look at the AT&T 4G LTE coverage map and found great coverage in all the places I’d spend 99% of my time in.  To the second point, Verizon forces new customers to sign up for a shared data plan, which makes no sense to me… explain to me again why I’d need to share data with myself?  Oh, that’s right – I shouldn’t.  Plus, there was the earlier point that you can keep the unlimited data plan if you have it already.

Granted, I don’t really use my phone for phone calls very often, so I don’t usually run into the issues that people complain about with AT&T calls dropping.  As for poor customer service, I find that when you start off the call on the right note, you can almost always get what you were looking for (assuming you’re being reasonable, of course).  In fact, I had a grand time chatting with my customer service rep the last time I was on a call!  And so it is, AT&T is most definitely the best carrier for me.

Oh yeah – one last thing: bonus points for having their site up 12 minutes before midnight for pre-orders.  If I was going to be at my normal billing address the day the phones were being delivered, I totally could have completed my order with them before the Apple Store was even ready.

A day of remembrance

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I can hardly believe it’s been 11 years. I remember how painful it was the first few years, since I had to move away to California not long after the attacks.  I left behind all my friends in New York, though my heart was still out there.  The first two years, I completely decked out in every patriotic thing I had – a Cat in the Hat felt hat, a t-shirt with stars and stripes, even flip flops with the American flag.  Oh, and don’t forget the various pins I had in red, white, and blue (some shaped like flags, some like stars).  I proudly walked around my West Coast high school, never forgetting my old East Coast life.

Over the years, I felt more and more like a Californian and my connection to New York faded slowly.  I think it was about the 6th anniversary that I no longer felt the extreme sadness that I had in years before.  Instead it had evolved to a certain type of solemnness.  And while that day is still burned in my memory (the shock on my math teacher’s face as the principal told her what happened and the time it took for us students to fully grasp what it all meant), a lot of healing has occurred in the time since.  Now I can look back without bursting into tears… though don’t get me wrong, I still feel them welling up.

We are still seeing the consequences of what those terrorists did and hopefully we can finally stop this war and find some peace again.  In the mean time, we should all find some time in our lives to honor all those who sacrificed, especially on this day each year.  Memories may fade and feelings may dull, but let us never forget the lessons of yesteryear.

Shopkicking for the sake of free

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eos lip balms in alice in wonderland theme with three flavors: blueberry potion, watermelon wonderland, and sweet vanilla nonsenseWhat would you do for free stuff? I do a whole lot of things! It ranges from driving to certain places to filling out forms to posting content on my social media accounts. One of the things I’ve really focused on lately is Shopkick, which is an app I have that allows me to earn points by going in to certain stores and/or scanning specific items they’re promoting. Through this, I earn points (which they call “kicks”) and then redeem them for stuff!

project 7 gums in fresh mint and peppermint vanillaSo far I’ve only redeemed Target gift cards and I’ve put them to good use. I just bought myself a fun set of eos lip balms – they’re the brand new Alice in Wonderland trio that’s currently only available at Targets. I then went back because I had forgotten to the get the BOGO (buy one get one) offer I’d seen for a new brand of gum: Project 7. And to think, all of that came free to me just for spending some extra time on my phone with the Shopkick app.
I still have over $10 worth of points left and I’m planning on saving up until I can redeem a $25 gift card, which I’ll use buy this awesome bungee chair at Target (when it’s on sale)!  Not a bad deal, eh?  And yes I’d totally drive out to a Target to wander around if they’re offering bonus kicks for showing up that day!

bungee chair in black and teal sold at target

eBay success

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listing of deckmyphone's fuchsia-colored iphone 4 case on ebay siteA few days ago, I decided to try to sell my iPhone cases (currently listed at DeckMyPhone) on eBay.  After all, the new iPhone is supposed to be coming out in a few weeks and before we know it, the iPhone 4/4S model will become obsolete.  Granted, there should be a nice secondary market of people purchasing iPhone 4/4S’s once the price of those drop in light of the newer model coming out.  Still, I’d like to be able to move my product as much as possible so I can then focus on getting some iPhone 5 cases to sell.

To my delight, I got a bid on the very first day AND have since sold three at the “Buy It Now” price!  Who knew that people were so eager to get a case that they’d pay over twice as much to get it ASAP.  I happily obliged and sent out their covers the day they were ordered.  I was even more pleased when I discovered how easy it is to ship with eBay, printing labels at home for packages that I can arrange for pickup if I want.  It’s like the entire Stamps.com service, but integrated so I don’t need to pay for the membership.

So far it’s been a great experience selling on eBay and I think I might start listing other random items that I have for sale.  Who knows what people might want to buy.  🙂  As for the iPhone 4 cases, I hope that this streak continues!  You can check out my listings in my personal account and my business account.  Feel free to start bidding!  😛

Air pollutants

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I remember when I was a kid, flying was a great way to admire the beauty of the world.  I adored looking out the window as landscapes passed us by (well, more like we passed them :-P).  It was so peaceful and gorgeous!  Now whenever I fly, I’m reminded of the massive change that has happened over the past two decades.  I look outside the window of the plane and see a hazy horizon.  It’s like I can see the heat rising from the earth.  Gone are those pollutant-free views of centuries past.

I don’t recall ever noticing air pollutants when I was young, except in certain parts of the Midwest where it was so hot the air couldn’t be clear and crisp.  Lately it’s become apparent that those childhood memories of looking clearly into the horizon were either far rosier than reality or the world’s atmosphere has really changed that much.  Back then, it was literally “as far as the eye could see” without all this smog or haze or whatever.  High up in the air, it was a treat to look down at our planet and enjoy its natural beauty.

In China, it’s even worse.  It feels like there’s a thick blanket of blurriness hanging over everything and sometimes it’s bad enough to be noticeable from the ground too.  At 30,000 feet I can barely make out what’s below us at times.  In fact, even on the ground taking a train ride made me wonder if the winters had always been so dreary.  I can pretty confidently say that that’s not the case – we as humans have just managed to cover our world with pollutants, haven’t we?

hazy view of ground below from airplane

Case in point: you can barely make out the winding path and rolling hills below.

I think I’d find it depressing if I was a pilot, having to watch as year after year the sky got murkier.  But then again, if you saw the gradual change, maybe you’d get used to it and not even tend to notice the way that I have after years of not flying much.  Still, it’s sad that things have gotten to this point and I hope that the future brings initiatives to restore the beautifully clear skies that I once enjoyed.

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