Domino effect or Murphy’s law?

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I usually just write about my thoughts and opinions, or include pictures and videos I find interesting.  I think it’s time for a little story – an anecdote from my childhood.  After all, stories can be a great thing for entertainment.

When I was about 12 (or maybe I was already 13 by then), I was set to return to China for the summer.  It was my first time flying alone, but I loved exploring things on my own and was perfectly happy to make the trip without supervision.  I was living in New York at the time and my parents took me to LaGuardia Airport, got me checked in, and sent me on my way.  Well, after waiting with me until the plane actually arrived, that is.  You see, it was delayed (as planes quite often are).

So when it was finally time, I got on my flight to O’Hare International Airport in Chicago.  When we landed there, I quickly exited the plane to rush to the gate of my connecting flight.  When I arrived there, I was happy to see they were still boarding.  Most people had already gone on, so there wasn’t much of a line left.  When I got to the front, the steward took my ticket and stopped just as he was about to rip off the stub for me.

“You aren’t going to Amsterdam, are you?” he questioned.

I paused.  “No…” I replied, confused.  “I’m going to Beijing.”

“Well,” he said, “this isn’t your flight.  That one has already taken off.”

Whaaaaat?!  I hadn’t noticed the sign saying this flight was headed to Amsterdam.  And I was baffled that I was so late that not only had my flight packed up and gone, the next flight was nearly ready to back out of the gate!  Oh no.  Not good news.  The steward directed me to a customer service area where I could be helped and I trekked over, for the first time unsure of my travels.  When I arrived, I found that a lot of others on my flight had come across the very same issue and were all standing in line to work it out with the people at the counter.  Frantic, I called home to talk to my parents about the disaster.

I don’t recall much of the conversation, except that they told me to remain calm and go talk to the people at the counter, then let them know what was going on.  I obediently went to stand in line and was told that the next flight out was the following day.  At this point, realizing I was a minor traveling alone, the airline sent a representative to be my escort.  They planned out the rest of my trip and called my parents, informing them of my new itinerary.  Now I was to stay the night at an airport hotel and take a flight to Tokyo, then transfer to a flight to China.  Slight detour, but that was the next available flight so there wasn’t much of a choice.

The airline stewardess sent to watch over me led me off to a room hidden away, where a whole room full of kids sat around playing with a variety of toys!  It was an awesome game room and I quickly settled in to play a Yoshi video game.  I’ve never owned a gaming system, so it was a joy to be able to play for hours.  For lunch, I was taken out to get some food at one of the food court type areas.  The lady had a voucher of some sort for me to use.  For the rest of the day I played games until dinnertime, when I was taken out again to eat.  Throughout the day, kids had come and gone as they waited for their flights.

By the end of the night, it was just me and four teenage boys left.  We were shuttled over to the Four Points hotel and taken to our rooms.  The guys each shared with one other boy and occupied two rooms.  Being the only girl, I was given a suite all to myself!  I remember it was so big I could have done cartwheels all around the place.  Now that was some luxury!  I happily got under the covers and watched some late night shows, not really caring about TV but wanting to do something.  Outside my door, a gentleman sat on a chair all night, guarding my door and watching those of the boys across the hall.  I’m sure he got a break from a colleague, but I was too busy resting inside to know.

The next morning, we all got up and headed back to the airport.  I stayed in the game room until it was time to go and by that time I’d made a friend with a Korean girl who was going to be on the same flight as me from Chicago to Tokyo, after which she would to to Seoul and I would go to Beijing.  We boarded our flight, another delayed one, and sat together for the trip.  Arriving at Narita International, we found that we’d missed our connections.  We were passed off to Japanese airport officials, who got us flights for the next morning.  With our parents informed of the new development, we were taken to a back room where the airport staff hung out.

All I remember of that place was a dingy feel with poor lighting, guys lounging around watching an odd game show that I couldn’t understand, and the air filled with smoke.  Hating cigarette smoke, I had a difficult time breathing as the guys puffed away.  It was sort of awkward, but late in the night already, so we didn’t have to stay long.  My friend and I were taken to an airport hotel, where we shared a room.  I remember looking out at the peephole to find a very cute guy sitting in front of our door, guarding us for the night.  We girls giggled over our littles crushes and chatted late into the night.

Two days after my initial departure, I finally got on a flight to Beijing.  My flight buddy had gone off to her flight to Seoul and I never saw her again.  Meanwhile, I was babysat until mine came.  I made it to Beijing after many hiccups, but there was one more small one to get through – the train from Beijing to my hometown of Shenyang was delayed!  I can’t remember who got me, but we waited about an hour for a train and by this time it was nearly 1 in the morning.  Somewhere here the details get fuzzy, since it used to take 12 hours to get between those cities, but I distinctly remember arriving at my grandmother’s door right around 4 AM.  The poor woman had been waiting up for me, as good grandmothers are apt to do.  🙂

I’m not sure if I’m imagining it, but perhaps – just perhaps, I had taken a flight from Beijing to Shenyang and then gotten driven back by 4.  It does make sense, but I can’t quite remember.  One day, I will rifle through my journal entries to confirm the details.  I hope I wrote all of it down.  And so there you go, a most arduous journey that you could attribute to the domino effect, with pieces falling down and causing the next one to fall down too.  Or you could blame Murphy’s law, where anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.  Not to say that things going wrong can’t be a beautiful thing!  In fact, for me it really was quite a wonderful experience!  I had a lot of fun and got to enjoy the type of adventure not many pre-teens can ever say they’ve had.

The big one

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Very early this morning, at 2:17 AM, there was a tremor from an earthquake that occurred just off the coast of the Hermosa Beach area.  Somewhere in the ocean, the earth moved and we Angelenos shook with it.  Panda and I were still up and felt the swaying sort of shaking motion for just a few seconds.  I watched as his laptop and desk lamp jiggled before settling.  We looked at each other, alert and ready for any signs of a larger quake to come.  I contemplated the size of the space beneath the desk.

And of course, I went to the place that gives me all the buzz – Twitter.  Plenty of others had felt it and soon enough, I found a map and details of the 3.6er.  I always get a bit nauseous when I experience a rolling quake and definitely felt a little seasick afterwards.  Kind of ironic since I don’t get seasick easily, if at all.  Then again, the ground moving beneath you can certainly be a powerful force.

Naught but 15 hours later, I was at work, closer to the epicenter of that quake when another one, a 3.7 this time, jerked our little office building.  The earthquake seemed to pretty much come from the same spot and I wonder if these are precursors to the large one everyone’s kind of been waiting for.  The one in the afternoon was far more abrupt and seemed like the shaking, shuddering kind of earthquake you see in the movies.  Usually I get the rolling wave kind of feel, which might be due to the structure of the earth beneath the areas I was in.  Panda says the LA basin’s sediment is not as hard as other areas so we tend to feel more rollers.

I hope we’re all prepared for when that scary one comes along to rattle us all, and certainly do some property damage.

Westwood Wizard

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screenshot of ucla homepage featuring tribute to the late john wooden

Screenshot of the UCLA homepage featuring a tribute to the late John Wooden. (Click for larger image, for original.)

I just learned that John Wooden died today, and what a sad moment that was.  After yesterday’s false alarm, I was hoping he’d get through this trial and make it to 100 and get that letter from the President!  How cool would that be?  But unfortunately, whatever ailed him got the better of him today and now I will never fulfill my dream of meeting him in person.  I suppose I still could, but not at the book signing I had imagined.

I wonder if part of it was because he’s lived a long, fulfilling life and he was ready to go.  Perhaps he just didn’t have the willpower to fight whatever put him in the hospital because he would be perfectly content dying now.  I think that was part of it.  Without a compelling reason to live, it’s very easy to let go.  Certainly he deserved to not have to struggle in an aging body.  After all, it seems the only thing he didn’t accomplish was being a centenarian!

It’s amazing that I can feel so sad that this man is gone.  I never met him and haven’t even read his books yet.  But there’s a deep-seeded respect that runs through every True Bruin, for he was a respectable man who led like no other in the short history of our school.  (Random thing I noted was that he’s 9 years older than UCLA.  Puts into perspective just how young our school is!)  The good thing is that I’m not sad in a bawling all over the place kind of way.  I’m sad in a “I missed out and it’s unfortunate the world has lost a great influencer” type of way.  A pensive, curious, questioning kind of way.

I wish I could have joined the hundreds of students who gathered at the Ronald Reagan Medical Center today, to pay tribute to this great legend.  May his legacy live on to inspire generations to come.  🙂

“If it was my home”

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One of my fraternity brothers shared this link today, which I thought was a compelling image.  It takes you to a map displaying the approximate area of the spill, then allows you to overlay that to whatever area you want, just to see how much it would cover if it was in your city!  Here’s a look at LA (click to see a larger image):

Fabulous food

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I’ve had a major craving for Din Tai Fung that was finally satisfied this weekend.  I’m amazed that there is only one shop in all of the country and it’s in a little unassuming plaza in Arcadia (although now it seems they have opened a second one not even a block away).  They are renowned for their xiao long bao, which are these coin purse type pork dumplings.  They have delicate skins and the insides have a juicy filling that makes it sort of like having a sip of a rich stock.  I often went to have them when I was in Singapore and hadn’t had any since I returned 9 months ago!  It was high time to see if the US store was as good as its Asian counterparts.

I was extremely satisfied with the little morsels, though they definitely could have been more filling (and given larger portions).  Taste-wise, I can’t tell the difference between theirs and what I had in Singapore, so I was happy!  I haven’t had better xiao long bao in the states.  Though come to think of it, I don’t even see it on the menu in most places.  My craving is still there, so I’m thinking I need to go back regularly.  For me, it’s worth the 30-40 minute drive and 15 minute wait.  Plus, I can take a detour on the way back to get cha for tea!  The BEST boba shop I’ve ever been to.  Now that is a satisfying meal and drink combo!

Television news magazine

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I love to watch 20/20 and 60 Minutes, which until today, I didn’t know how to describe.  So I looked it up and thanks to Wikipedia, I now know that they are referred to as TV news magazines.  They’re in-depth enough to provide good background on a story, but don’t cover every little thing going on in the world.  Perfect for when I want to hear about some of the interesting things going on in the world.  Unfortunately, there aren’t many of them (the Wikipedia article says they lost popularity to reality shows – what a pity), so after only a few hours, I’m left with wanting more.

To try to compensate, I’ve taken up shows like Dateline and 48 Hours, which pretty much only cover murder cases.  It’s starting to get tedious as I hear about death after death… what happened to things like profiling notable people or digging into recently significant events?  And since it’s news I crave, just doesn’t cut it either, with more of thoughts and looks into the future.  What am I to do when there aren’t enough Barbara Walters out there?  🙁  I wish I had the patience for other types of video media, but all I want to do is watch my two favorite shows – 20/20 and 60 Minutes.


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I’ve been noticing a lot of people who look like people I know.  Most recently is Steve Nash (Panda’s had basketball running every day, so this guy kept showing up), who looks like one of my former roommate’s boyfriend!  Or perhaps it is the other way around.  Nash, after all, is older.  And on an unrelated side note, every time I hear Nash I can’t help but think John Nash, the mathematician.  But back to lookalikes, when Yeardley Love, a college senior from University of Virginia was murdered, the picture of her they used in the news reminded me of a high school classmate.  A few months ago, I went to a concert with Panda and the second chair celloist looked just like a futuristic version of a middle and high school friend from New York!

Thanks to mobile technology, when I noticed that lady, I pulled out my phone and got on Facebook to find a picture to show Panda.  Indeed, he agreed, she did look like my friend if she was only 20-30 years younger.  I also used Facebook to find pictures of my other friends with lookalikes in the news and perhaps Panda is just humoring me, but he nodded that they did resemble the person of interest.  Is it just that when you see enough people in your life, you will inevitably come across those who look eerily similar?  Or maybe it’s just the way I am, looking for patterns and similarities.  But I really do think they look like they could have been the same person.  I’d share the side-by-side comparisons for you to judge yourself, but I don’t want to violate their privacy.


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geocaching logoYesterday Panda was feeling a bit antsy and wanted to move around.  Knowing that I needed the exercise,  I decided to go on a walk with him.  I had mentioned awhile back that I wanted to do a treasure hunt on campus, so he suggested we go do that.  You see, there’s this iPhone app called DreamWalk where you go to various places and either collect a stamp or get an instant win prize.  Each stamp is a letter and if you get all the letters to a word, you can win a prize, like an Amazon gift card or movie ticket.  Instant win prizes are some form of food that you can eat when you are in that area.  Well, the only spots on campus are for stamps for the Victoria’s Secret gift card or a movie ticket.  I wasn’t particularly interested in either, so we opted to try out the Geocaching app I had also gotten (and never really used).

There are quite a few on campus, so we headed to one near the IM field and John Wooden Center.  I had no idea what exactly to expect or look for, so I felt rather silly standing next to a bike rack, trying not to draw attention to myself while searching.  After taking a look at the hints, I was able to find it and was surprised at the huge water bottle full of little goodies!  There was nothing I wanted/needed, so I left it as is, but there were some cool items.  With our first find under our belt, Panda and I found another one to locate.  This time, he saw it and we sat there as two guys on a bench nearby probably wondered what we were sitting on the ground for.

On our walk to the next site, we came across a Star Wars photo shoot.  Darth Vader was hanging out around Broad Hall and two Storm Troopers were near the parking structure, one posing in front of a vent and one posing in a tunnel.  Amused, we stayed out of the way until people started to walk into the shots, then continued down the tunnel and into the parking structure.  There we found our next geocache, cleverly hidden (but unfortunately rusted shut!).  I spent a good 15 minutes prying the thing open because I’m stubborn and would never allow such a thing to foil me!  😛  Finally, we headed over near the Chancellor’s residence for our final one, which was in an area most UCLA students are probably not aware of.

After that, we headed back, proud of a good day’s work.  It was great to get out, enjoy the day, breathe some outside air, and be active!  In the future I definitely want to have more of these adventures with Panda (I don’t think I’d have as much fun alone – plus, it’s a perfect way to spend time together).  We even decided to do some team building along the walk back and gave each other piggyback rides, then took turns guiding one another as one person kept his/her eyes closed.  Yeah, yeah, cheesy, but we had a lot of fun bonding in so many ways!  🙂

Financial intelligence

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My mom lectured me about smart financial moves today and though I was tired and didn’t really want to think about it, she makes a good point.   I can save a lot of money if I take advantage of tax breaks, save and invest wisely, and limit my spending.   At this point, I don’t really want to think about it and plan for it, but it really is the time to start as I get a steady paycheck.  Unfortunately (and despite one of my majors being Economics), I’m not really interested in the financial field and have little patience for all the complexities of it.   At the same time, I can save a lot of money by knowing how to handle my money smartly and not pay a financial advisor to figure that out for me.

It’s a bit of a dilemma because I just don’t have the interest, but the stakes are pretty high and the ultimate benefits do warrant a closer look.  As of now I’ve been letting my Roth IRA money sit there, whiling away, but what I need to do is invest it in a somewhat aggressive mutual fund or index or something.  There are many other things to do, such as figure what areas of tax avoidance I can take advantage of (note that that’s not the same as tax evasion, which is illegal).  I need to put in a lot of time and effort into this area, but I just don’t have the interest.  I wish I could just let someone else handle it, but why spend good money on something I can learn myself?

At least if I start early in my working life (like now), I’ll be setting myself up for a better future that will be able to ride out the periodic financial downs.  I just wish it wasn’t so complicated.


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It’s the time again, when people’s sinuses get the best of them and somehow spring brings with it no shortage of colds.  I got sick last week and coughed my way through many days before the temperature of the office was thankfully brought up to less than freezing.  Interestingly, the guy sitting next to me was out sick the second day I was ill, then when he returned the following day, the guy next to him was out!  Must have been passed on between us.  😛  One of the guys at a company we work with told me he got sick and was out yesterday too.  Yeesh, the bug is getting around.  Have you gotten it?

Now this week I’m not sick, but my nasal cavity is still not at its best.  This morning I lost my voice a bit and this week Panda has been borderline sick as well.  I joked that since I probably gave it to him, I’m not going to get it back from him – no tag-backs, right?  So I’m not afraid of getting sick again, but I do need my throat to cooperate before I’ll be back to normal again.  It sucks when you sound like you’ve just woken up throughout the entire work day.  I’ve been drinking warm water and wearing two jackets all week, but obviously that hasn’t worked as quickly or effectively as I had hoped.

So all you healthy people out there, beware!  Eat some extra fruit, drink some extra water, and stay warm.  Before we know it, this will all be over and summer will be in full swing.  I can’t wait!

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