Sooo I’ve been trying REALLY hard to find blogs to follow, but something is wrong. The blogosphere is not quite as I had hoped. I recently joined 20 Something Bloggers after this sudden motivation to start connecting with other blogs. So far I’ve been keeping a low profile with this blog, with just about 15-25 unique visitors a day. I haven’t told many of my friends about this blog (except recently, when I was publicizing the whole job competition thing), I don’t really follow personal blogs (I seem to lean towards news and other informative ones), and I haven’t really made any blog friends (except for some loose acquaintances, but pretty much the “blog friends” I have I knew in real life first).
I’ve come across a few decent ones that I may or may not follow long-term, but nothing that draws me by the belt loops and makes me want to them like a faithful puppy. Is there something wrong with me? Do I just not connect with 20-something bloggers as well as I’d hope? Perhaps I should be looking elsewhere. I’ve met some really nice gals so far and started to read their blogs, but it seems that I only obsess about things I find on ABC7, like 20/20, and CBS, like 60 Minutes. Once I get into those, I stay up all night reading. Blogs? Not so much. Perhaps my standards are too news-focused in this blog search. Perhaps I need to learn to read less educational and informative in an immediate way. Perhaps I need to learn to connect with my peers a little better.
I don’t really know what it is, but it is somewhat frustrating to read blog after blog only to find much of the same. Drinking, partying, fashion, drama, sex, complaining, and cursing. None of which I’m interested in. Is that what my generation is all about? Or there’s a blogger who writes about entrepreneurship, which is great, but his pompous tone is just too annoying for me to read regularly. Plus it seems everything for him comes back to sex and materialism, neither of which I want to hear about. In fact, I ended up going from one girl’s site to the blog of this lady, the Pioneer Woman, as she calls herself. Her entries were far more interesting to me than all the opinionated ones of those my age. Then again, I always had a soft spot for the countryside, snow, animals, and farms (or ranches I guess are close enough).
I know there are plenty of great blogs out there that I would love to read! Now where are they? I need some help navigating the blogosphere. Having been a loner for this long, I don’t know what to do with myself and there’s no instruction manual for me to turn to! Then there’s also the problem of RSS feeds… I’m the “send me an e-mail when you post” type of person, but most people just have standard RSS feeds, which means I’ve been adding them to the Google Reader that I don’t use. Great. Now I need to get used to yet another thing to check on a consistent basis! Can the reader perhaps e-mail me a daily summary? Hmm…