One day I looked at my KOR hydration vessel to find it covered in bubbles.
How fascinating.
One day, Panda noticed a cricket on the wall. He immediately wanted it out, but I saw that she just needed a warm place to stay. Besides, being a female, she doesn’t chirp, so she wasn’t bothering anyone by being there. Plus, crickets are considered good luck in Chinese culture, so I figured it’d be nice to have her around the place for a bit. We eventually compromised by capturing her and keeping her in a ventilated container. Panda didn’t like the idea of her running around the place and I didn’t like the idea of shooing her away.
We read that they like to eat rotting food, so I figured the pear core from earlier that day was suitable. Oh yeaaah, doesn't that mold look appetizing?
Well, what an intense night it was, what with an electrical transformer exploding underground, shaking the buildings in the Glenrock meets Levering intersection. Panda and I were happily enjoying our dinners when I swear, the entire building swayed a few feet and then snapped back to its normal position. For some reason, I thought it was something like a dumpster that got rolled off the roof. It certainly sounded like it, but the movement of the building only made sense in retrospect, when we found out that it was due to an explosion. The boom was louder than the sonic boom we’d experienced back in August or so (then again, that sonic boom came from veeery far away). At first we weren’t sure what to do and I peeked out the porch to hear car alarms going off. Panda called up a coworker and then reported it to the police, who’d gotten wind of it just minutes earlier.
As Apartment Coordinator, it was his duty to make sure his residents were alright and go find out if we needed to be evacuated or anything like that. So, we headed out to see what the commotion was all about. I went straight outside to take pictures, hoping to practice my photography skills in the dark! Out on the street, people were all gathered staring at the steam (and smoke?) rising from a manhole in the ground. Let me tell the rest of the story with pictures… (click pictures for full size)
This is the scene we were greeted with not long after the explosion. The steam is rising from the manhole that got blown off.
The ambulance soon gave way to the firetruck, which lent its hose to the efforts. Apparently there was a bit of a fire going on underground.
People kind of just stood around dumbfounded as they talked to each other trying to figure out what happened.
I never saw what they used this hose for, but I guess they needed it underground to fight the fire the transformer set.
We went back to the room after the hubbub and things were quieting down until the lights went out for us too (buildings on another street over had lost power with the blast)!
The firetruck with the bright lights seemed to have retreated and we were offered a darker view of our surroundings.
I thought it was cool how the lights faded away into near pitch-black darkness. You don't get that much in the city!
The parking enforcement lady was brought out to guard this part of the road and redirect all traffic.
What a night it was! I have concluded that I should definitely get a tripod to go with my future DSLR… but these night shots turned out so much better than they would have on a normal point and shoot. 🙂
Check out the Daily Bruin article that came out just an hour after the event, then the one written after more information was gathered.
The past week has been really hard on me, as the pressure to get a job grew and my parents and I had a tiff over my sleeping pattern and job search, among other things. So, it was an absolute blessing that Opportunity Green was holding a retreat over the weekend. One of the Board Members owns Casa Barranca, a fabulous estate out in Ojai. People who had contributed to the Opportunity Green Conference back in November were invited to either stay the weekend or swing by on Saturday or Sunday to hang out. Tucked in the hills of Ventura County, in a gorgeously maintained house from the early 1900s, I got to spend my weekend relaxing, enjoying nature, and chatting with some really amazing people.
Can you believe it was only her first time teaching? She did a fantastic job and should totally be a yogi.
And for more pictures of the weekend… I’m quite proud that some came out looking nearly like a DSLR took them, or so I think!
Check out these awesome coasters recycling paper into a great new use! I think I remember reading they were from Vietman or Thailand or something.
I was trying to capture how there was a perfect little paw print on her leggings, but the angle isn’t quite right.
We seriously expected some sheep to be grazing here. I thought we were continuing over this hill, but thankfully we cut down the mountain before then.
Jealous much? 😉
Is it just me or were these fish acting more than a little weird?
Some of the cool things that were at the 2009 Opportunity Green Conference! (Images linked to the website of the maker, if known.)
AdVinylize saves billboards from the dumps by making useful bags out of them! Plus you can get straps made of seat belts, which is oh so comfortable.
KOR "hydration vessel" made from BPA-free plastic and designed to make drinking water a better experience.