Gosh, I meant to share this a month ago right after Chalkfest occurred in Reston, but somehow the time just flew by! There are always a ton of activities happening in the town center and this was one that my company, Canvas, decided to participate in. They got a space for our graphic designer to to add her contribution to the event. Check out what she drew starting the day before the event and a bunch of other chalk art from that day:

This is the space for Canvas, right as things were getting started.

A few hours later, I took a break from work to check in on things. Making good progress!

As my colleagues were leaving work for the day, they stopped to admire the drawing.
Here are some of the entries from people of all ages and artistic abilities… what’s your fav?

On the right, the maze was drawn by a 42 (or was it 47?) year old man, which was amusing.

Someone went rogue and drew in the pathway, just to make their mark.

This was one of the professional artist entries. I believe it won first place!

Woo hoo! The Canvas owl got third!!

We wandered into the Apple Store for a break and discovered the game of Threes. I’d say we did pretty well.

There was a random lady walking around with her snake, which attracted a fair share of folks.

It was so sad to see people had trampled all over this and messed it all up! #rude

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