Alright, here’s my 4th box of the 6 free ones I won. This time there was no info sheet again so I’m wondering if last month was just an exception?
Conscious Box is just under $20 per box (or as discounted as just over $203 for an entire year, with options in between) and comes with many samples from about a dozen brands. Choose from their Classic, Vegan, or Gluten-free box. Boxes are sent monthly with no option to skip. They offer a referral link program.
This month the imagery was bright and warm, exactly what I associate with August. It’s actually quite cool here in the DC area, which is surprising for this time of year. I want more heat before summer’s out!! If you’d like to watch the video of the unboxing, you can check that out too.
I’ve tried the Sneakz drink before and it was ok but not something I’d get, so this time I’m chilling it to see if it tastes better than at room temp. I’m horrible at taking supplements and boosting my health that way, so the Amazing Grass raw reserve, MRM veggie protein, Nordic Naturals omega-3 jellies, Ultima replenisher, MRM Digest-All, Herbal Zap immune support, and Allimax pills will all be great to try. I’ve had the Stash tea before and I enjoy just about any type of tea so I’ll definitely drink that. The happytot bars will be perfect to bring to my new job for a boost in the mid-afternoon. I’m attending training this coming Monday/Tuesday so I will pack these! I’m not a morning person and I almost never eat breakfast (it jump-starts my metabolism and makes me hungrier throughout the day) so I’ll probably have the Barbara’s Snackimal cereal and Country Choice oatmeal as snacks as well. Or, they might be given to Panda for his morning meal. This time around there was a lot of food! The only non-food item is the cute little Actz Cosmetics soap that is banana scented. I’ve never had skincare smell like banana before and I love it!
What did you receive in your Conscious Box this month? Would you enjoy what came in my box?