I’m sure any of you who have looked carefully at a Chinese face have noticed that our eyes are shaped vastly differently from our Caucasian counterparts. We have these crazy eyelids that kind of fold into themselves from the eyelash area when we open our eyes, whereas Caucasians have a crease at the top of their eyelid where the skin folds in. Sometimes we’ll get this crease in the middle of our eyelid, toward the bottom and our eyes will start to fold in from there. Well, in Chinese culture, it is considered attractive to have that look, which is called “double eyelids” because now it looks like there are two parts, separated by the flap.
I naturally do not have double eyelids, merely single ones, but as a child, if I rubbed my eyes a lot, sometimes I could get a temporary crease. When I went back to China after high school, I took some glamor shots at a studio, where they taped little clear crescents onto my eyelids to simulate the look. It was fascinating to me that they would do that and I’ve always wondered if it really does look better. It certainly gives my eyes a little more dimension and now eyeliner applied along the top layer of lashes wouldn’t get buried in the depths of my eye when I opened them. It makes for more “Western” eyes, which, perhaps, is the point? It feels weird though, to have this crease in my eye, with skin folding up around it and sometimes I wonder if it’s one of those things like a displaced joint that needs a little boost to get back into place. There’s certainly a kind of pressure there and opening my eyes larger makes that feeling even more pronounced.
Sometime while I was in Singapore (and I didn’t notice at all), I somehow developed a double eyelid. That’s right, just one. So now my eyes are uneven (much like everything else in my body) and I wonder if one eye looks bigger because of this incongruency. It’s kind of cool and it has been pretty permanent, but I wonder how long this will last. Will the other eye change too? Will this one go back? Or am I stuck with one single eyelid and one double eyelid? Since I have no idea how I got the first one to begin with, I have no idea how to make my other eyelid like that, or undo this one. I guess it’s fun though, to observe the differences side by side and feel the differences when I open my eyes.

August 18, 2009 6:29 pm
Have I mentioned how strange you are?
Plus, do you know how much effort these western women put into getting that “slant” in their eyes? Some of them only put eyeliner on the outer half of their eye so they can get that slight “rising” look. WTF? I’m happy as I am. I have round eyes, with a slight upward slant and a bronze tan. Come on, sister dearest, we’re hotties 😉
August 19, 2009 2:04 am
Hahah why thank you. I think. 😛 Yes, I do have strange thoughts. Hence, the lack of cohesive theme. I won’t even try to change that.
Ah yes, I’m quite happy with being me, but gosh, I certainly can’t help but notice a lot of nuances…
September 12, 2009 9:18 am
I’m white and i have the exact same problem except it makes my eyes look extra un even! i’m hoping i develop another one because the single eyelid is harder to keep open haha.
December 2, 2009 7:17 pm
I also have one single and one double eyelids. I never really thought about them different as any other eyes until my mom mentioned it to me. None of my caucasian friends noticed when I told them about it but it makes me kind of self concious. I finally told myself that it’s just the way I am and how unique I am. I really don’t know if it’ll change, but you should stop worrying about these things! 😛
December 12, 2009 9:29 am
Ie have the exact same problem too , it gives mie a lot of problem when ie have makeup on ,ie have to figure out how to get them to look the same . Mail me if ue have tips 🙂
December 12, 2009 4:49 pm
Gosh, seems like a lot of people have this “problem.” Well, let’s just say it gives us character. 😛
December 30, 2009 9:16 am
I was just researching this and I got on this site!
One day (over the summer), I woke up and bam, one eye feels different than the other.
I think it’s extremely difficult to get top liner on the single-lid eye but…that’s okay!
December 30, 2009 11:53 pm
Haha, it does happen suddenly, doesn’t it? What a strange phenomenon.