I have this thing for pillows. Ever since college, I’ve just loved to pile my bed full of pillows. I lay on them, I hug them, they keep me warm, and of course they keep me from getting neck cramps. I’ve had really soft ones and more firm ones, some small ones and some large ones. I’ve had one made to look like a Tootsie Roll and now I have a HUGE bear one! I also have a fantastic body pillow that has saved me from many a night there the blanket got away from.
I don’t know what it is, but I love when my bed is bustling with pillows. In fact, sometimes they take up more space than I do and I end up getting buried in them (but hey, I don’t mind!). I’ve actually wondered if I could get a bed set within a high frame so that I could kind of swim around in all the blankets and pillows on my bed without worrying about pushing them off. It’s annoying when things fall off the bed, which is why I prefer having my bed pushed against a corner. Then I can throw all the pillows I want on them without constantly losing them to the ground.
At the moment I have seven pillows with me, though three of them have made it to the floor. Alas, even with two sides of the mattress against walls, pillows will slide off the bed on their own. It just can’t be helped!