I'm quite sure that's where he sneaks in.
For many weeks now, at least once or twice a week I will arrive in the office in the morning to find a “gift” left behind by one troublesome gecko, who seems to think that my desk is his personal toilet. At first it was a little dropping in the middle of the desk, but now I’m finding far more messy sloshes that make me think this sucker has diarrhea or something. It’s quite annoying since he’s started to poo on my papers, which means I’m constantly throwing things out. There was even one time this week I found some on the handle of my scissors! It’s really quite annoying and disturbing and I wonder why it always comes to my desk. Does my desk have a particularly appealing arrangement? Is it just because it’s closest to where he enters from? Do I leave some sort of odor that he likes? We thought it was because I’m under a beam, but Lorry’s desk is as well and he’s only been visited twice.

Isn't that nice?
I’ve been trying to put myself in its position to understand what is causing it to choose my desk night after night. But of course, I don’t really know what or how a gecko thinks, so I’m left with a lot of unfounded and untestable theories. Lovely. Many people have been telling me various remedies for keeping them away (dried fruit peels of a citrus nature), but I don’t exactly have oranges lying around that I can peel and dry. I considered slathering a bit of my lotion along the wall border and the things it targets most, but I’m afraid it will actually like the sweet smell. Whoever knew a little gecko could be such a nuisance? All this time they were just cute and sort of wall ornaments that scurried around, but now I don’t like them so much.
Sometimes I wish I could put video surveillance on my desk at night and watch remotely what exactly happens. Does he come just to leave something on my desk? Does he linger around and in the process leave his business here? I’m quite curious if he comes for the purpose of pooing or if there’s something else and that’s just a remnant of his visit. Then I can decide if it’s malicious intent or unfortunate coincidence! Not that that really changes anything, but hey, a questioning mind wants to know.

June 25, 2009 3:45 am
Well, to us Pacific Islanders, the gecko is a lucky thing. A house without geckos is either haunted, or just a bad place to live. No one wants to live in a house where geckos don’t reside.
June 25, 2009 6:46 am
Haha, but do they HAVE to poo on all my stuff?! Can’t they be like a good kitty and use a litter box? :-p