I waited to write today until I got back from an afternoon with Brandy (of MommySplurge) and her kids. It’s the first time I’ve gotten to meet up with a blogger, so that was pretty cool. She was kind enough to invite me over to hang out with her family and play around with the Homegrown Collective box she got. Yippee! Of course I totally forgot to get a picture with her, but here’s a little review of our day:

As we poured the lip balm, a thin layer dried on the jar. Were we supposed to us that? There was extra so we used a little tin with no lid. Looks so professional!

Once again there was extra for the lotion bar so we made an extra sliver with the lid. They’re still cooling!
After all that was made, we spent quite some time chatting and playing with the kids. I got worn down pretty fast, after playing firewoman, hide and seek, and dinosaurs. Brandy even got in a short nap. 😉 I don’t know how she keeps up with the kids! Will there be a nanny in my future? I might need one!

Since I’d brought items to share/trade, Brandy offered me these!! I’m sooo excited because they were both items I’d really wanted to try. Thanks lady! 😀

I got to take home one of each of the items we made today! AWESOME!! I know you’re jealous of my scrub, lip balm, and solid lotion bar. 😉

August 12, 2013 6:52 pm
I am so embarrassed! I just passed the heck out!! A 1) wants some socks, I totally forgot and 2) wants you to come live with us.
I’ll come back & drop a comment with the full review when I have a chance. I had SO much fun. Please come back soon! Although I cannot promise I won’t fall asleep on you again. The children are exhausting.. Next time we will go to the mall after opening boxes! Or go to the mall while we wait for box delivery!
Brandy @ MommySplurge recently posted..Newest Additions: Subscription Box Coupons & New Boxes
August 14, 2013 10:09 pm
Hahaha! No worries, I am just amazed at how you are able to keep up day to day. Next time I will bring back the socks! They are adult size though, so she’ll just have to play with them or grow into them… lol. Aww your kids are so sweet. I really enjoyed visiting! Ooo a trip to the mall sounds great – I stopped by the Costco and was very curious about the rest of the mall. 🙂
August 14, 2013 10:17 pm
Coke Zero. Seriously. I am highly caffeinated. Which is why I fall asleep when I sit down. If I’m not working, I zonk!
The rest of the mall has a Target & an Elevation Burger. Those are our main stops. Plus the Party City outside the mall, the kids are wild about it. We haven’t been since Friday, which is weird.
Brandy recently posted..August Misto Box Review
August 14, 2013 11:39 am
My post is up!
I had so much fun!
Brandy @ MommySplurge recently posted..July Homegrown Collective Review – The Beauty of Coconut
August 14, 2013 10:09 pm
Awesome! What a blast. Thank you so much for inviting me!