Part 1 of a 3-part series from pictures taken at the Huntington Library & Gardens. Click to see the whole image.
- Teeny little strawberry growing under the protection of the leaves.
- You don’t often see flowers so blue/purple.
- A huge bush with lots of flowers.
- Among those flowers was a giant black bee buzzing around.
- The bush was also teeming with bees pollinating.
- I spot two pomegranates in a tree!
- It’s a fuzzy plant that looks like it belongs in the lettuce or cabbage family.
- Hidden amongst all that fuzz was a grasshopper perfectly camouflaged.
- We went into the greenhouse and immediately came across these bean pods.
- Do the leaves turn this dark red when they get old?
- Funny how they dangle, yet their petals grow up and expose the stems (versus most plants where the petals protect them).
- I’m thinking these are plantains? Or do bananas grow upwards as well?
- These are for you to see how certain plants have seeds that will float along with the wind.
- Our friend Opti spun too hard and blew it all the way to the top, where it got stuck.
- I pose with these huge highlighter yellow flowers.
- I think this is a root of some sort.
- Well, now I’m not so sure it’s a root. What are they??
- In the kid’s garden, there was this sculpture of a tortoise that I decided to get a ride on.
- Trying to maintain my balance while being told by Panda to smile.
- It looks more like a vegetable than a fruit to me.
- The baby versions of that vegetable-looking plant.
- I love plants like these that eat bugs!
- It’s a quite a long way to the bottom. I think I see some bugs in there.
- These have quite the design on them.
- Now these are my favorite plants! The one and only Venus flytrap.
- Check out those little claws. So delicate yet so menacing.
- Here’s a magnified look.
- A little camera was available for taking a closer look.
- And here’s that plant with my camera’s zoom.
- Looking up to see what there is.
- This flower hadn’t opened yet, but I could get a peek inside.
Click here for the next part.