At work, the CEO ordered Loot Crate for the first time, just to see what it was like. Upon checking it out, he decided he wants to get a subscription and reward one employee with a box each month, for something that they’ve done. I happened to get this first one because of a strong presentation I gave at the company All Hands recently, plus all my work to get Slack launched for our internal communication. I thought the “Covert” theme was perfect for Panda, who is nerdy like that.
Loot Crate is $13.95 per box + $6 shipping/handling (or as discounted as $215.40 for an entire year, with options in between) and comes with a variety of tech/geek/gamer gadgets, gear, collectibles, and apparel with themes. Each box comes with a booklet about the contents and a collectible pin. Boxes are sent monthly with no option to skip. They offer a referral link program to earn money towards free boxes.
James Bond t-shirt – Ah yes, of course a nod to one of the most famous spies in pop culture. This is a fun t-shirt, though it came in the CEO’s size, which is about two sizes larger than Panda or I. Maybe we’ll have to give it back to him for wearing. It’s cute and a design that works for movie buffs and tech geeks alike.
Orphan Black Sarah comic – I’m not into comics and I got kind of confused trying to read this, so I’ll leave it to Panda or anyone I meet who shows interest in comics. I don’t quite get how it fits the theme – perhaps all the secrets the character has or discovers.
Field Notes notebook pack – These are adorable! I love stationery so this is right up my alley and if Panda doesn’t take notes with it, I will. I thought it’d be particularly hilarious for him to take with him on his training, but he was unwilling. Too bad.
Blink Time Stealth wrist watch – At first I thought this was a fake watch, but then I found that you press the face of it and it lights up the time in red! What a fun gadget and totally spy-worthy. Again, I tried to get Panda to take it to training (unsuccessfully).
Spy Mad Libs – These are always hilarious, so it’ll be fun to go through! Maybe I’ll play with my coworkers for a laugh sometime.
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. badge and lanyard – I saw a bit of this show and I guess they have quite a following. I’ll probably use the lanyard for other things and leave the badge for decoration.
Paracord Survival Bracelet – This is the coolest multipurpose thing. I love that it’s a bracelet so you can easily wear it around, but then you can unravel it to use for survival purposes.
Loot Crate March 2015 Covert pin – Panda’s really into pins for some reason, so we can add this to his collection…
[This post contains affiliate links. Signing up through them helps support me and I’d be ever so grateful. 😀 All opinions are my own and I received no compensation for this review. I just received this box as a gift and wanted to share what I got!]