Swarming seagulls

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Something in the water must have been miiighty tasty!

swarming seagulls from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Geeky cute

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robot earbud wrap with googly eyes

penguin retractable earbuds

iplunge plunger-shaped iphone stand

yellow angry birds iphone case

365great Day 6: shea-infused socks

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365great challenge day 6: shea-infused socks

Fun, soft, playful footwear with a twist.

Bath and Body Works has these understated shea-infused socks that I think are just amazing. I don’t even like wearing socks, but I enjoy wearing these. Perhaps it’s the novelty of the idea – shea outside of lotion and in my socks?! Does it feel greasy? Will it leave marks? Is it effective? It certainly raises my curiosity about the product. I absolutely couldn’t resist getting them (and some adorable slippers!) when I got a chance to get a decent deal, since they felt so soft and silky. They’re very soft and fuzzy, don’t leave any residue, and seem to do well with keeping my feet from drying out.

To me, these are the perfect indoors socks. I can lounge around in them comfortably, keeping my feet warm and hydrated, plus I don’t have to worry about slipping when I’m on smooth ground (due to the non-skid bottoms). I particularly enjoy the slippers because of their extremely low-rise design that clings to my heels just so. I’ve always wanted socks like that! Plus, the designs are just so cute they make me smile every time. Finally, I’ve found socks that actually make me happy! Isn’t that just great?

Night owl syndrome

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Oh how my mind races at night. When the darkness surrounds me, my head is filled with ideas. There are fewer distractions from the outside world, so I can really focus on all the research, writing, learning, brainstorming, planning, organizing, and doing. For whatever reason, my energy levels and alertness start to pick up around 10. It doesn’t matter if I’ve eaten or not, had any sort of caffeine all day (usually not), gotten enough sleep the night before, or what I was doing leading up to that time. Naturally, I start to work better, even think better (and certainly focus better). I can write my blog posts and clean out my email and read those articles and prepare my eBay listings so much better.

Why? I have no idea. All I do know is that if I try to sleeping around 11 or midnight, I’m doomed. Doomed to lay in bed tossing and turning, unable to shut off the river of thoughts flowing in my head. Eventually, I’d have to give up and get up so I could write down all those ideas before I had to come up with them again. When I was young, I never understood how people could just fall asleep. It took me a minimum of an hour of laying there, staring into the darkness, trying to calm down my mind before I could drift off. Then I went to college and learned what some intense sleep deprivation can do! Suddenly I was packing my life with so much activity that I could finally sleep soon after laying down. But then again, that pretty much only happened after midnight anyway.

Nowadays, I don’t have a strict sleeping schedule and I’ve found myself on a shifted schedule from the norm. I still get 6-8 hours of sleep a night, but umm… well, my “nights” are actually days. I don’t know how it started to shift so drastically, but I found myself sleeping around 4 or 5 am, then 6 or 7, and even a couple of days past 8. I tried to deprive myself of sleep so I would be tired earlier in the day, but that didn’t work out. Apparently 4 hours of sleep is still plenty enough to sustain me. Alas, the only thing that really worked was going to China. Whether it was being on the opposite side of the world or in a completely different cultural atmosphere, I was able to wake up naturally around 7 or 8 in the morning and become tired around 10 or 11 at night. Unfortunately the same doesn’t hold true when I shift from PST to EST and back (which I do every 2-3 months).

This week, I was miraculously feeling somewhat tired around 2:30 one night, so I turned off my computer and settled in with a book. I probably read for half an hour before starting to drift off to sleep – amazing! It worked a second time but then I fell off the wagon… I’m going to try that again tonight. Wish me luck!

365great Day 5: BzzAgent

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365great challenge day 5: bzzagent

Always providing full size free products to try!

With all the ways to get free things, few are as rewarding and hassle-free as BzzAgent. All you do is fill out surveys so they can best match you with products, then wait to get invited to a campaign. Once you join a campaign, you’re sent a full size product (or coupon for a full size) to sample and you’re encouraged to share your thoughts about it/them through social media channels, in person, and in any other way you see fit. I can’t believe I hadn’t heard of this site earlier, since I usually find out about cool new sites pretty quickly. Once I did and saw how legit it was, I jumped right in. I went crazy connecting my social media accounts, filling out their surveys, and looking around to see what I could do to maximize my opportunities.

As I let it simmer, I went about my business until one day about two months later – boom! An email in my inbox invited me to the MorningStar Farms campaign, trying veggie burgers. I got a coupon and went to my local store to pick out any flavor I wanted. It was so exciting! Not long after, I got invited to some beauty-related ones, including Schick’s Hydro Silk razor, Garnier’s Olia hair coloring system, and most recently, Garnier’s BB cream campaign. I love how you always get a full size of the products to try and there are no mandatory activities to do. Plus, it’s completely free unlike many other “free” offers where you need to spend money elsewhere to earn your free reward. Ultimately, BzzAgent really impresses me with their reputation; I know that I can trust them to make me feel valued and not make me jump through hoops just to get a teeny tiny sample. This is how sampling programs should be, and that’s what makes them great!

In plane view

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I’m always fascinated by what you see from a plane, whether it’s the jetstream, another plane, or the slow-mo look of waves.

frozen tundra & jet stream from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

plane sees plane from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

ocean waves from plane from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

365great Day 4: Squishable

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365great challenge day 4: squishable

Wrap your arms around some cuddly balls of love!

Squishable makes adorable, huggable stuffed animals. These aren’t your typical children’s toys, however – they’ve got an avid adult fan following. The appeal might be the almost perfectly round shapes that the characters take on, or the extremely soft and cuddly materials. I can’t quite pinpoint it, but when I discovered them I knew I had to have one for myself, even though I had never spent anywhere near $38 on a plush animal before. You just can’t help but love these balls of fluff that are practically begging for a hug!

There’s something magical about wrapping your arms around a cute character that’s soft AND fills up your “arm space.” I mean, think about it: how many things actually fill up that large circle that your arms can create? In fact, I can’t think of a single other product that does that. Perhaps that’s their secret! Combine that with high quality products, great service, and a well-managed online presence to get a serious near-cult following. The brilliance of the simplicity of their presence yet effectiveness of their brand is what makes them great to me. And of course, Squishables themselves are great in and of themselves!

365great Day 3: TED.com

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Do you thirst for knowledge? TED.com is a great place to satisfy that urge. If you’re not familiar, TED stands for “Technology, Entertainment, Design” and it started off as a conference, but has evolved into so much more. Initially the conference brought together people across those three fields, but now it has grown into many branch-off conferences and best of all (in my opinion), the website. It’s like YouTube for curious minds who want the latest knowledge from forward-thinkers.

365great challenge day 3: ted.com

Watch ideas worth spreading at TED.com!

What I love about TED.com in particular is that it allows access to talks from leaders in their fields. Most people will never get the chance to attend a conference of this caliber (or maybe even any conference at all) so this is a great way to share, as they put it: ideas worth spreading. There are some truly inspirational, informative, and innovative ideas shared in this forum and everyone should spend some time watching the videos. In my never-ending quest for knowledge, TED stands out as an excellent resource. The fact that they offer so much valuable information for free, well that’s what I find great.

Neko font

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After reading about Neko font on Catsparella, I couldn’t resist trying it out! I wonder if I can make letters based on the positions of my own cats… must go investigate now.

mary qin spelled out in neko font using cat images

mary qin spelled out in capital letters in neko font using cat images

My favorite by far: the Y!! The lettering looks better and better as it gets smaller, so try looking from further away! 🙂

365great Day 2: Yuzen

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365great challenge day 2: yuzen

Sending yu a little zen” – Yuzen

Yuzen may technically be a subscription box service, but they’re really in a league of their own. What sets them apart is that they focus on inner well-being rather than external beauty. The products they choose for each box are not only eco-friendly and more sustainable, but high-quality items that make you feel better when you use them. Whereas many other boxes focus on beauty, food, pets, or other physical themes, Yuzen stands alone in their quest for something more emotional and abstract: zen. As their slogan goes, they’re amazing at “sending yu a little zen.”

I’ve been subscribed to them since their first box in July of 2012, and I even got involved as a Yuzen Ambassador because I admire them so much. They are the only brand that has positive reviews across the board – people love their carefully chosen products, beautifully presented boxes, and excellent customer service (all of which promote more zen!). Their standards are top-notch and the care and love they pour into everything they do shows. That’s what makes them so great.

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