A little horseshoe keepsake with my name and the date. 🙂
Birthday memorabilia
iPhone camera blur
Yesterday, my iPhone’s camera started acting up and wouldn’t properly focus. The result was what you might call “soft focus.”
I first noticed it when trying to take pictures of Missy being cute (and trying to take over my laptop).
Tonight I watched the Cirque du Soleil show based on the Beatles and I realized that with no context, I probably shouldn’t have seen it. I know maybe two Beatles songs and absolutely no history surrounding them, except that they were widely popular a long time ago.
So there I was, trying to absorb everything when none of it made any sense. Instead I found myself focusing on the raw talent and technique of the performance, which had its moments but overall seemed like a lot of dancing. When I go to a Cirque performance, I expect shows of strength, flexibility, and precision beyond spinning around on the ground.
Spinning in the air is definitely good! That’s probably why I liked the Lucy song routine, where a girl was flying around and a guy was maneuvering a weighted wheel with a ladder attached. Another great scene was the roller skating on ramps – total show of skill!
So for those who are Beatles fans, I think it’s a great show to watch. For those without that background knowledge, it’d be advisable to either skip the show or really learn about Beatles songs beforehand. It’ll make the experience so much better!
Quiet Christmas
This year the holiday season hasn’t quite felt real. Perhaps it’s the lack of Christmas decorations, wrapping and exchanging of presents, or a family vacation. The sense of festiveness and warmth just hasn’t struck me this time around despite the celebrations I see going on around me. Instead, I’m spending some quiet, peaceful time with Panda. It’s nice in its own way, but it’s something to get used to – soon enough, Panda and I will be creating our own little traditions that make this time of year special to us.
For so long now, this was the time of year that my parents and I got together pretty much without fail. Whether I flew out to China, they came here, or we all went somewhere new, my dad always figured out a nice little vacation for us. We’ve enjoyed some wonderful breaks as a family and it’s definitely a major reason why this year it doesn’t feel like it’s that season already. Plus, it’s one of the rare times when I don’t actually “take” a vacation. My days don’t change much and I’m still doing much of what I was earlier this month. There is no traditional work or school to get away from, or crazy schedules to pause. And so this year feels decidedly less exciting.
Of course, there are still some festivities planned that have yet to come, including a trip to Vegas and a day at Knott’s Berry Farm with Panda’s family. Also, there are some old friends to meet up with while we’re all in town! While the past week has been quiet and relaxing, this last week of the year will pick up a faster pace. Before we know it, 2013 will be upon us and I do look forward to what it will bring. I have plenty of ideas and I’ve got to get motivated to push forward with some. Might as well join the pack and set some solid resolutions to help push me along.
I got a wonderful fortune cookie that says: “Your work interests can capture the highest status or prestige.” Yes, please! It’s time to make that happen in 2013!
Cat naps
You know what makes me happy? My adorable cats, sleeping the day away. It brings serenity to my life. 🙂
cat dreaming from Mary Qin on Vimeo.
Sometimes when Missy’s sleeping really soundly, she’ll twitch or move like she’s running or (like in this case) eating.
napping cats from Mary Qin on Vimeo.
Brilliant sunset
Well, we made it past the “end of the world” today. 😉 While it does seem that the world is getting crazier, what with intense weather patterns and increased violence, I certainly don’t think we’re anywhere near the end of it. In fact, I’d like to think that we’re in a slough right now, getting overwhelmed by the pace of change. It’ll take us time as we continue to adjust to things like how to truly connect interpersonally in the digital age, how to conserve and reuse resources efficiently enough to not run out of them, and the like.
Oh, and don’t forget today was the winter solstice! As the shortest day of the year and the traditional “official” start to the winter months, it’s supposed to be a day where you feast. After all, you’ve got to get your body prepared to weather the long, cold days ahead! I certainly enjoyed a large dinner tonight. I’m looking forward to enjoying the final days of the year, including a trip to Vegas and Knott’s Berry Farm with Panda’s family, a nice quiet birthday dinner with Panda, and a peaceful New Year’s Eve with the cats as we ring in 2013. May it be filled with victories, joy, empowerment, and enrichment.
Air show
What is it about a zooming aircraft that so captivates? I love air shows, even if I only got to catch a glimpse.
booming performing plane from Mary Qin on Vimeo.
Celebrations & challenges
Oh, 2012. It’s been quite a year. There were a lot of highs and lows, ranging from glorious celebrations of love to frustrating work-related challenges. The year started off normally, then started to dip as I didn’t find enough growth in my career. So, I decided to quit my job and pursue my entrepreneurial dreams. I then got a chance to attend my first wedding as an adult, watching my cousin get married in a lovely event. From there, I began to work on my own ventures, with great highs of productivity and excitement and great lows of little motivation and progress. What this new lifestyle did afford me was a lot of self-reflection, personal growth, and time with Panda. What it hasn’t afforded me (yet) was the satisfaction of succeeding by “normal” measures.
It’s definitely been challenging and there seems to be a bit of an inverse relation between quality family time and substantial career growth. While it’s been a strong year for family, it’s been a weak one for work. I mean, we all know it’s hard to balance the demands of home and work, but I know it can be a better balance than I’ve managed thus far. I’ve enjoyed and appreciated the time I get to have with my parents when they’re in town, with Panda when we’re together, and with my cousin who has come to study in the US. However, I constantly feel judged for the lack of a job that I have and my whole “self-employed” status. Granted, I haven’t been as motivated and hard-working as I could, but there’s a lot I did do that nobody really knows about.
I’m struggling a bit right now to find my way and figure out where to focus my efforts. My eBay endeavors have reached a plateau and it doesn’t require as much upkeep anymore, so I need to decide what my next thing will be. I did just get contacted by someone with an opportunity that could potentially lead to something rewarding, so we’ll see how that pans out. In the mean time, I’ve been doing some work for Yuzen and should probably put some more time into that. Now that it’s the end of the year and the holiday season is in full swing, I’m finding it hard to really plan too much more work for the rest of the year. Between travel plans and birthday/holiday celebrations, I’ll probably be pretty busy. That doesn’t mean I won’t be thinking and strategizing about the future the whole time!