My context

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How do you remember things in your life?  I’ve always found it to be a roundabout process to recall what year something happened.  First I think what I was doing at that time and tie it back to a location – walking to the bus stop while reading (St. Louis, MO), riding my bike into town (Brewster, NY), or playing in a beautifully large backyard (Topeka, KS)?  Once I pinpoint the location, I am able to identify what grades I must have been in: preschool (Pennsylvania), 1st/2nd/4th (Kansas), 3rd (China), 5th-7th (Missouri), 7th-10th (New York), 11th-14th & 16th (California), or 15th (England).  I then need to think of what year it must have been based on what grade I was in.  What a mess!

Similarly, when I recall what age I was when something happened, I think of the situation based on location, tie it back to a grade level, then calculate how old I was .  I’m not sure why it’s such a lengthy process, but that’s always how I’ve drawn on memories in my life.  It makes me wonder how other people who don’t move as much do it, since much of their memories would tie back to the same location.  They seem to do it much better too!

Today someone put on 90’s music at work and one song came up that was of particular interest.  Each song that I recognized put me back to a place and time in my life when I heard that song most prominently.  Backstreet Boys took me back to the summers I spent in China with my cousins and extended family.  Destiny’s Child took me back to the fun I had biking down a huge hill by my house in New York.  TLC took me back to getting driven to swim practice at the YMCA over in Connecticut.  Tupac took me back to the lounge I studied in my first year at UCLA (yeah, I learned of him later in life).  I wouldn’t be able to place a year on when those songs came out, but I could definitely get close.  Somehow other people seem to be able to remember just what year it was though.

I’ve never understood that ability and I wonder how I will remember things if I don’t continue moving around a lot.  When everything merges into one physical space, what cues will I use to differentiate between time periods?  The way I’ve put my life into context for over two decades would become irrelevant.  I’m sure I would adapt, but at this moment I can’t fathom how.  So I wonder, how do you do it?

Water game at Legoland

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Squirt the frog with the water gun!

Inbox overload

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I have accumulated over 11,600 unread emails in the past couple of years and I’ve found that the larger that number gets, the less I want to look at any of it.  I’ve unsubscribed to a bunch of newsletter that I found I never read, yet still I get overwhelmed with the ones that I did decide to keep.  I tell myself I’ll get around to them when I have time, but really, when do I have time?  Any free time I have is generally spent unwinding with a mindless game or show.  It’s certainly not time that I’d want to look through emails!

Still, I really do want to go through and clean out my inbox so I can actually tell when I have new mail.  Once you start getting thousands of unread messages, it’s really hard to remember if it was 10,502 messages when you last checked, or 10,507.  So do I actually have some new emails to look through or did I just remember the number wrong?  Who knows.  I’ve completely given up looking at how many unread messages I have.  I check infrequently enough that it’s basically guaranteed I’ll find some new ones each time I log in.  Perhaps whenever I am waiting around in line, I will check old emails and get rid of unnecessary ones rather than play a few seconds of a game.

I’ve always had a preference for spring cleaning rather than a daily ritual, and my inbox is no exception!  Problem is, my inbox has yet to see a springtime that inspired me to clean it…  Well hey, I guess I’ve got myself a resolution for this year then.  In fact, I think I’ll tackle some of it right now.  Wish me luck!

A feast for your skin

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Right before the holidays, I suddenly found myself in possession of a lot of skincare items! I am excited to try all of them out and see what works for me.

first burt's bees goodie bag i got, with shea butter hand repair cream, pomegranate line-smoothing eye cream, burt's bees wallet, res-q ointment, peony lip shimmer, face towel, lemon butter cuticle cream, pink blossom tinted lip balm, watermelon lip shimmer, beeswax lip balm, aloe body lotion, royal jelly eye creme, and royal jelly day creme

I ordered a grab bag from Burt's Bees, which was supposed to include 14 random items. When I received this and found it wasn't quite complete, I emailed them to complain.

second burt's bees goodie bag i got, with shea butter body lotion, weather-proofing lip balm, sweet pink lip shine, burt's bees wallet, res-q ointment, caramel lip shimmer, face towel, lemon butter cuticle cream, pink blossom tinted lip balm, watermelon lip shimmer, baby bee dusting powder, milk & honey body lotion, and royal jelly day creme

I didn't hear back for a long time, but suddenly got an email saying my items were re-shipping for free! So I got another bag, with some repeat items, but also many new ones. 🙂

bare minerals items ordered from sephora, including deep cleansing foam, purely nourishing moisturizer, mineral veil, face brush, blemish therapy, and blemish brush

I also treated myself to a kit of skincare products from Bare Minerals.

Sea monkey munchkins

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Check out my recently-hatched baby sea monkeys! They have since tripled in size and increased in entertainment value. 🙂

Wisdom teeth

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My wisdom teeth started to bother me today and now the back of my mouth is sore.  I think it was because I decided I wasn’t brushing well enough back there so I gave them a good scrub.  They definitely weren’t used to all that action and I think my gums got inflamed.  I’ve been holding off getting them pulled because it’ll cost a pretty penny, but I’m really getting tired of the crowded feeling I have in my mouth.

Back in China, I was going to have them removed, but then I changed my mind when I realized I might not get to enjoy the food there if I went through with it.  I thought it’d take a week or so to recover, but as I later found out from my parents, it could have been fine after a day or two.  Oh well, it’s too late for that now!  Unfortunately they’re bothering me these days, so I really want to get them out.  I’ll have to review my coverage and see if it’s worth it right now.

I’m very tempted to find something to prop my jaw to help ease the tension, but what is there?  I tried using gum for awhile and also putting food on that side of my mouth to chew so I couldn’t accidentally bite my cheek.  Those solutions proved too temporary for my needs.  Maybe a night’s sleep will reduce the swelling and make me forgetting about those annoying buggers.  Why didn’t I have them removed long ago??  I’m regretting that now.  🙁

Watery footprints

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poolside water footprints

Panda and I compared footprints by the pool. Guess which belongs to me!

Silly superstitions

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It didn’t even occur to me it was Friday the 13th until a guy at work said it today.  The number thirteen has actually been my favorite number since fifth grade, when we had numbered cubbyholes and I was #13.  My second favorite number is 19 because that was the box that the guy I liked had!  Haha, funny how some things really last in your life.

Well, since it was a day of superstition for much of this country, I thought I’d share a video of one of my cats.  When I was choosing them this summer, I specifically went for the dark ones because they don’t seem to get adopted as much.  I now have a gray and a black cat, both with some white accents.  I don’t know why cats get a bad rap, especially black ones, but at least they are lucky and respected in some cultures.  In this video, Missy (the gray one) was really enjoying the tag on my new Victoria’s Secret shirt.  She’s a curious and playful one!

Writing challenges

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Yesterday was the deadline to apply to Stanford’s Graduate School of Business in the second round (there are three rounds each year and you can apply in any single one you choose).  This entire week, I had been working to perfect everything for my application, particularly my essays.  I had found the Harvard Business School essays to be easier to tackle, with only a few rewrites.  When it came to Stanford’s though, I was a mess.  Let’s take a look at both schools’ prompts:


  1. Tell us about three of your accomplishments.
  2. Tell us three setbacks you have faced.
  3. Why do you want an MBA?
  4. Answer a question you wish we had asked.

Stanford GSB

  1. What matters most to you, and why?
  2. What do you want to do – REALLY – and why Stanford?
  3. Tell us about a time when you made a lasting impact on your organization.
  4. Tell us about a time when you generated support from others for an idea or initiative.

I felt like Harvard’s were more practical and Stanford’s were more emotional, if that makes sense.  What made Stanford’s challenging for me was how personal those first two are.  It was really getting to the core of what is meaningful to me and it’s hard to express something you believe in so deeply.  I had to work backwards, first sharing stories of my workplace successes, then tackling what I want to do and what matters to me.

The first versions of my responses to questions 1 and 2 came out extremely idealistic.  I realized that I sounded like my mind was in the clouds and my feet weren’t on the ground.  I knew I had to present things in a more concrete manner so the selection committee could see the logic behind how what mattered to me drove what I wanted to do and why that all tied into going to business school.  Unfortunately, I cared so much about properly expressing something so close to my heart that nothing sounded right.  I would write a paragraph and start the next only to decide that I wanted to add a paragraph to the beginning instead.  I labored over those two for so long!

Finally, I was satisfied with how the second essay came out, but I was still pretty stumped by the first.  How do you share your greatest dreams without sounding unrealistic?  Again and again, I would rewrite my response to that question until I started to create a structure that made sense.  I then made the very smart move of sending my writing to Maven for a proofread.  One of my greatest challenges in writing essays is making everything flow.  I tend to let my ideas out stream-of-consciousness style, which usually results in random connections and scattered ideas.  He was able to help me reorder some of my sentences to make my structure infinitely better!  At that point, I was finally ready to turn everything in.  I had put forth a great effort and now it was time to officially apply to one of the most prestigious programs in the world.

I feel so relieved now that it’s in and strangely, I’m not really nervous about decision day.  That’s probably just because it’s still over two months away!  As the time nears, I’m sure I will nervously anticipate the news and hope for the best.  I can really see myself going to a top business school and excelling.

Late night detour

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It was late at night and I thought I’d be free and clear to drive down the 405, but of course they were doing construction and we got routed off the freeway onto Sepulveda.  I was pretty tired and the little caravan of cars all following the detour was amusing to me at that point.

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