Chinatown discoveries

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cute panda slippers

machine and person making fortune cookies

Strangely motivated

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Last week, I was innocently checking in to various listings on Yelp as I always do, keeping unofficial tabs on where I’ve been.  When it came to the 405 freeway, I found to my dismay that someone had ousted me from the Duchess spot (you become the Duke or Duchess if you have the most check-ins)!  This got me all riled up.  I refused to have someone beat me out like that, so I started a check-in war.

To better understand the context of this, let me lay down some of the rules we have to follow:

  1. You can check in to any given listing no more than once every 4 hours.
  2. You can only check in when you are within 1 mile of the listed address of the listing (with some exceptions).
  3. You can check in no more than 25 times in a given day.

So, immediately I started checking in every 4 hours or so.  Of course, life would get in the way and it wouldn’t happen that much, but I did log multiple check-ins a day.  I reasoned that I’ve driven up and down the 405 hundreds of times (if not over a thousand by now), so all these excess check-ins are making up for previous visits.  Thankfully, I live and work in an area within a mile of the freeway, so I can check in throughout the day without having to move.  I also don’t check in to places arbitrarily – I like for my check-ins to actually reflect my visitation to whichever listing, so I rarely ever get up to 25 check-ins in a day.  That’s a lot of places to visit!

Well, unfortunately it appeared that little Ms. Piggy saw that I was catching up to her, so she started checking in full force as well.  I call her that because she doesn’t have a real profile picture, but just a cartoon pigging saying something about pigging out.  Every time I’d check in after a few hours, I’d find that she was also checking in to keep her lead.  This went on for about three days and I was getting just one or two check-ins behind, but then came the weekend and my trip to NorCal.  While I was away, I wasn’t able to keep the pressure on her, but it appears that she eased up as well.  Maybe she thought I had backed down and let her guard down.

As soon as I came back from my weekend trip, I was checking in again at maximum capacity and today I’ve managed to tie her at times and be one check-in behind at others.  By tomorrow, I think I can take her down and reclaim my title as Duchess of the 405 freeway.  Once that happens, I plan on continuing until I have a healthy lead that reflects the hundreds of times that I have driven the 405.  It’s a silly little thing, really, but this really brought out some of the competitive edge in me.  I am not going to give up on this mission!  Why it means so much may be beyond most people, but it’s a fun challenge for me.

Bubbles gone wild

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They started off normally, but then this happened…

crazy screensaver from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

In pursuit

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I couldn’t help but search after this cat. It’s like a Where’s Waldo puzzle for some of the pics! 🙂






A lasting impression

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I watched both seasons of Who Do You Think You Are?, which chronicles the journeys that celebrities take while tracking down their family histories.  One thing that stuck with me is that so often, they would find parallels in their ancestors’ lives and their own.  That made me think about how a certain trait can get passed down many generations, not necessarily just genetically, but behaviorally.  After all, the environment you grow up in greatly affects the environment you will create as a parent and I believe that a lot of those childhood influences stay with you for life.

Whether it’s an adventurous spirit or a strong foundation in faith, it’s more than just a genetic component.  It’s pretty cool how much of ourselves we can see in our pasts.  It makes me think of what imprint I will leave for future generations of my family.  I’m sure a certain stubbornness and inquisitiveness will shine through, and hopefully a fair share of entrepreneurialism or at least enterprising efforts as well!  I wonder if my willingness to be the exception and stand out will be shared over generations.  I am confident that education will be strong in our family.  I certainly expect post-graduate degrees!

I’d like to see what I can find out about my own ancestry and if there are hints about the type of people I came from.  I don’t know the quality of the records in China, since a lot was probably lost or destroyed over the years, but I can start with what my parents and grandparents remember.  It would be nice to know what I came from.  Were my ancient relatives scholars or farmers?  Were they poor or well-to-do?  Could I even have a connection to a historical figure or royalty?  Who knows!  I’m curious to find out.

I’d also be interested in doing a DNA test someday, to show me a breakdown of my ethnic heritage.  As far as I know, I’m pretty much all Chinese, though part of that originates from the Mongols.  That’s pretty normal in Northern China, since the Mongols invaded back in the day and became the new “Chinese.”  Who knows, maybe some Mongolian ancestry was also mixed with Russian or Eastern European?  There’s just a wealth of information that I am interested in finding out and I hope that future generations are just as interested as well.

Bagpiper on wheels

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I just missed recording these guys biking around bagpiping. Very interesting entertainment at the National Mall in D.C.!

biking bagpiper from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Recycled dragon

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recycled plastic bottles pieced to look like sea dragon

A recycled plastic sea dragon decorates the floor at the Opportunity Green Conference 2010!

entire view of sea dragon made from recycled plastic bottles

I love how it goes into the ground like you'd expect Loch Ness to do.

the length of dragon made from recycled plastic bottles viewed from front side

Can you believe an elementary school class made this with their teacher?

side view of head of dragon made from recycled plastic bottles

A side view of the head. They captured it really well!


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I finally got inspired by the desire to read again, so Panda and I went to the Santa Monica Library on Saturday and I got two books. Currently I am reading about the Ritz-Carlton and how they continue to be a world-class institution, which has reminded me of my interest in what makes good service.

I often notice areas of improvement with every company I deal with, whether it’s Apple or a local restaurant. The only exemplary service I can remember receiving more recently is from my Chase Sapphire Visa Signature card. I’m not sure if it was because it was a Sapphire or a Visa Sig, but I didn’t have to wade through touch-tone menus to speak to a person and my issue was resolved quickly, without hesitation.

Compare that with most experiences, with a lot of navigating that ultimately ends with being on hold for a long time. Good service can go a long way to build customer loyalty and a positive brand name. If only more companies invested in the anticipation and satisfaction of their customers’ needs so that we’d all be happier in dealing with them.

I really look forward to someday experiencing the “Ritz-Carlton Mystique,” as they call it, and getting a glimpse into what going above and beyond AND above and beyond even more is like. And I hope I can build a business that has a culture as rich and rewarding as theirs appears to be.

Elevator IN

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error message on elevator with up arrow and IN blinking

Ok, explain to me why it says in but we can't go in...

Tawny fellow

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Check out the 270° rotation!  So cool. I’ve never seen a owl in real life before.

tawny owl from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

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