Check out the worms in the background (also very vertical) that look like cousins of the clown fish.
vertical fish from Mary Qin on Vimeo.
Check out the worms in the background (also very vertical) that look like cousins of the clown fish.
vertical fish from Mary Qin on Vimeo.
I haven’t wanted to spend the money to get internet service at the apartment, so I’ve been using whatever signal I can get. Unfortunately, this results in a lot of disconnecting and extremely slow loading. It’s getting to the point where I need to use an alternative solution, or just give up using the internet extensively while in the apartment. My first hope is to find a nice neighbor with enough bandwidth to share their network password with me in exchange for a portion of their monthly cost.
I don’t want to have to deal with a setup cost for internet I’ll only have for a year, so I’d rather split the cost with someone who has already set it up anyway. I just hope I have some nice neighbors who’d be willing to do this. Roomie refuses to go ask, so I wonder if it’s an American culture thing for each unit to stay separate and not share amongst each other. I really hope I can avoid incurring a cost that isn’t wholly necessary by making a new friend with the neighbors! We’ll see how that goes.
It’ll be nice to finally go on Skype, watch a video, and do other things that haven’t been working for me lately. The frustration of getting kicked off AIM just might have to be avoided by paying up, sadly. That’s a good $200 each* if Roomie and I split a service – quite a hefty sum at the end of it all.
*clarification: for the year we’re at the apt, not per month!
The view of a plane from a plane!
plane flying over plane from Mary Qin on Vimeo.
Got up just past 5 today to go to the airport and thank goodness I go to work late! I got a nice power nap in before work (nearly 2 hours’ worth!) and felt so refreshed. I don’t know what I would have done if I hadn’t had that extra time to rest.
I read once that a 6-minute power nap is just as effective as a 20-minute one, but I wonder if time taken to fall asleep was counted. Sometimes you can’t just crash right away and need some time to drift off. I’ve found that I seem to feel best if I sleep for an even number of hours. Getting 6 is ideal, 8 is hard to come by, and 2 or 4 is not quite enough.
I’m feeling very tired now though and totally ready for a full night’s rest. 🙂
You know that phrase, “sing like nobody’s listening”? This bird took it to heart. The video didn’t quite capture how he was going on this crazy warbling run. I assume it was mating season, so he actually wanted to be heard. 😛
warbling bird from Mary Qin on Vimeo.
My aunt and uncle are visiting from China and I’ve been taking them around LA. It’s keeping me busy, so no time to write! Tomorrow we’re going to San Diego and it’s going to be a long day, so I’m going to bed pronto. Got a busy day ahead. 🙂
Our second day in the Bahamas was supposed to be on those islands you can see way in the distance, but with weather like this, we couldn’t dock and spent the day at sea instead.
choppy seas from Mary Qin on Vimeo.