Aromatherapy packs

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I’ve been commuting 3-4 hours a day for over two and a half months now, so I decided to get these aromatherapy heat/cold packs to help ease the strain on my overused muscles. I had initially tried to find one of those mall kiosks that sold them, but it seems they don’t exist anymore. After some research online, I settled on just buying a set (for only $30!) since it seems they all use the same ingredients: natural grains (flax seeds, I believe), lavender, chamomile, cinnamon, peppermint, lemongrass, clove, yarrow, spearmint, yellow dock, valerian root, and white willow, all in a 100% cotton fabric.

The 4-piece set comes with a shoulder wrap, lumbar belt, lavender eye pillow, and peppermint sinus pack. Can you believe they used to sell these things for $145.80?!?! I never would have bought them at that price. Thank goodness I am getting them way after the popularity wave waned and prices are substantially lower and more reasonable. I do hope that they can help make my poor right leg and glute feel better.

set of aromatherapy packs including neck, back, eye, and sinus packs

It finally arrived! My set of aromatherapy packs to help ease my weary muscles.

Alumni mentor

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Tonight I met my mentees for the UCLA Alumni Mentor program!  It was really fun and I’m looking forward to building strong relationships with them.  As far as I know, we’re on our own now that we’ve been matched up, so I’m going to come up with some fun things we can do together over the course of this year.  I’m really looking forward to learning about these two that I have been matched with.  One is a first year just embarking on the college experience and one is a fourth year, getting ready to transition out.  I hope that I have some useful insight to offer them both!

I remember back when I was a fourth year, just returning from a year abroad in England.  I had opted to live on campus again and many of the friends I made in the rooms around me were first years.  I think it was then that I started to really have some mentoring kind of role.  I had amassed a lot of knowledge in those years of undergrad living and had so much to share about not just the UCLA campus, but college life in general.  It’s crazy to think that they are now fourth years.  In my mind, they’re still first years, full of energy and inexperience.  But alas, they have grown so much and learned a lot over these years.  It’s pretty cool.

I hope that I prove to be a good mentor, even if I am still pretty fresh out of college.  Last year I opted not to participate because I felt I didn’t have enough to offer – no real world experience, no full-time job, or any of that “grownup” stuff.  This time around I was eager because I’ve been working for many months now and I’ve had some really great experiences since I left college.  Between that and all the internships and jobs and student organizations I have under my belt, I feel like I can contribute something useful now.  It’ll be a learning process for me and them, and I’m glad to have this to look forward to and plan for.  🙂

Buddha’s Belly

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I really enjoy eating at Buddha’s Belly in Santa Monica because of the atmosphere, the Asian fusion food, and the chocolate fondue dessert! The last time we went, Panda got one of the ever-changing specials and I tried a classic dish.

me with pad thai dish at buddha's belly

Mmm, a succulent pad Thai dish.

pineapple fried rice served in a pineapple at buddha's belly

It's pineapple fried rice, in more ways than one!

Party himo

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It’s really hard to see, but a white himo drove by me (Hummer limo) with this crazy open back area that I swear had a hot tub or mini pool or something. And of course it was just glowing like crazy with blue lights.

himo from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Foreign desire

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I have these dreams, dreams of living abroad.  I’ve mostly done so fleetingly – a few months here, a few months there…  It just hasn’t been enough to satisfy my hunger for immersing myself in another world.  I love the slower pace of life in many European villages.  The land brims with history and meaning and the weather is fantastically real.  None of that 300 days of sunshine per year business.  It’s a charming set of countries, each with a rich culture to share.

Mostly I want to go back to England and live there for another year or two.  There’s something about the quaint village tucked away in a quiet corner of the country that holds an appeal for me.  Actually, it doesn’t even need to be that out of the way.  When I was studying abroad at the University of York, I found the town of York to be a wonderfully refreshing place.  Cobblestone paths meandering throughout the town and twists and turns that left me utterly confused much of the time.  It took a long time to really understand how one road could lead me to a shop that had previously taken me four or five turns to get to.

Though it tended to be colder than I would have preferred in the warmer seasons, the cold seasons were gloriously filled with hot nourishment, scarves, fuzzy socks, and all the trappings of a frigid winter.  It was easy to connect with nature and enjoy life when there was a lake to stroll by (granted, it was man-made), rabbits to spot, a horse in a field who loved carrots and apples…  Beauty was all around me and I was very happy with where I was.  I even had time to cook and try out some dishes I had never made before.  Some Sundays, my flat would get together for a meal of roast meat, steamed veggies, and Yorkshire pudding and gravy.  Oooooh Yorkshire puddings!  How delightfully crisp, yet soft they were, with just the right blend of sweet and savory flavors.

I can imagine a similarly peaceful and satisfying life in Southern France or Switzerland as well.  I could definitely retire to one of those places, but before that, when I’m still young, I want to return and live out a few simple years.  I have shared my desire to live abroad with Panda, who fully supports it.  There’s just one glitch.  This is a life I imagine with him by my side, so I can share these pleasures with him.  Unfortunately, with his chosen career path, he will likely not only be in the U.S. the entire time, but he’ll probably be with the same organization until he retires as well.  Where’s the room for travel and living abroad?  Virtually none, really.

So how do you reconcile that?  Therein lies the dilemma that has been troubling me ever since this desire to live abroad again began to resurface.  And so we shall see what compromises will have to be made over the years.  For now, I have my dream and a stubborn resolve to find a way to satisfy both my wants and his.

Colorful gift

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rainbow maker in clear box, from smithsonian

The Rainbow Maker that Panda got me.

happily holding new gift - rainbow maker from d.c.

The proud new owner of a Rainbow Maker, direct from the Smithsonian, I believe.

I can’t wait until one day I have a cat again – this will be great entertainment for it! And it would be great in some sort of a sun room…

Hong Kong nightline

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The skyline at night!

expansive hong kong skyline at night from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Not “that pregnant”

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Once upon a time, when I was at the intersection of Gayley and Strathmore driving into Westwood, a pregnant woman was crossing the street in front of me.  To my friends, I commented that I never wanted to be “that pregnant” and they laughed, arguing that there were no degrees of pregnancy – you either were or you weren’t.  But alas, they totally missed my point!  I have absolutely no interest in my belly bulging so much that no shirt will cover the lower part of it.  I don’t want to be that pregnant.

Then, recently on radio they spoke of the “very pregnant” Alanis Morisette, which implies that you can be more (or less) pregnant than the average woman.  Hah!  I thought to myself.  She is very pregnant; I don’t want to be.  It was a little bit of vindication for a viewpoint that my friends did not share.  Sure, biologically you either are or are not, but that doesn’t mean that when you are, you can’t be more or less.  I’m just sayin’.

Pom-tastic treat!

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Look at what I found waiting at my front door today! 🙂

pom-a-gram box from pom wonderful

Ding dong, deliveryyy! What's this? A Pom-a-gram?

pom-a-gram opened with pom wonderful sign inside

There's something (pom)wonderful in here...

"mary if you were a fruit, you'd taste sweet, just like this pomegranate" message inside pom-a-gram

Aww, a SWEET message. 🙂

pomegranate peeking out from under shredded paper packaging

Peeking out from under the packaging is the tip of a lovely pomegranate.

big red pomegranate

Mmm, so plump and red! And it's a wonderfully chilled temperature from the cold outside. I can't wait to eat it!

Fall(ing) leaves

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ginkgo leaves turning brown on tree

The ginkgo leaves fade from green to yellow to brown as the season changes and they begin to die.

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