Finding myself

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As I apply to MBA programs, I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching. All this introspection makes me take time to really consider what it is that matters to me and what sort of person I want to become. It’s a great exercise that I feel like we should all do more often.

So as Stanford GSB asks, what matters to me and why? So many things come to mind: empowerment, collaboration, change, balance, diversity/uniqueness, fulfillment, compassion. Each of these because of how they enable us to improve our lives, to be better versions of ourselves. Ultimately, I think it boils down to empowerment. When people are empowered through education or resources or connections, they can take themselves to a better place bit by bit. And aren’t we all pursuing incremental improvements that will culminate into a life that we can look back on and be pleased with?

For years, I’ve yearned to find my calling. I’d watch shows, read articles, and hear interviews of successful people following their passion as if answering a calling. Many of them spoke about how they’ve always felt the deep desire to (fill in the blank). Meanwhile, I searched and searched for my calling. Was it animals? Nature? Photography? Travel? Blogging? Entrepreneurism? So many options seemed compelling, but no single one stood out to me above the others. I was trying so hard to get a little bit of everything I wanted.

Recently, in writing my essays for my MBA applications, I’ve finally figured it out. What is it that I can spend hours reading about, thinking about, talking about? Sure I love animals and I volunteer with insects, I take photos all the time and love getting that amazing shot, and I have been blogging for years… but I don’t engross myself in science articles or photo editing or blogging tips the way I do business articles and interviews.

When it comes to business – in particular, management principles, hiring practices, and above all – culture, I am obsessed. For me, culture drives everything. Culture determines the type of people you attract, the way they behave (and therefore the output they’ll create), the effectiveness of your brand, etc. etc. etc. I literally devour everything I find mentioning anything related to company culture, hiring, and training. I could sit (or stand, or walk) and talk about ideas around these concepts for days. I constantly have new thoughts that I add to my every-growing ideas document.

While I often get distracted by the many other things I am passionate for, I don’t spend nearly as much time and energy on any of those topics. This is how I know that the thing I would get up in the morning for above all else is the opportunity to cultivate an amazing and likely unconventional culture. To do that, I want my vehicle of change to be empowerment. By creating mechanisms through which people are empowered with the knowledge or resources or contacts they need, I can help them become better people. Better people thrive and feed into a culture that is supportive, collaborative, and empowering. And thus the cycle goes, building upon itself and sustaining itself even as it grows.

I’m still finding myself, but this time spent being self-reflective has given me a lot of insight into who I am and who I aspire to be. I’m starting to notice the patterns in my life that draw from an underlying current that I hadn’t observed before. All these seemingly disparate choices have come together to paint a clearer picture of what motivates me. I have gained confidence in what I should do with my life because I can now see the forces that have been there all along, creating the themes that define me. Now I just hope I can clearly articulate to the admissions committee!

When I dream, I don’t sleep well

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Every now and then I’ll remember a dream. It’s a pretty rare occurrence that I do not try to encourage.

Whereas many people seem to enjoy remembering a dream, or at least find my wacky ones interesting, I always hope that I can wake up with no memory of my mind’s nighttime escapades. It’s not that I don’t like remembering the dreams (though sometimes they are a bit nightmarish) – it’s just that it always seems to happen when I’m not sleeping well. So whether I dreamt because I didn’t sleep well or I didn’t feel like I slept well because I dreamt, it’s just not a good combo.

It started in my first year of college, when I decided to start writing down my dreams. I rarely remembered them, so it was pretty cool when I could. Not surprising, the more I wrote about them, the more I remembered them. It went pretty much as I expected. What I did not expect was the sheer exhaustion and lack of energy I felt from those endeavors. I was completely drained when I woke up and it only got worse. I had never noticed it because of the infrequency, but once I started to consistently wake up remembering my dreams, I quickly noticed that it was not good for my sleep.

So I stopped.

Now I’ve gone back to remembering perhaps a dream or two a year, and I like to keep it that way. For all the fantastical things that are happening in my mind at night, none of that is worth waking up unable to stay awake and function throughout the day. I’ll keep my dreams in lala land, thank you very much.

Do you have this problem too? Or do you recall your dreams with no effect of your awake life?

Julep December 2015: All Night Long Collection review

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I’ve been skipping Julep for most of the year, but you know how sometimes you get that itch to buy something? So when I was looking at this collection, I kept wavering because I didn’t really want anything but I kind of wanted to get something. The problem was that I wanted different things from different boxes – being grandmothered in to the old plan meant I could pay by box at the cheaper rate, but I couldn’t customize. So guess what? After a long time holding out, I finally upgraded to My Maven, which allows me to customize my box (but charges me 3 months at a time to retain the same cheaper rate). Alas, they got me.

Julep ranges from just under $25 to $40 per box based on tier (or as discounted as just under $20 to $35 per box when prepaid three at a time) and comes with combinations of nail polish colors, skincare products, and beauty products (depending on your style profile choice). They offer plenty of upgrade and add-on options too. Boxes are sent monthly unless you choose to skip. You also have the option of gifting your box to a friend. They offer a referral program that earns you $15 store credit per referral.

julep maven december 2015 all night long collection box contents

December’s All Night Long Collection box with add-on

your cuticles look thirsty Fast-Absorbing Cuticle Creme
I’ve wanted this for a long time. I’m not sure exactly why it appeals to me so much and I do have cuticle oils that I haven’t used up, but perhaps the combination of the name and the cream made this totally intriguing. I absolutely love it! Just a small bit is enough for all my cuticles and it absorbs so nicely to really soften the area.

it’s whipped Matte Lip Mousse in smooch
At first I thought, “Oh, another lip product,” but then I read the description and was completely caught off-guard by the mousse part of it. Lip mousse? What?! And I do like the matte look, so I really had to try this one out. I’m glad I did because it’s awesome! Great pigmentation that feels delightful and applies so well. My lips may get flaky with lipstick, but not with this.

Polish colors in Beatrice, Elsa, and Judy. I couldn’t pick between the metallic shades of Beatrice and Judy, so I got both. I knew I wanted Elsa for the fun snow-like look! It’ll be great on top of other polishes.

julep all night long collection card and discount offer card

The All Night Long Collection cards.

julep it's whipped matte lip mousse information card

The info card with details on the matte lip mousse collection.

I’m really happy I ended up getting this box and custom choosing what came in it. I might have to get another one of those lip mousse things! They’re so fun to use. See what happens when customers get to help develop product?

Join as a Julep Maven to get polishes and/or beauty products sent to you monthly! Use code FREEBOX or FREEMAVEN to get the first box free (you pay shipping).

[This post contains affiliate links. Signing up through them helps support my subscription and I’d be ever so grateful. 🙂 All opinions are my own and I received no compensation for this review. I just purchased this box and wanted to share what I got!]

Treatsie November 2015 review

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This came before my Thanksgiving trip, so I brought along the chocolates and cookies for the plane ride. I always like having my own snacks to rely on whenever I’m traveling.

Treatsie is $15 per box + $4.95 shipping and comes with artisan candy from 3-4 brands. That means about 6 or 7 different flavors of treats. Boxes are sent monthly with no option to skip. They offer a referral link program to earn store credit. Use my referral link and code FRBUCO01 to get double the treats (a purported $40 value) in your first box!

treatsie november 2015 box contents treatsie november 2015 info card
Laurie & Sons Maine Sea Salt milk chocolate toffees: Mmm yum! I love myself some toffee and the little bit of salt flakes on these, plus the chocolate melting around it make it a great little treat. I think it’s pretty cool they use Maine sea salt, since you don’t often hear about that!

Tumbador Chocolate pecan caramels: The caramel in this is less on the gooey side, so I’m thinking it’s a more “dry” style (if that’s even a thing). Do you like when you can take a nice neat bite and not have a sticky string follow your mouth? Then you will like this caramel. I actually prefer caramel to stretch until it’s a thin little thing that floats and gets stuck on your lip, so this to me is tasty but not mind-blowing. It’s all about preference though, so go with what works for you.

Velvet Rope salted caramel apple oatmeal cookies: Whoa, this is cool. I’ve gotta say, apple oatmeal cookies are new to me. I like how they included chunks of apple to really give you a burst of flavor. These make a great snack or even a quick breakfast bite.

quince&apple apples and cranberries preserves: As always, I’m drawn to cute mini jars. Not sure what I will do with the preserves, but perhaps I’ll take them to our morning All Hands are work on Tuesday to see if there will be a bagel to spread them on. In general I like to take this kind of thing to work, since I’m much more likely to find a time to use it.

Some pretty solid items that definitely had a fall/winter feel. Which treats do you like from this box? To get Treatsie, sign up with my link and code FRBUCO01 to get double the treats in your first box!

[This post contains affiliate links. Signing up through them helps support my subscription and I’d be ever so grateful. 🙂 All opinions are my own and I received no compensation for this review. I just purchased this box and wanted to share what I got!]

Prospurly November 2015 review

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Alright, box number two! I really liked the skincare products and overall festive feel of this box.

prospurly november 2015 box open with products showing prospurly november 2015 info card with product details

Prospurly is just under $45 per box (with code for 10% off your subscription – use my referral links from this post) and comes with artisan foods, bath & body items, home products, and other sustainably crafted items. Boxes are sent monthly with no option to skip. They offer a referral program that earns you free boxes.

Bubbles & Botanicals Apple Spice cocoa butter whip – Oh the fluffiness of this whip is delightful! Just a little scoop and you get great moisturization. The apple spice scent is perfect for the holidays and makes me want to snuggle up to a fireplace with hot apple cider. I’m in love.

Leaf Seed Berry Green Apple Essence exfoliating facial toner – From Juice Beauty, I learned about green apple for skincare so this is very appealing. The glass bottle feels luxurious and classy. I think I can smell a bit of the licorice root in there as an undertone to the apple. I love toners because they make me feel so refreshed and cleansed. I might try putting this in a spray bottle to use.

Juniper Earth headache shower bomb – With lavender and eucalyptus, this shower bomb is totally soothing. I love relaxing to lavender scents, so I might keep this by my pillow for awhile. I think it’d be perfect for showering at night, when I don’t want the normal invigorating shower bombs that wake you up. It’s a great size too, so I’m sure it will last me a couple showers!

Pacific Northwest Stationary Studio ROANDNOVA holiday gift card set – This trio of holiday cards seems ripe for framing and keeping around as artwork. There’s a snowflake, pinecone, and reindeer design that are really cool and look like watercolors. The twine gives this a rustic feel and the folds don’t look done by a machine so this set feels artisan. Did they mean to spell stationery with the ‘a’ or should I mention to them the typo?

Sakari Botanicals Sweetgrass Tea – Very interesting that they used a large tea bag for their packaging, but it does not appear that you actually brew the tea directly in the bag. I’ve never had sweetgrass, so I look forward to brewing this at work next week. We’ve been having internet issues so it seems that every morning we end up losing connectivity and going home to finish up the day. I like to have hot drinks at work since it tends to be cold for us cold-blooded folk.

Yes It’s Pure Elderberry Boost herbal tonic – I was first introduced to tonics in a Homegrown Collective box. I didn’t try it many times, but I’ll give this a shot this season and try a bit a day to help keep my immune system up. It smells sort of like a dried berry I’ve eaten before and the taste is slightly sweet and herbal, I guess. Pretty good, considering its supposed medicinal qualities!

Whiskey Oak Pork & Poultry Seasoning – Ok, first of all, I am obsessed with packaging like this. I haven’t a clue what I’d put in it after I use up the seasoning, but I will treasure the jar, that’s for sure. Am I weird for this obsession? Well anyway, major smokiness to this rub that will certainly give meat a distinct taste. I might try making jerky with this seasoning, now that I have my dehydrator!

I’m a fan of everything in this box and I enjoy the curation of these products. I can’t wait to try them all and embrace the upcoming winter. This rather makes me ready for a snow day! The next theme is “Seasonal Splendor” so I’m sure it will be very holiday-esque. I’m excited to see what comes! What do you think of these products?

[This post contains affiliate links. Signing up through them helps support my subscription and I’d be ever so grateful. 🙂 All opinions are my own and I received no compensation for this review. I just purchased this box and wanted to share what I got!]

Travel marathon

laelene Post in general blog

It’s been quite a couple of days, especially for Panda. I got a chance to rest up for Thanksgiving weekend, but he went to Vegas with his family and then we met up to drive to NorCal so I could do a school visit at Stanford GSB. The drive took 8 hours, due to construction and traffic! We arrived at the hotel at 3:30 am and got in about 4 hours of sleep before getting up and ready for the day.

After my scheduled meetings from 10-1, we quickly went back to the hotel and hit the road. Luckily, the drive back was much smoother and only took the expected 5.5 hours. I never want to stray too far from the 5 freeway again. The smaller roads are so cumbersome to get through and I was exhausted even as Panda helped drive the second half up.

My legs are swollen and sore, which will only get exaggerated on the plane ride. Traveling can be quite the activity! Too much stationary sitting is no good. Maybe I’ll sleep with my legs up to try to counteract the effects. I think I might want to get some compression socks in the future. I’m getting more sensitive to the physical constraints of travel as I get older.

So that was my extended vacation. What did you do for the long weekend?

Escape Monthly November: Arizona Box review

laelene Post in reviews, subscriptions,Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Happy birthday to my mom! It’s nice to have it around Thanksgiving, since that often means seeing her on or near her birthday. Before the holiday weekend, I received my most recent box. Check it out!

Escape Monthly is just under $40 per box (with code for 20% off your subscription – see end of post) and comes with a variety of food, home, skincare items themed around a city/region. Each box comes with a guide for that area. Boxes are sent monthly with no option to skip. They offer a referral commission program.

escape monthly november arizona box products showing escape monthly november arizona box info card escape monthly november arizona box info card opened with fact sheet showing escape monthly november arizona box info card opened with details of products included(click to enlarge and read full messaging)

At first glance, there are some cool items here and I immediately gravitated towards the mug. Normally I would have liked the bath puff type thing but that was overshadowed by something I find even more useful!

Here’s what came in the box:

Moon Handbooks guide to Tucson – I’ve only briefly stopped by Arizona before and never been to Tucson, so I should add it to my list of places to visit. At some point I expect to live in SoCal again, so then it wouldn’t be too bad of a drive to go out there.

Arizona Sun Lip-Kist lip balm – Haha, I like that this is “kissed with lemon” and the tube looks like it. I’ll save this in my growing collection of lip balms. It feels like something I’d want to use in the summer!

Arizona Sun bath and shower gel – I like that this is paraben and sulfate free, though the green color is odd. Since I don’t use shower gel much (more of a soap kind of girl), I’ll see if the husband wants to use it. I got a whiff of it and it had a very unique scent I couldn’t quite pin down. Aloe, maybe?

Route 66 travel mug – It is a surprise that this is my favorite item? It shouldn’t be. I just love things I can use that also look nice. This will be perfect in the coming winter months, so I can bring some hot water with me in the mornings.

blue mesh bath puff – Won’t this go well with the shower gel? This will come in useful when Panda needs a replacement. It’s quite dense so I’m sure it will work up a very good lather. Their little description about all things blue was a fun way to tie it all together.

Cowgirl Chocolate dark chocolate truffle bar – I’m always down for more chocolate! Lately I’ve gotten some really good ones from boxes, like the one from the last Escape Monthly box. I’m excited to eat this one too.

Phizz – I’ve never tried a fizzy tablet before, but I really should have had this before traveling for Thanksgiving. The stress of the travel and the change in climate must have gotten to my body, because I had a cold sore breakout. Ick. So now I will have one and hope for a speedy recovery! Next time I’ll need to remember to take it before traveling. I’m surprised that the pill looked rather pink, but then it dissolved into a dark orange color, sort of like orange soda. The taste was sort of like a watered down Gatorade.

turquoise necklace – I doubt I will wear this since I don’t really use much jewelry, so I will probably trade this or gift it to someone. I do like that it’s hardcrafted and showcasing Arizona’s state gem.

My wish for an Asian destination didn’t come true this time, but I did like learning a bit more about Arizona. Maybe I’ll be inspired to drive Route 66 there someday! Which products from this Arizona Escape Monthly box do you like most? If you want to sign up, be sure to sign up for their newsletter to get a code for 20% off the lifetime of your subscription.

[This post contains affiliate links. Signing up through them helps support my subscription and I’d be ever so grateful. 🙂 All opinions are my own and I received no compensation for this review. I just purchased this box and wanted to share what I got!]

Uncontainable Conscious Capitalism

laelene Post in general blog, reviews

I just read the book Uncontainable by Kip Tindell, CEO of The Container Store, and found it to be a delightful read – or “yummy” as he would say. I had no idea that TCS was such a strong brand with an admirable corporate culture. After learning more, I wonder why I didn’t hear about their values sooner. With an employees-first view, they’ve made a successful business that thrives from the love they pour into their people. They don’t see business as a zero-sum game and believe that everyone can win. Yes, that means the business, its employees, its customers, and its stakeholders.

Most businesses do not operate that way, and it’s a pity. What TCS and other strong brands like Whole Foods, Southwest Airlines, and Panera Bread have done is what they termed Conscious Capitalism. They operate in a way that serves a higher purpose beyond profit and they do so by adhering to values that inspire better work (and thus leads to greater profitability). I like this idea, that making a profit is not a bad thing – money is not a bad thing. But that doesn’t mean we should be cutthroat and see everyone else’s wins as our losses. Quite the contrary: you can position yourself to be more successful by thinking of others and taking a more wholistic approach.

I absolutely believe this is a better way to do business, much like the triple bottom line idea of people, planet, and profit. These philosophies share the basic tenet that serving one’s interest can benefit others and doesn’t need to harm them. I really enjoyed reading about a success story that illustrates good business practices, particularly treating employees well. (Side note, I don’t like the term employee and team member seems too clunky. Any alternate suggestions?)

What I also enjoyed was how I felt like I could see Kip’s personality in his words. Some parts got repetitive when he shared the same idea again, but it felt like he had deep conviction and the tone was so accessible. I like his style and honesty. There are certainly some things I would do differently based on my own values, but they are nonetheless spades better than most any other company out there. I do hope his vision of a future where Conscious Capitalism is the normal way of business becomes a reality. I’ll certainly do my part.

Petit Vour November 2015 review

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The weather’s really getting cold so I need a lot more product to help keep my skin moisturized as the dry air takes hold. I loved this box!

Petit Vour is $15 per box (or as much as $30 for international subscribers) and comes with vegan beauty, skincare, and other personal care products. Boxes are sent monthly with no option to skip. They offer a referral program that earns you points towards free boxes (email to say I referred you if you sign up!).

contents of petit vour november 2015 box with pelle beauty beauty balm, obc skincare body oil, one love organics dry shampoo, modern minerals lip gloss, and info card with give thanks theme petit vour november 2015 box info card with item details

Pelle Beauty Luxe Beauty Balm – Wow, this waterless formula looks almost beeswaxy. It melts well as you rub it, so you can easily rub it across your face. Since this is a more intense product, I prefer to use it at night to let it work its magic while my body is taking care of itself.

Organic Bath Co Skincare Stress Less body oil – That wonderful lavender scent is reminiscent of a visit to a spa. Actually, that reminds me that I need to go do that. It’s been too long since I indulged in a facial or massage! I love using body oil in lieu of lotion during the winter months. It helps lock in the moisture so much and I never have to worry about dry, cracked skin (ick).

One Love Organics Healthy Locks dry shampoo powder – The presentation of this is totally adorable and this is the perfect size for bringing on travel. Dry shampoo is great for refreshing my hair when I don’t want to spend the time to get it wet and wait for it to dry (yeah, I don’t blow dry). It’s a great idea for on the road, when you might not have access to the right kind of facilities.

Modern Minerals Lotus Wei Infused Violet Rose Emotive Lip Gloss – Aaaah, what a nice lip gloss. Not only is the formula amazing, providing instant hydration and glossiness without a super sticky feeling, but it smells so unique! I love the Lotus Wei infusion, which is really calming and a lovely sweet scent. I feel like I’m getting aromatherapy from my lips (which might be the point?).

Alright! What a great set of products that will serve me will for the winter. I’m really happy with this selection. Which of these products do you like most?

[This post mentions a referral program. Signing up and emailing to say I referred you helps support my subscription and I’d be ever so grateful. 🙂 All opinions are my own and I received no compensation for this review. I just purchased this box and wanted to share what I got!]


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One of the things I’ve wanted to get was a spiralizer to make zoodles. I’m so excited that I have this now! I’ve been spiraling cucumbers for a chilled appetizer and it’s so much fun. I look forward to cooking up some zucchini soon!

tri-blade spiralizer slicer box tri-blade spiralizer box side with instructions tri-blade spiralizer machine tri-blade spiralizer interchangeable blades cucumber being cut by spiralizer medium blade

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