Foot massage

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I’ve been going to get massages at a foot massage place near my home and I’m so glad I found a place like this.  I was really feeling the need to get a good reflexology session about a month ago, so I researched local reflexology places and read in the reviews that it wasn’t just a foot massage.  In fact, I have no idea why they call it a foot massage when the foot part is probably 20 minutes while the body part is 40 minutes.  For a full hour, it’s a mere $20-25.  That’s a steal!

I guess they might do it because today I found that their body massages are the ones you’d expect at a spa, where you get undressed and climb under a blanket on a raised bed.  So there is a distinction, but the fully-clothed version is already great.  I make sure I wear loose-fitting clothing so it’s easy to get to all the sore spots and pressure points.  The lady I go to also has great pressure – I like it pretty firm to really loosen up that muscle.

At this price point, I can afford to go every week!  And that certainly seems to be what has been happening so far.

Hungry fellow

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squirrel eating from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

This squirrel wasted no time gobbling up his food.

In honor

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policeman stopping traffic

It all started when two cops on bikes, sirens blaring, stopped right in the middle of the road and held us there.

cops on motorcycles exiting cargo area near LAX

And then the cops began the procession of at least 4-5 dozen vehicles. As you can see Korean Air cargo is back there, as are some other Asian airlines.

hearse carrying body of SSgt Joshua Cullins of the USMC & LAPD

At the official beginning of the procession (cops on bikes in front notwithstanding - they were just there to clear the way) was a hearse. I later learned that this carried a soldier, Staff Sergeant Joshua Cullins of the USMC and an officer of the LAPD.

And so it was that I came upon this solemn event that left me shaken, for after the hearse came a slew of sheriff’s vehicles, bomb squad vehicles (from both the FBI and sheriff’s department), some civilian vehicles with Marines inside, and so many more cops on bikes.  It was an eerie event that left me wondering if there had been a bomb at LAX, but then I figured the funeral procession wouldn’t be ready so quickly.

All throughout lunch I tried to find out what that was, but it wasn’t until I got back to the office that I was able to find some articles about SSgt Cullins, who had served in Afghanistan and was recently killed by a bomb.  He was a Marine reservist as well as an LAPD officer and he was on the cusp of joining the bomb squad, hence the three types of vehicles that were a part of the parade of respect.

Out of all the branches of the military, I respect the Marine Corps the most.  They’re the ones in the trenches much of the time, fighting the dirty battle.  So oo-rah to this young Marine and police officer who contributed so much.  May the troops still out there stay as safe as possible.

Here are some of the articles my friends and I found:,0,2239541.story

Jury dread

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Whenever I watch a show chronicling some sort of horrific crime, I always think about how I’d hate to be one of those jurors.  Deciding someone’s fate and trying to figure out the real facts of a case can be overwhelming and I have a propensity to be swayed by both sides of the argument.  Just when I think I believe the prosecution, I hear some good points from the defense that makes me believe maybe the defendant is innocent.

I’ve always been able to see both sides of an argument and though I do choose sides, it’s not so much a logical decision as it is an emotional one.  I am deeply affected by my personal opinion of someone and that may color my judgement of their actions.  Try as I might, if I don’t like someone, it’s just too easy to see them doing bad things (the opposite is true as well).  Suddenly it’s not just about the empiric evidence and personality becomes a factor – a big no-no.

I don’t know if I’d ever be comfortable sentencing someone to a guilty verdict if there was any sort of defense that could be built.  It’s just too easy to see how maybe, just maybe, things really did look different than what they were.  But for a clear-cut case with undeniable visual/auditory evidence and a guilty plea, I don’t know if I’d ever be fully convinced that someone actually did commit the crime they’re accused of.  My dread of performing my civic duty is just because I feel I would be a terrible juror, leading to a mistrial or hung jury each time.  Thankfully I’ve only gotten one summons and never got called in that week.  I’m not looking forward to finding out just how easily swayed and indecisive I can be when someone’s future hangs in the balance.

Tiger “baby”

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At the Tiger Temple in Thailand, caretakers fed and cooled down the felines by squirting water or milk from a baby bottle into their mouths. Kind of a funny thing, a huge grown tiger being fed much like an infant child. Look carefully and you can see one getting squirts in the background:

thirsty tiger from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Westwood parking

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Bruins understand that Westwood is a crazy place to try to find street parking at, but this summer, it got out of control with construction and special groups arriving. Did they really need FIVE signs here?!?!

five separate parking signs restricting parking on gayley ave

Ok, seriously? Isn't this a bit overkill? Might as well just put one sign that says NO PARKING except 6-8 PM Sunday.

Germaphobes make me sick

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Are you a hypochondriac?  Well, stay away from me.  I have absolutely no patience for people who obsess over the cleanliness of this and that when they’re completely ignoring all the other “dirty” things around them, then think that their actions are making them less susceptible to getting sick.  This was a topic on the radio one morning this week and I listened as people went on and on about never touching door handles or elevator buttons.  The irony is, they probably never give a second thought to touching their car doors (which is likely just as dirty, if not more so than door handles).  Or what about your very own phone or other personal device?  Let’s not get into how many germs can collect on those items.  I can just imagine the germaphobe wiping down their work phone while forgetting all about their cell phone.

“But wait, it’s not about germs per se, it’s about getting other people’s germs!” you cry.  Ok, then what about money?  When you obsess day in and day out about getting germs from public doors, do you also refuse to handle cash?  Do you wipe down your ATM or credit card every time you hand it to someone?  Do you wear gloves every time you need to use the printer?  I seriously doubt it.  So, in so many ways you aren’t thinking about, you’re exposing yourself to germs all day long.  Don’t pat yourself on the back for a job well done and think that you didn’t get sick last year because of the measures you took.  It’s probably more of the immunity you’ve built up from your body having to handle those dirty germs you got while paying at the cash register.

It also annoys me that plenty of the hypochondriacs out there flush their toilets right next to the sink and never give it a second thought to close the lid.  Plenty of germs get thrown out into the air when a toilet is flushed and inevitably end up on you, the counter, the sink, etc.  That’s a pretty dirty scenario, yet it rarely gets any attention.  Instead, it’s all about elevator buttons and door handles.  So many things make no sense to me – why would you “clean” a counter top with a sponge teeming with germs without thinking to give it a quick couple of seconds in the microwave to zap those suckers first?  People are really irrational with their decisions.

So if you’re one of those clean freaks, you might not want to know about all the “unclean” things I do (or clean things I don’t do).

Dark in LA

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Los Angeles is not a city that goes dark. Unless of course parts of it get a power outage, as we did this night when there was an underground explosion (read more here and watch the aftermath here). Here are some videos long after the explosion, when everyone’s power was turned off so that crews could work to fix the problem.

darkened westwood from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Tilt your head to the left and watch this…

blinking elevator from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

It’s hard to tell since it goes by so quickly, but it’s an elevator with the doors open and lights flashing periodically. I guess it’s the safety measure during a power outage, so people don’t get stuck inside.

Dental shot

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So I have a root canal in my front tooth, which I have no recollection of receiving and no clue why I needed it in the first place. I thought root canals were for older people, but apparently not!

180 degree x-ray scan of my teeth

That's what my jaw looks like!

It’s weird to see an x-ray of yourself… like, “hey, that’s my spine!” Kind of surreal.

Nerdy numbers

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On my drive home today, at 7:18, I looked at the clock and thought to myself that if you combine the 7 and 1, you get two 8s, which is pretty nice.  But then if you combine those, you get 16 and 1+6=7, a different kind of lucky number.  Then I wondered what about 8+8+8?  With 24, 2+4=6… hey, I see a pattern here!  And so I went on in my head as I slowly made my way through traffic, adding up multiples of 8, then 7, then 6 and 5 and 4 and 3… on and on until I found all the patterns!

Some we are commonly taught – when you add together the digits of any number and it can be divisible by 3, the number can be divisible by 3.  (You did learn that, right?  For example, 105 can be divisible by 3 because 1+0+5=6 and six can be evenly divided by three.)  Another is that multiples of 9 add up to 9: for example, 9X7=63 and 6+3=9.  You could even take it up a notch and do, say, 9X23=207 and 2+0+7=9.  And of course, we all know that multiples of 5 only end in 5 or 0 and multiples of 10 only end in 0.

Now check out these patterns and keep in mind that only 0 adds up to 0, so we’re considering 1-9 only:

digits of multiples of 1 add up to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3, etc.  (up one increment each time)

digits of multiples of 2 add up to 2, 4, 6, 8, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 2, 4, 6, etc.  (up two increments each time 123456789123456789123456)

digits of multiples of 3 add up to 3, 6, 9, 3, 6, 9, etc.  (up three increments each time 123456789123456789)

digits of multiples of 4 add up to 4, 8, 3, 7, 2, 6, 1, 5, 9, 4, 8, etc.  (up four increments each time 123456789123456789123456789)

digits of multiples of 5 add up to 5, 1, 6, 2, 7, 3, 8, 4, 9, 5, 1, etc.  (up five increments each time, or down four increments each time 123456789123456789123456789)

digits of multiples of 6 add up to 6, 3, 9, 6, 3, 9, etc.  (up six increments each time, otherwise known as down three increments each time 6543219876543219)

digits of multiples of 7 add up to 7, 5, 3, 1, 8, 6, 4, 2, 9, 7, 5, etc.  (up seven increments each time, otherwise known as down two increments each time 7654321987654321987654321)

digits of multiples of 8 add up to 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 9, 8, 7, etc.  (up eight increments each time, otherwise known as down one increment each time)

digits of multiples of 9 add up to 9, 9, 9, etc.  (up nine increments each time, otherwise known as 9 the entire time)

digits of multiples of 10 add up to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, etc.  (up one increment each time)

And then the pattern repeats with 11 mimicking the pattern of 2, 12 mimicking the pattern of 3, etc.  Am I the only one who finds this cool?  That’s the beauty of mathematics – it’s a precise language with very predictable patterns.

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