My dream plant

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I have always wanted to have my own Venus flytraps, but they are hard to come by. So instead I took time to admire the ones at the Huntington Gardens.

cluster of venus flytraps

These plants are so awesome.

closeup of venus flytrap claws

They look so delicate, yet fierce at the same time.

looking at venus flytraps through magnifying glass

A view through the magnifying glass.

view of venus flytrap through video lens

They had this video lens that you could use to look at the plants and show people on a screen.

venus flytrap with a mosquito

It caught a mosquito! I wonder why it didn't close though.


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One of my greatest pet peeves is having dry hair on the back of my neck.  I dislike dry, static-y hair as it, but when that’s sticking to the nape of my neck, I can’t stand it.  There’s something about that area that is very sensitive and I wish it was easier to reach.  I like to give it a nice cleaning in the shower and try to keep my hair off it as much as possible.  Unfortunately, I don’t like to tie my hair up, so I end up pushing my hair over my shoulders to keep it off my back.  I also love to run my fingers through my hair so that it will get my hair off my neck (and my ears, which is another area I like to keep clear).

When I first moved to California, I hated the feeling of my hair because it got so dried out from the arid climate.  I began to put my hair up and take showers in the morning to keep my hair as wet as possible for as long as possible into each day.  After two years, my body finally adjusted and my hair was no longer as dry.  I also began school at UCLA, which has a more humid climate than the Santa Clarita Valley.  I got used to having my hair down again, but I still like the feeling of getting the hair off the back of my neck.  It’s like lifting all these things weighing down on me and getting a little more freedom, a little more breathing room.

I’ve dreamt of shaving my head, but I haven’t dared do it since I don’t have a feminine enough face to pull off that kind of look.  I’d love to know how it feels to have nothing lying on your neck or shoulders though.  Perhaps someday I can get a wig and give it a try.  It’d be an interesting experience, I’m sure.  For now I’ll just have to keep pulling my hair back.

Fantasy aquarium

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I would love to have a nice, large, fancy aquarium like this one. 🙂

my dream aquarium from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Cool cluster

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cluster of bright-colored flowers

I love how the inside flowers are yellow and the outside ones are pink. Plus the colors are so vibrant!

The dirty underwear analogy

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I have a bad habit of wearing my contacts all the time.  I rarely take them out at night and when it’s time to use a fresh pair, I just take out the old ones and put in the new ones.  My poor eyes hardly ever get a break from having a foreign object in them.  I also am not very good at keeping track of how long I’ve used a pair, so they end up getting way more mileage than they ever were meant to.  It’s a testament to the hardiness of a pair of contacts, this way that I abuse them.  You’d think I would have had some sort of problem by now, but my eyes are perfectly healthy (except for the nearsightedness and astigmatism, of course).

Last time I went to the optometrist, I remember her saying that leaving my contacts in like that is like wearing a dirty pair of underwear for a couple of days.  It was one of those things that created a terrible image and got me to start taking out my contacts at night for awhile.  But alas, as time goes by, old habits creep back and I am doing the same old thing again.  Tonight I took my contacts out for the first time in a looong time and it feels good.  After all, my eyes need to breathe and having a plastic cover prevents that from happening as effectively as it could.  It’s nice to feel air on my pupils again and not have a strange piece of plastic between my eyeball and eyelid.  Though I’ve long since gotten used to the feel of contacts, my eyes still appreciate when they’re bare again.

I really need to try to stop “wearing dirty underwear” on my eyes, lest it damage my eyes later on.

Baby goat feeding

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Their little legs are so knobbly and unstable! There’s something very cute about their awkwardness. 🙂

baby goats from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Fascinating bottles

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Alcohol bottles and perfume bottles have quite a few things in common. They both come in a huge variety of shapes and sizes. And their branding has a lot to do with how their bottles look! I am always fascinated by the shapes and colors each brand chooses and how that affects my reaction to the product. Though I don’t use perfume and don’t drink alcohol, I certainly do love to check out their chose of packaging.

giant martini glass in a bar

There's a bar in Manhattan Beach that has a huuuge martini glass.

extra large vodka bottles

They've also got over-sized bottles of Grey Goose and Belvedere.

Vegas weekend

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Panda and I are spending the weekend in Vegas with a bunch of friends, so there’s not much time for a post right now! We have spent a lot of time eating, watching people gamble, and walking around a looot. My legs are sore and my wallet is light, but my stomach is full and I am happy. 🙂 It’s been quite a weekend, so now I just want to rest up for the drive home.

A night of firetrucks and ambulances

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firetrucks from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

firetruck > ambulance from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

firetruck passing ambulance from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Transformer among us

laelene Post in photo blog,Tags: , , ,

Have I shared this before? Can’t remember.

car with logo replaced with transformer logo

I believe it was a Honda previously...

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