Yumberry: the newest superfruit

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Over the past couple of years, the term “superfruit” has taken hold and generally refers to more exotic fruits that have high antioxidant levels and an abundance of nutrients.  There’s nothing wrong with the standard fruits at the store, like strawberries, oranges, or blackberries, but this new breed of superfruits has been elevated onto a pedestal and given some sort of glamorous image.  It started off with blueberries and pomegranates, which are relatively accessible.  Then came açaí berries that became all the rage, yet no one really knew what they were.  Certainly understandable since most of us will never encounter a fresh one in our lives.  From what I know, they are highly perishable items and are generally found in the Amazon region.  By the time they could get shipped to the US, they would have gone bad, so they are only found as juices or flavorings.

Along the way, other exotic fruits have gained popularity, like goji berries, maqui berries, chermoyas, etc.  They haven’t been quite as well-known as blueberries, pomegranates, and açaí berries though.  Based on the products I see being sold, that trio has been unbeatable.  Now it seems that a new fruit is on the verge of breaking into their market share.  The yumberry, aptly named, is a red fuzzy fruit that I have also never seen fresh.  As a child I knew them as yang mei (??) and often ate preserved ones, which are delicious!  Forget about plums or apricots or whatever else dried fruit you may have had – these things are the bomb.  (Well, to someone like me who loves tart things anyway.)  And now Honest Tea and Jamba Juice have added them to their products as they slowly gain popularity and recognition.  Though the drinks don’t really remind me of the dried fruits I used to eat, I’m glad to see they’re getting their day in the spotlight.

So if you haven’t tried them yet, go explore and try to get a real one.  But if you can’t, you might luck out at a local Asian supermarket with the preserved ones.  I’m going to try to hunt them down too!

A wannabe plant

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leafy sea dragon from Mary Qin on Vimeo.


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Today I attended a friend’s commissioning ceremony and it brought back memories of times long gone.  In a way, I still yearn for the military, but my life has taken me so far from that path that I don’t actually want to serve anymore.  It was cool to see all the people’s family and friends who came to participate in the ceremony, going on stage to swear them in, pin on their new bars, or give them their traditional “first salute” as an officer of the United States Air Force.  One girl even had her brother swear her in via webcam, from somewhere in the Middle East.  Others had their fathers, grandfathers, brothers, or friends swear them in or give them their first salute.

After the new lieutenants all received their bars, one went up to give a speech about the class, highlighting each person and what they had to overcome to get to today.  It was kind of cool to hear a snippet of each person and their background.  There was a girl who transferred a few years into the program, one who had to commute from Santa Barbara, another who also had to work while attending school and doing the ROTC program.  Then were was my friend, who had to get though a major change and make it through six years of the program!  One of the guys did the program as a grad student, another struggled with English not being his first language (though that one seemed to be more of a joke, since he obviously grew up here), and there were many more.  I was a bit disappointed that he didn’t also speak of himself, but it was nice to hear a little of how each person got to this point.

And with that, a new batch of 14 Air Force officers will be entering the work force in the coming weeks and months, courtesy of UCLA’s AFROTC.  Oh, and a happy Father’s Day to all those dads in attendance today.  Not a bad way to spend the afternoon, watching your child or grandchild get commissioned into the USAF.

Do you see what I see?

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blue dragonfly on reed in water

A little dragonfly.

penny lying on rock in water

A penny...

Plane’s eye view

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Maybe it’s just me, but I always love plane rides and it was fascinating when one of my flights had a camera installed underneath the plane.  Here’s what it looks like to take off from LAX and land in Narita as I did on my way to Singapore over a year ago.

takeoff from LAX from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

landing in NRT from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Lakers domination

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Oh yes, even Kobe has one.

No, I am not writing about the Lakers’ victory today.  But in these weeks leading up to these games, Los Angeles has been speckled with Lakers flags.  You can’t drive anywhere without seeing them!  You know what I’m talking about.  Those little flags that flutter in the wind as cars drive, barely hanging on for dear life as the wind whips them into ragged pieces of cloth.  They’re super annoying for reasons I can’t seem to pinpoint, but admit it, you think so too.  As an avid Lakers fan, I’m sure you wouldn’t admit though, would you?

Then I heard there were riots going on after Tuesday’s game?  What insanity.  Today everyone left for work early, leaving me all alone because they had to rush home to catch this momentous match-up.  Oh, and of course they spent the day figuring out how to bet to win the most money!  I am amazed at the level of obsession fans have.  It’s really quite interesting to observe, so long as it doesn’t get dangerous.  I made sure to stay home tonight lest there were trouble on the streets, from elated Lakers fans or bitter Celtics fans.  At least summer has come and most students have moved out of the area for this week to be at home before summer school or internships start.  We got some loud honking and rowdy behavior, but nothing too bad.

Seriously though, what is it about the Lakers that makes Angelenos go wild?  Maybe it’s just because I don’t connect with the city the way that I do my school.  I can imagine being that excited if UCLA basketball or football won a championship.  But the Lakers?  Though purple is my favorite color and they do have Jordan Farmar, it’s just not enough to get me to join in the wild celebrations.  I wouldn’t mind so much if those annoying flags weren’t a part of the picture…  By the way, click on the picture to see the source and read the article that comes with it – you’ll find another gem of a picture there.

Foamy creatures

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foam of tea drink made into bird shape

They can make a variety of designs by request, or just do something random. Cool, huh?

Banning scary

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I’m not a fan of scary movies or shows, but murder mysteries are fine with me.  I can’t remember the last horror film I watched (if I ever did) and I certainly don’t ever plan on seeing one.  I don’t see the appeal in spooking yourself and I’m great at scaring myself as it is.  So, instead I stick to shows like NCIS or Lie to Me, where though there is danger and death, there isn’t anything too sinister.

And now happily, I have chosen to pick up Medium to add to my repertoire of shows.  Initially I was afraid it would be too dark, but after previewing an episode, it seems there aren’t any terribly traumatizing scenes.  With six seasons, there are plenty of shows to keep me occupied when I just want to sit back at night and not have to think too hard.  Oh the wonder of television entertainment…  🙂

I ban all things scary from my life and I think the world would do better to do so too.  Why add that stress and worry to your life?  You can get thrills from plenty of other things.  But hey, to each his own.

Dolphin Lagoon

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On Sentosa Island, there is a Dolphin Lagoon where I went to watch the pink dolphins perform. Afterwards, I took a picture with Squirt, who only liked girls! 😉

squirt the dolphin from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Eating ritual

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Lately I’ve noticed that I always smell my food before I eat it, getting a good whiff of the scent to prime my taste buds for enjoyment. It may seem strange and sometimes I catch myself and wonder what people who see me doing that would think. There are times when people find it normal, like when you get a steaming bowl of soup set before you. I think it should be something we do for all our food though! There are some fantastic smells to experience and sniffing something appetizing only makes us enjoy it more. I definitely think engaging another sense, especially one as powerful as smell, can enhance the experience.

Think about how your mouth waters when you get a whiff of your neighbor’s cooking. The anticipation itself can make the experience so much better. So next time you’re getting ready to take a bite into a delicious bit of food, stop and take good long inhalation of the aroma first. I bet it will make you enjoy your food that much more.

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