Earthquake tunnel

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approaching the "earthquake tunnel," where the 405 meets the 5

Not a high-traffic day, so there wasn't any honking, but here's the unassuming tunnel.

I don’t know if you’ve ever heard, but in Los Angeles, there is an “earthquake tunnel” that locals like to use as a good luck charm against earthquakes.  It’s a tradition that I learned of soon after arriving here and I have no recollection of how I heard of it or who told me, but I observe all the time when I am there.  What am I talking about?  Well, where the 405 North ends and merges into the 5 freeway, there is a tunnel that people drive under.  When you are under it during rush hour (or any other time traffic is slow), you will find a good third of the cars will honk their horns incessantly until they are out.

driving through the "earthquake tunnel" at night

I usually am under this thing at night. It's great when big rigs join in the honking too.

It’s one of those fun, somewhat underground (haha no pun intended) traditions that is still alive and well.  I guess it’s a superstitious act, since honking your horn is supposed to prevent earthquakes from hitting us too hard.  It seems to be working, since that big one is way overdue and still not coming…  Anyway, whenever I’m stuck in that tunnel during traffic hours, there’s always a car or two honking its way through.  I’ve only joined in once, but it puts a small smile to my face as those people enjoy their freedom to honk as they please.  After all, I realized not long ago that I don’t even know what my car horn sounds like.  I don’t exactly have a situation where I can test it without drawing attention.

Balancing act

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Haha, this amused me so greatly.  Check out how the pigeons rock back and forth as they try to stay on that unstable wire.

pigeons balancing from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

A day of fools

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Today was a fun, playful day as Starbucks introduced its new sizes – Plenta and Micra, and Google decided to give props to one of my former hometowns by changing their name to Topeka.  I’m sure there were plenty of other fun pranks out there from similar high-profile companies, but these are the two I happened across today.

Some of my coworkers actually believed the Starbucks one and I’m sure many people wished the Plenta was for real.  After all, that’s about how much coffee they could power through in a day.  I really enjoyed the quirky uses they suggested for both sizes after you’re done with your drink and that picture of the two guys is brilliantly hilarious.  How could anyone take that seriously?  Lol.

The Google one taught me something I didn’t know about (which isn’t surprising, since Google – excuse me, Topeka is always coming up with crazy new products).  Their concept of that sort of ultra-fast internet connection could propel us even further into developing cool new technologies and ways of virtual interaction.  I’m imagining something straight out of Star Wars here, with holographic 3D images.  Can’t help it.

Oh, and a random unrelated thought – all 5 of my iPhone app updates today were iPad related.  Not like that does me any use!

Seed paper

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postcards with seeds embedded in the paperOne of the newest trends in eco-friendly products are these fun cards made from recycled paper pressed with seeds.  I’d assume they’re printed with vegetable-based inks.  So you get it, read it, enjoy it, then plant it!  Cool, huh?  There are a variety of wildflower seeds embedded into the sheets, so you never know what you’ll get.  It’s a nice way of disposing of paper products, letting them biodegrade as they give life to plants.

My favorite gas station is the BP Helios House on Robertson & Olympic in Beverly Hills.  Why?  Because it’s futuristic and as eco-friendly as a gas station could really be.  A bit of a conundrum, I guess, but it fascinates me with its energy-efficient lighting and environmental tips.  One of the things they have is a panel of postcards, each with a tip for greening your life.  When I was there not long after its opening, I grabbed a few of these.  Years later, I am finally putting them to use.

paper embedded with seeds grows sprouts

This image inspired me to try skipping the soil and see how it comes to life.

I’ve begun the planting process for one of the cards, so I thought I’d do some research on how to take care of them and get them to grow.  As I was doing that, I came across these pictures that got me excited for when the seeds blossom!  I’m also going to try soaking a sheet just in water until it sprouts.  Hope that works… good thing I have eight sheets to play around with.

plentiful sprouts covering seed paper

A forest of sprouts! (Photograph used by permission from Botanical PaperWorks Inc.

The hard thing is that my office is so shaded from sunlight that I can’t keep them indoors, yet it’s been very windy outside and there aren’t really any places to put it.  I tried keeping it out by the plants today, but the wind kept drying it out.  I brought it inside at the end of day and hopefully tomorrow will be a milder day.  Unfortunately, rain is in the forecast this week, so we’ll see how that pans out. I’ll post a photo blog on it in a few weeks to show the progress!

FOX studio

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I never knew that FOX had a lot right off Pico until the HOME screening was held there! Check out their lot – there’s always something so staged and fake about these places (in a wonderful Disneyland sort of way).

a huge painting of a scene from the Sound of Music adorns the side of a parking structure

Who knew that Sound of Music was produced by FOX?! This painting decorated the side of the parking structure and greeted us as we parked.

a FOX studio transportation vehicle

I saw a few G&E trucks along the way, which made me nostalgic for my Wristcutters* days.

stage 8 at FOX studios

I wonder if any shows I know are filmed here.

palm trees lined up and lit up in the night

They were glowing so beautifully I had to pull over and take a picture before exiting the lot.

*My very first internship was with a production company that made Wristcutters: A Love Story (see my IMDB page). It was crazy hectic and an unforgettable experience.

Wynn water show

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In Chinese, Wynn has been translated to “yong li” – which can mean “always favorable” or “forever advantageous” or something to that extent.  Here’s a water show at the Wynn in Macao, where the streams of water reminded me of ladies dancing, their arms gracefully swaying to the song.

wynn water show from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Good Vibrations

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Panda and I went to a performance by the West Los Angeles Symphony at Royce Hall tonight (called Good Vibrations).  I enjoyed their unusual lineup with solos by a harpist and marimba-ist (is that what they’re called?).  These two instruments don’t get the limelight enough, so it was refreshing to hear them in their glory.  Yet, what I noticed most was the fact that the two ladies playing these instruments got to wear beautiful evening gowns whereas the rest of the orchestra wore black, as is traditional.  Is it the fact that they had solo acts or is it because of the unusual nature of their instruments?  Either way, it was a great way for them to stand out even more and truly perform to us the audience.

I also noticed that I enjoyed the energy level of certain performers, whereas the more reserved ones decreased my enjoyment of the music.  In particular there were a few who really moved with the music, so I liked to watch them most.  But occasionally, my eyes were drawn to the one lady who barely moved at all, even when the music was loud and energetic.  Everyone else around her moved with forcefulness, but she was completely stiff, letting as little of her body do the work as possible.  It was really strange and really awkward to see.  I tried to avoid looking at her, but sometimes her lack of passion really stuck out like a sore thumb.

Also entertaining was the first celloist, who was a lady with a fun outfit on of black laced with gold in a full pantsuit type attire.  She looked a lot like one of my old high school friends, who I showed Panda on Facebook and he agreed.  They had the same short brown hair with thin bangs that fell in a stringy sort of manner.  And of course, my friend also played a stringed instrument, not like that was much of a coincidence.  I was greatly entertained by that resemblance though.  I could totally see my friend being just like that lady in the future, performing in an orchestra.

Rounding off the night were the comments from Panda, saying he liked the hair of this and that guy (one with crazy gray curls that reminded me of a doll my mom used to have – except that doll’s hair was blonde – and one with white hair pulled back in a ponytail).  Certainly not the hair styles I would expect him to aspire to.  He also started to point out the couple of men he thought had day jobs as engineers because they “looked smart.”  -___-  As if only engineers can be smart.  I do wonder if the West Los Angeles Symphony is composed of professional musicians or more of hobbyists.  Perhaps I should do some research.

It was a fun night and loved that it was completely free!  We had a nice stroll/speed walk there and a refreshing jog back.  I need to get more active again!

Turtle power

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Check out how he just attacks his food! Must’ve been ravenous. Such a funny and awkward creature. 😛

turtle shredding leaf from Mary Qin on Vimeo.


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Sometimes you notice things on the street that are different enough to catch your eye, or even downright peculiar.

a Toyota Prius converted into a taxi cab

Now that's a first! A hybrid taxi, yay. 🙂

two lanes that both allow left and right turns

Now that's just a disaster waiting to happen.

sign advising caution on turns

Yeah, seriously, thanks for the tip. Why would they allow this?!

bus on corner letting people off in middle of street

Apparently this bus decided that it was going to turn the middle of the street into its stop.

crowded crosswalk

I've never seen so many people cross the street at once in LA.

Closing time

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Yesterday my friend and I tried to go eat at a restaurant half an hour before its closing time, only to be turned away because they close the kitchen an hour early.  What?!?!  That is ridiculous.  Most meals only last about 40 minutes or so.  I absolutely hate when restaurants stop serving food way before closing time.  I once ran down to a place I wanted to eat at and made it 20 minutes before they were supposed to close, only to have the doors pretty much shut in my face.  And here I thought restaurants would want to maximize the amount of customers they serve, but I guess going home is far more important.

What really bothers me about this is that it’s so misleading.  Do I always have to plan on showing up at least an hour before the listed closing time, even if I only plan on a quick meal?  In last night’s case, we even called at 10:15 and asked when they close that night – they told us 11.  Why didn’t they bother to tell us that, oh by the way, the kitchen is closed?!  It’s not like we were asking when they usually close.  We asked when they were closing that night.  Hint, hint, we wanted to eat there TONIGHT.  Those hours of operation are unreliable.

I think there should be legislation that forces restaurants to list their opening hours as when they stop serving new customers (and listing when they actually kick the customers out of their shop would be optional).  After all, we’re going there to eat, don’t we have a right to know at what time we won’t be able to do so anymore?  Restaurants should not get away with tricking people into thinking they’re open far more than they actually are.  It’s like this one boba place that I’ve heard doesn’t even serve boba until at least half an hour after opening.  They should have to note that on the door with their opening times!  After all, much of the draw of their store is the boba.  People don’t just go to get any old drink; they could do that somewhere else that’s probably open earlier anyway.

So if you ever open a restaurant, please take it upon yourself to do the responsible thing and let people know if your food isn’t served until half an hour after your doors open or if it is no longer served an hour before your doors close.  It’s vital information that’s typically far more relevant than when those doors lock and unlock.  Thanks.

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