A look at the other performances at Kollaboration last year. See here for part of the winner’s performance.
paul dateh’s electric violin from Mary Qin on Vimeo.
david choi’s love song from Mary Qin on Vimeo.
A look at the other performances at Kollaboration last year. See here for part of the winner’s performance.
paul dateh’s electric violin from Mary Qin on Vimeo.
david choi’s love song from Mary Qin on Vimeo.
I’m feeling really disheartened right now. My iPod Touch was taken yesterday. Though I’m bummed that it’s gone and this coming within 5 weeks of losing my first one, I’m more disappointed that it was not returned, even though it has my name and this website engraved on the back. It should be easy enough to find me, what with a name and website to go by, but I guess whoever took it never intended on returning it. After all, I’d say it’s pretty easy to find me, if you were trying. Whatever happened to nice people who return things to their owners?
I can’t help but hold out hope, but I have received no e-mails, no Facebook messages, no nothing. It’s sad to think the world isn’t as full of good people as I always expected. I’ve grown up sheltered from a lot of the worse side of life and this is a bit of a blow in the face towards my rose-colored glasses view of the world. I guess I will have to dim it a bit now and recognize the reality that there are people in the world who steal and blatantly lie and hurt others.
Thankfully, the information on there isn’t lost since I have a backup on my laptop – I just hope they don’t hack in and get any sensitive information.
It’s almost time for Kollaboration again, so here’s a look back on the winner last year:
low battery! from Mary Qin on Vimeo.
See more performances here.
UCLA has a lovely campus and Los Angeles has quite a skyline.
I spotted a blimp and immediately went chasing after it for photos. Turns out the first one was to be the only one. Those things are deceivingly fast!
Sometimes the smallest things can really create extreme disturbances. My laptop charger (already the 4th one I’m on), isn’t the best of quality (that’s what you get for just a few bucks, I guess) and only works when pressed firmly into the laptop charging port, at a certain angle. When it moves just slightly, it will stop charging unexpectedly. Add on to that a battery that barely holds a charge now and this means that whenever I am using my laptop, it will shut down randomly without warning. Very inconvenient, especially considering how it’s taking much longer to boot up nowadays.
Thankfully, I have a mother who is quite the handywoman. She’s great at fixing things and given her engineering background, a small thing like charger circuitry was a small task for her. Once it was decided that I couldn’t care less what the charger actually looked like, she set to cutting the cable that hard started to sever on my original charger. She took the original head, connected it to a charger that hadn’t developed a frayed wire, and soon enough I had a brand new charger to use. The head fit perfectly into the port now because it was from the original charger and not one of the cheap ones I had gotten as replacements. No more spotty charging results! Problem solved. To think, I nearly dished out $70-80 for a new charger just to get rid of that annoyance!
I’ve been really preoccupied with work lately. When I’m there, I don’t think about personal things, and when I’m home, I’m tired and just want to relax, which has meant the e-mails in my Yahoo account are piling up. I’ve managed to go through them this weekend, but there are quite a few newsletters that will probably go unread for months. I don’t follow my social networks the way I used to and I’m just barely pumping out posts here. For some reason, I’ve been really tired during the time I’m at home. Plus, the Olympics have been a nice distraction, which makes it easy for me to never think about turning on my computer. Let’s not even go into the problems I’ve been having with my charger. I’m about ready for a new computer.
It’s been a month now, so I hope that I can get into a better rhythm that fits work, sleep, meals, entertainment, exercise, relaxation, and quality time all in one nice bundle. I don’t have much energy for cooking dinner, which hasn’t been good, so I really need to start getting more sleep. The good thing is, one of the guys at the office told me about an app that lets you track your sleeping cycles! I looked into it and found the Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock, which will monitor your sleeping pattern and wake you up during a lighter sleep stage so it’s easier to get up and you feel more rested. It’s a really awesome app that you should go check out if you have trouble getting up in the morning! I’ve only used it one night, so it’s still calibrating to my sleeping pattern, but it could be quite useful in the future. For a buck, more energy and less time wasted pressing snooze is totally worth it.
Ok, rather unrelated, but both have to do with the word “wave.” First, a wave that went around the Rose Bowl. Fifteen (maybe sixteen) times!
Then, wave boarding afterwards! The wave board I got in China had light-up wheels, which was just plain fun and awesome to play with in the dark.
Today is Panda’s birthday! On Sunday, he told me that it was his Chinese birthday, so I joked that he got a year younger in three days (because by the traditional Chinese measure, you’re 1 year old when you’re born, so he was technically 23, then turned 22 today). 🙂 Isn’t that a fun way of looking at things?
He’s a hard one to get things for, so I was worried for awhile, but I managed to conjure up a few small items and make them into a scavenger hunt of sorts. That way, it’s a fun journey of discovery too! It was simple and practical, which is exactly what works for us. No need for fancy bells and whistles. All in all a fabulous day. 😀
For no good reason, my hip started hurting today sometime after lunch. I can’t think of a single thing that could have triggered it, since I was sitting the whole time. Yet, it has made me hobble around and weakened my core enough to make lifting my leg or bending at the hip a difficult chore. I even had to take a painkiller for it, which I rarely do. I’ve probably had no more than two dozen of those pills in my lifetime. I’m also sick from not staying warm enough last night, so I figured it could serve a double purpose.
In the mean time, I’m not moving much (or doing so slowly), watching the Olympics, and sipping hot water as I rest. Oh, and I had slept the wrong way two nights ago, giving me a sore neck that I couldn’t quite turn to the right. Days before that, my knees felt bruised. What’s going on with my body? So many pains, big and small. Perhaps it’s time to visit a doctor again, make sure everything is functioning reasonably and no underlying issue is giving me aches.