Phishing scams

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I often get junk mail that tries to come off as legit, and half the time I have to laugh because their attempts are just SO pathetic.  Take this one I got:

phishing scam e-mail

Seriously?  You expect me to fall for that when you are using multiple fonts, no images, and don’t know more than two of the numbers in my account?!  Besides, those two numbers aren’t even right.  Ultimate FAIL.  Plus, when I hover over the link, I can see that the address it would take me to is complete bogus, seeing as it’s hosted on  I’ve also never received such a plain e-mail from American Express, which always includes their logo (hey, every chance to build branding, right?) and uses HTML to create a nice layout that also shows me an image of the type of card I have.

I really hope that people are smart enough not to fall for things like this.  And if they somehow do, I hope their spyware is good enough to catch these ridiculous sites and redirect them elsewhere.  Honestly though, you’ve got to miss a lot of big, fat, and bright red warning flags to not notice.  The next time you receive one of these, I’d advise you to report it and then delete it.  Most sites have a fraud protection area where they give you an e-mail address you can forward it to – I know I’ve done so for this one, a fake IRS one, and I believe a Bank of America one.  Certainly most banks and credit card companies are well aware of this issue and have set up appropriate channels for you to go through.  That way, they can be alert of all the scams out there and get those sites flagged and removed ASAP.

Burrowing clams

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I am fascinated by sea creatures because sometimes I don’t think of them as alive until I see them in action (and even then, I’m incredulous).  Clams are definitely one of the mystery animals out there, especially considering they’re so shy and hide all the time!  So here I was, going paparazzi-crazy on the clams that covered the shore of Patong Beach in Phuket, Thailand. Some were teeny, some were huge, some were quick movers and other slowly dug their way…

little clam burrowing from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

slow burrowing clam from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

happy burrowing clam from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

three burrowing clams from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Does this not fascinate you too? Is it just me?

Weight maintenance

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I have been really blessed when it comes to my weight.  I’ve never had to diet and never been fat (though at times I’ve been fatter than I would have preferred).  However, I’ve always had a “normal” BMI (fluctuating between 19.6-22.7) and I’ve always looked and felt perfectly healthy.  And though I’ve never dieted, I have certainly lost weight kind of like I might have been, which was really random.

When I left for Singapore, I weighed 140 lbs, and when I came back five months later, I was 130 lbs.  I didn’t notice a difference until I weighed myself at the doctor’s, when I went in for a check-up after getting sick (just to make sure it wasn’t H1N1).  Actually, even then, I didn’t really notice a difference, but not long after, I suddenly realized the reason my pants had been loose and why I had needed to wear a belt more.  Since then, I’ve lost another 5 lbs for no good reason and that’s where I’m at now.  When I’ve eaten, I’m around 130 and when I haven’t, I’m at 125.  I don’t watch what I eat and pretty much go with whatever I am craving, which mostly happens to be pickles, ice cream, kimchi fried rice, or (most recently) chili cheese fries.

I hit my peak when I was in England, at around 145.  It was probably in part due to the cold (hey, you need some insulating body fat!), lack of movement, and just general unhealthy behavior starting from when I entered college.  It wasn’t until I looked at how I look now, versus pictures of how I looked then, that I can see the difference.  My face is rounder and plumper in those pictures and I probably fit my pants a lot better.  After all, I bought a bunch of new jeans before going abroad and now they’re all quite loose.

I never realized how fit I was in high school until I got really out of shape in college.  Whereas before I had track & field, swimming, and ROTC training to keep me extremely active, in college I lazed around eating great food and lounging on couches or my bed.  I guess my natural weight is just around 140, since it seems I can maintain that very easily.  Nowadays I linger at 125 and I wonder if it is because I can’t eat as much as I used to.  As a kid, I was always a huge eater (and more of a snacker), so my metabolism was constantly on hyperdrive.  I think that helped me not gain a lot of weight and now that my metabolism has slowed, my eating habits have shrunk along with it.  I’m just glad I never had to discipline myself to eat well because I love my food too much!

A curious phenomenon

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One day I looked at my KOR hydration vessel to find it covered in bubbles.

water bottle with tiny air bubbles lining the inside

So it turns out this is what happens when you put hot water in, seal the container, and let the water cool.

How fascinating.

My dreams of being a school bus driver

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When I was young, I wanted to be a number of unusual things.  While other children were aspiring to be doctors, lawyers, artists, dancers, or some form of celebrity, I once had it in my mind that I wanted to be a school bus driver.  You see, I always had a penchant for sharing candy and snacks with my friends and I figured there was no better job that allowed you to give candy to kids than that of a school bus driver.  I wouldn’t have to deal with teaching and grading like teachers do, I wouldn’t have to clean up after messy kids like janitors do, and I wouldn’t have to deal with strange cafeteria food like the servers do.  All I’d have to do is pick students up in the morning and drop them off at night.  Meanwhile, I could have a lovely stash of treats that I’d give out for holidays and in certain special times like first and last day of school.

When I was in fourth grade, my teacher had an entire drawer of delicious candy.  When we got homework assignments and tests back, we’d find nickels, dimes, and quarters stamped at the top of our page.  Depending on how well we did for that assignment or test, we would find different increments of change stamped on.  We would  then tear off the stamped image and keep it in a bag or pencil case.  Then, one glorious day, Mrs. S would open up her fabulous drawer and allow us to “buy” the candy within.  Though I thought that would be fun to do, I didn’t like the other aspects of the job, like controlling unruly young kids and patiently teaching them a variety of subjects.  So, I decided that I would rather be the like school bus driver, who would give us candy on Valentine’s Day or for the winter holidays.  It’s all the fun without the grunt work!

When your boyfriend cuts your hair

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I don’t know what program I’m supposed to be installing to be able to record a video from my webcam on my computer, so I have resorted to online methods.  Most programs I found don’t seem compatible with Windows 7 anyway. So here’s my attempt at the vlog I wanted to do before. The audio’s a bit harsh, so turn down your volume!

Eastern vs. Western cooking

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It seems to be an Eastern cultural thing to cook based on feeling, rather than using measuring cups and step by step instructions.  At least that’s how we do it in my household.  I guess that’s why we never quite know if our food will turn out like that one time when it was perfect and wonderful (and usually it doesn’t, pity).  But hey, it’s a lot more fun that way and when you get enough practice, soon enough you can cook pretty consistently.  It’s a good way of testing your culinary skills!  Besides, having that variation allows for unintentional discoveries that can be quite fun.  I personally enjoy never knowing what my food will end up tasting like.  Makes meals just a little more exciting.  😛

Jiminy Cricket

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One day, Panda noticed a cricket on the wall.  He immediately wanted it out, but I saw that she just needed a warm place to stay.  Besides, being a female, she doesn’t chirp, so she wasn’t bothering anyone by being there.  Plus, crickets are considered good luck in Chinese culture, so I figured it’d be nice to have her around the place for a bit.  We eventually compromised by capturing her and keeping her in a ventilated container.  Panda didn’t like the idea of her running around the place and I didn’t like the idea of shooing her away.

cricket with a rotting pear core

We read that they like to eat rotting food, so I figured the pear core from earlier that day was suitable. Oh yeaaah, doesn't that mold look appetizing?

cricket in plastic container on grass, with lid removed to allow it to hop out

After two or three days, I was afraid we didn't have the conditions to keep her as a pet, so I decided it was time to release her outside.

cricket hopped out onto grass and was free to go

She eventually hopped out of the container, made her way across the grass, and disappeared into a crack in the wall.

Job listings

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As I scour the web for job listings, I’ve come across quite an assortment of posts.  They range from professionally-written and well-organized to a complete jumble, riddled with errors and not very representative of what the job may be.  Some barely give me enough information to know if it’s a job I’d be interested in!  What a waste.  So here are some thoughts I had while reading dozens of descriptions…

1. What amuses me greatly are the ones that say “only serious candidates please.”  It made me wonder if that actually works, and silly as it sounds to me, I bet it does, if only a little bit.  There’s something about human psychology that needs a little reminding of the seemingly obvious things at times.  That’s exactly why saying “please RT” on Twitter actually does work in increasing the number of retweets.  It’s obvious that people would love if you retweet their stuff on Twitter, but sometimes when it’s a particularly important thing, writing it out gets people to take action.  Similarly, having that warning phrase probably does do some damage control for the posters, decreasing the number of junk applications they get.

2. I appreciate it when the company tells you who they are!  It amazes me how many anonymous job listings there are.  After all, if I were the hiring manager, I would want to make sure the candidate not only fits what I want in the position, but aligns with the business objectives of the company as well.  Don’t you want people who fit the company culture and truly like your product or service?  I can understand individual people looking for personal assistants being more vague on who they are, but at least they describe themselves – “female executive working between home and office.”  Companies rarely go into their company culture, usually saying something generic like “fast-paced environment.”  What if I find out, like my friend Elle did once, that you stand for exactly the opposite things that I do?!

2a. Also, some descriptions are very similar and I wonder if it’s the same one I applied for.  Though it doesn’t look the same, it’s the same job title, in the same general area, with the same pay.  What if I’m wasting my time applying twice?  If I know what the organizations were, that could be prevented.

3. What’s up with this whole “salary commensurate with experience” deal?  I would much rather they put up a range so I can get an idea of where I fall.  To me, job descriptions vary greatly between organizations and though I just about qualify to be a marketing director for one, I barely qualify to be a marketing associate/assistant in another!  That’s where the issue of money becomes handy (and I begin to see why money came about in the first place).  The standardization of worth is pretty accurately measured across these jobs, despite the descriptions.  So a quick glance at the salary or hourly wage gives me a good idea of whether I’m too far off from a position or if it is within my range.  Oftentimes the job descriptions don’t even tell me and technically I qualify, but I get the impression they’re looking for someone with closer to 7 years experience, or the like.  I think having a solid number up there helps weed away people whose expectations are too far off.

I’m sure I’ll find other nuances that either entertain or annoy me as I keep looking.  Such is the experience of being a job hunter!  I’ve gotten much better at distinguishing between real listings and the fake ones though (well maybe they’re not fake, but they’re a bit of a scam and not the standard career job I’m looking for).  I’ve got some promising leads and interviews to be scheduled, so that’s good.  And the hunt continues…

In lieu of a real video blog

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I wanted to do a “real” video blog today – you know the type where it’s a webcam shot of someone talking at you? Well, turns out when I upgraded to Windows 7, I lost all the pre-installed programs so now I don’t have anything to record on my webcam with. Until I figure out what software I need or find a different program that can do that for me, you’ll just have to make do with watching me enjoy the kick of this rifle.

rifling it from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

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