Do you know what to do in a power outage?

laelene Post in how to guides, stories,Tags: , , , , , , , ,

The back story…

Yesterday morning I was woken up from a dream by Panda’s voice. It took me some time to figure out he was trying to talk to me. “The power’s out,” he said. Huh? That woke me up a bit He explained it had been out since 1 and asked if I knew how to open the garage door. I explained it to him and settled in for some more sleep before I had to get up. Moments later, his phone started ringing. The neighbor was calling to ask for helping opening her garage door.

Panda went to practice on our door first, and then called me to help make sure it was done right. For some reason, ours was not staying up once you pushed it. It took a lot of maneuvering to get it to a precarious position where it didn’t start sliding down. Luckily, the neighbor’s was working fine and stayed up the way it should. We both backed our cars out of the garages and Panda went off to work. The neighbor then asked me with help closing the garage door.

It was pretty high and took a little jumping to grab the handle and pull it back down. Once in place, I pushed in the manual lock to keep it in place and we went through her home so I could leave from the front door. She decided to show me the lighter she placed by the gas stove, explaining that she had no idea she could still use the stove! Panda had explained that to her. Then she did something that showed me she really hadn’t gone through power outages before – she opened the freezer door wide open.

She wanted to show me the ice packs she was afraid would melt and start leaking. I quickly got her to close the door and explained that if she kept her fridge and freezer sealed, they can retain their cold temperature for hours. I made sure to emphasize to NOT open either door until the power came back on.

This experience was surprising for me. I thought everyone knew the basics of what to do (and what you can/can’t do) in a power outage. While power outages aren’t commonplace in the US, they certainly do happen here and there, whether due to equipment failures or weather conditions. Haven’t we all been through one at some point? Perhaps not. So with Hurricane Joaquin and other impending weather conditions likely to cause a lot of flooding, it’s likely there will be more power outages up and down the eastern seaboard.

Are you prepared for a power outage? Here are my tips and suggestions:

Before the Outage

-Prepare supplies. This includes everything from extra food (canned or dry goods) and water to flashlights and candles. Don’t forget those long reach lighters! Make sure to have some warm clothing and/or blankets available if temperatures have been cooling in your area as they have been here.

-If you have any sort of health concern, have tons of medication or equipment pieces ready to use. If what you need requires power, it might be best to go somewhere that will have a backup generator and professionals who can help you.

-Get a battery/solar/hand crank powered radio. In case your phone signal has issues, this can allow you to get news.

-Try to fill up on gas now so you aren’t in crazy lines later. Just in case you need to evacuate (and assuming you can actually drive out of the area).

-Speaking of evacuating, throw together a “go bag” with power bars, some water, clothing, and other items you’d need if you have to make a quick run for it.

-Charge up devices, battery packs, and anything else that needs or stores power. It’s always better to have plenty of backups.

-Transfer some ice packs to the fridge to help keep the temperature down in there during the outage.

-When anticipating a storm, bring in anything from the outside that might get damaged or blown away.

-Gather up some books, board games, and other activities you can do without any electricity.

During the Outage

-Once there is an outage, be sure to unplug devices hooked up directly to the wall. Turn off any surge protectors just to be extra safe. Larger things like fridges and microwaves should be fine, so no need to go climbing in some dusty area trying to unplug those.

-Do not open the fridge or freezer doors! Feel free to throw down a rag by the freezer door to absorb any leakage from melting ice, but don’t look in there until the power has come back on.

-If it’s light out and not crazy windy or rainy, go outside and enjoy! If it is raining heavily and that’s why the power went out, grab a book and read by the window or spend some time chatting/playing games with your loved ones.

-Use the radio to stay tuned to any emergency news, especially potential evacuations or worsening conditions.

-If it’s dark out, snuggle up in a blanket, light some candles, and enjoy the peaceful flickers of light. Take advantage of the opportunity to get a little extra rest and sleep early!

-To open the garage door, pull firmly down on the red thing dangling down. This releases it and allows you to manually pull the door up. If you push it past your head and as far up as you can, you should be able to get it to stay there. To close, grab the handle (you might need a chair to help) and start pulling the door down. Make sure you support the weight and bring it down in a controlled fashion so it doesn’t slam down to the ground. From the inside, there’s at least one side with a metal bar that you can push to lock the door in place so someone from the outside can’t open it. Secure that in place and you’re done!

-For those with gas burners, when you try to turn on the flame and hear that clicking noise, light up a flame and stick it by the burner. It will catch the natural gas on fire and allow you to heat up food. Be careful not to get too close when lighting.

-Depending on the severity of conditions, carefully ration the food you eat so you don’t rush through it all. Same with the water supply, if your piping is affected and the water gets contaminated.

After the Outage

-Open up the fridge and check for anything that might have spoiled, depending on the length of time the power was out (say, more than 4 hours). If anything is above 40 degrees, it might be spoiled. The freezer can last up to 48 hours by some accounts, so your food should be ok if the outage wasn’t long. If you’re concerned, feel how warm the food is and make your judgement call on what to keep or toss.

-Replug anything that you’d unplugged and turn those surge protectors back on. Do a spot check of lights around the home. They should work, but you never know.

-Those with garage doors, you can pull the metal lock out and press the garage door opener. The piece will move until it clicks back into place and then you can open and close the door electronically like before.

-And then you can start moving everything else back into their original places too!

-Be sure to restock on anything that got low so you’re prepared for the next one.


I’ve shared what I’ve learned from personal experience. I’ve never had flooding, so you’ll find that area lacking in my points. Let me know if I missed anything else! I personally like a minor power outage since it forces us to live more simply for a little while.

My new compost tumbler

laelene Post in lifestyle glimpses, photo blog,Tags: , ,

This weekend, I received the compost tumbler that I ordered online! I wanted something compact that I could keep on my porch and put my food scraps in. The tumbling kind is perfect because you can rotate the mix around and distribute it more evenly for better “cooking” in there.

tumbling composter box with cat sniffing corner tumbling composter parts in box tumbling composter parts assembled tumbling composter stand partially assembled tumbling composter in progress brand new assembled tumbling composter inside compartment of tumbling composter

It was pretty easy to figure out once I tried out the components. There were a ton of screws to put in! There are some ventilation holes that can’t be sealed so I can’t pour straight liquid. I hope it decomposes well and doesn’t leak!

Escape Monthly September: Greece Box review

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Yay for Greece! I love the wide variety of products, many of which feature olive oil, of course. Nothing looks familiar but it’s cool to see some Greek on the packaging.

Escape Monthly is just under $40 per box (with code for 20% off your subscription – see end of post) and comes with a variety of food, home, skincare items themed around a city/region. Each box comes with a guide for that area. Boxes are sent monthly with no option to skip. They offer a referral commission program.

escape monthly september greece box products showing escape monthly september greece box info card escape monthly september greece box info card opened with fact sheet showing escape monthly september greece box info card opened with details of products included(click to enlarge and read full messaging)

It shouldn’t be a surprise that there were plenty of awesome food items and I love that I’ll be able to make a dish or two to really get that sense of Greece.

Here’s what came in the box:

Mastic care body lotion – I can smell the plants in this as I rub it in. It is very smooth and instantly softens my hands. Feels great and I think I’ll use it for lotioning up after showers to lock in that moisture.

Iliada extra virgin olive oil in vanilla – Whoa, I had no idea olive oil comes in flavors! Love it. I like the vanilla one I got, which should offer a nice fragrance and a hint of sweetness to my food. I’ll try cooking with it as well as making a dressing to try.

Misko orzo – I’ve never cooked orzo and I’m excited to not only try the salad recipe (with some modifications for my taste), but also make some lemon orzo soup. I’m a fan of that soup at restaurants and I’d love to make my own version.

glass evil eye – Not much evil to ward off here, but I like trinkets like this so I’ll find a place to hang it for good luck. It reminds me of a bar in York called Evil Eye, which was a really fun quirky place.

Rick Steves’ Pocket Athens – I’m going on a Europe trip this year, but won’t be making it to Greece this time. I look forward to returning to Athens though, and perhaps being very well-prepped if I read this guide!

Elma gum in classic – Cool, gum inspired by ancient times in Greece. This is another product making use of mastic trees. I’ve never heard of them before!

Olivia olive oil soap – Olive oil should be good for the skin and hair, so I might just rub this on my head too. I’m not a huge fan of the scent, but it’s not too strong so that’s not a big deal.

Bingo Serenata milk chocolate wafers – What fun! These remind of Kit Kats and I’m glad we got two. I enjoy chocolate wafers for the combination of taste and crunch.

Ivi peach juice – No wonder this box was so heavy! This giant bottle of juice is nice and the packaging makes me think of Ribena and other squashes (which you’ll easily find in the UK). I love peach products and I’ve put this in the fridge to chill.

Greece was a great choice and I’m happy with the products. I look forward to where the next box will take us! What items from this Greece Escape Monthly box do you like most? If you want to sign up, be sure to sign up for their newsletter to get a code for 20% off the lifetime of your subscription.

[This post contains affiliate links. Signing up through them helps support my subscription and I’d be ever so grateful. 🙂 All opinions are my own and I received no compensation for this review. I just purchased this box and wanted to share what I got!]

Petit Vour September 2015 review

laelene Post in reviews, subscriptions,Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Alright! I’m loving the wooden packaging of some of these brands. It just feels more luxurious that way, much like glass bottles do.

Petit Vour is $15 per box (or as much as $30 for international subscribers) and comes with vegan beauty, skincare, and other personal care products. Boxes are sent monthly with no option to skip. They offer a referral program that earns you points towards free boxes (email to say I referred you if you sign up!).

contents of petit vour september 2015 box with blissoma facial cleanser, mahalo mask, msc sugar scrub, elate lipstick, and info card with be bold be kind theme petit vour september 2015 box info card with item details

Blissoma Mild Rice Facial Cleanser – Good timing with this, since I just got a bout of breakouts and my skin needs some soothing cleansing. This has a very healing scent and I really feel like it calms skin down. At the least it is calming my mind!

Mahalo Pele Mask – Another great and timely product. The inside looks like it could be spirulina it has a strange earthy smell. I look forward to trying this out as my next mask.

Metropolis Soap Co. (msc) grapefruit & spearmint sugar scrub – What a unique combination of scents. I really like it and this scrub melts with your body heat to because a super nourishing product. It’s fun to exfoliate until the grains melt away and you’re left with soft skin.

Elate Clean Cosmetics creme lipstick in lively – What awesome packaging! I think it’s fabulous and the shade is a nice sort of deep rose that matches my lip color well. I feel conditioned with it on and it gives nice little sparkles without being too bold so it’s perfect for a more natural look.

I will absolutely use all the products in this box and I love them all! What do you think of these items?

[This post mentions a referral program. Signing up and emailing to say I referred you helps support my subscription and I’d be ever so grateful. 🙂 All opinions are my own and I received no compensation for this review. I just purchased this box and wanted to share what I got!]

How to discern a person’s character

laelene Post in general blog,Tags: , , , ,

I’ve found that one of the easiest ways to tell someone’s character is by how they treat those they don’t particularly like and don’t (think they’ll) need.

So often, people focus their attention on those they want or need something from and neglect all others. They may be nice to their family because of the intrinsic tie, to bosses because of their influence, or simply to people they like because they enjoy the company. But it’s easy to be good when you want to get something out of it.

What would you do when you ran into someone you did not get along with? Would you duck your head and go another way? Would you grit your teeth and try to be cordial? Would you sneer a bit and let them know how you feel? Or would you attempt to make a friend or at least acquaintance of them?

I’ve met some people who really rubbed me the wrong way. I remember one girl who had a good heart, but she was just so needy with attention that she went out of her way to get it. She’d bake you a cake or buy you something to try to win your affection. Some people were wooed by that, but it grated on me because it felt so fake. I mostly tolerated her, but every now and then when it got extremely excessive, I honestly shared my opinions with her. Admittedly, I’m not a very patient person and if our social lives did not intersect, I would have steered clear. I find it better to avoid conflict like that.

A few folks I’ve known weren’t quite so nice. There was one girl who would target me whenever she had a complaint about my friends and I, as if I was the only person causing the problem. I think it was because I was the only name she knew. I found it very rude the way that she haughtily came to ask us to change our behavior, like she’d never had a day of fun in her whole life. In fact, I’m not sure she ever smiled and she had the worst resting face I’ve seen. It always looked like she was fuming or glaring at you. When she finally moved on to somewhere else, she never even told any of us that she was leaving. You can tell she didn’t bother with making any friends there.

Another one in particular was rude, disrespectful, and outright mean at times. I don’t know where all that hate came from, but I can’t stand that sort of thing. What really bothered me was the fact that she was two-faced, putting on a smile for people she liked, respected, or needed to get along with. Me? I had no impact on her life and she did not like me, so she held little back. Normally I’d keep my distance as much as possible and not waste time thinking about her awful personality, but sometimes our paths inevitably intersect and I can’t help but wish that more people would see through her facade.

This then begs the question: would you rather be ignored and not noticed or ridiculed when noticed? Which is the lesser evil here? In a sense, if you’re being bullied, you’re being noticed. What if you mattered so little to people that they didn’t even pay attention to your existence? What scenario would make you feel more inferior?

I personally would prefer to be ignored. At least then you’re not subjected to cruelty. It may make you feel small to not be noticed at all, but it’s easier to deal with. With bullying, try as you might to convince yourself that you’re being targeted because of an innate security from the bully, or even jealousy, it’s hard to accept that mindset. What do you think?

I’m trying hard to not let negativity like that into my life. It’s sad that they are so lacking in positive emotions and healthy relationships, but I can’t help but mull over it more than I ever should. I always wonder if there’s something I could do to make things different. Ultimately, it’s up to them to stop perpetuating that negativity and it’s up to me to keep those influences out. If I have to, I might need to remove myself from the situation that keeps me tied to these poisonous people. I’d rather be happier somewhere else.

Treatsie September 2015 review

laelene Post in reviews, subscriptions,Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

Wow, what a delivery day – I got three boxes at once today!

Treatsie is $15 per box + $4.95 shipping and comes with artisan candy from 3-4 brands. That means about 6 or 7 different flavors of treats. Boxes are sent monthly with no option to skip. They offer a referral link program to earn store credit. Use my referral link to get your first box FREE!

treatsie september 2015 box contents with mighty brittle, salty road taffy, and marlo's bake shop biscotti treatsie september 2015 info card

Mighty Brittle in Maple: Mmm, the maple flavor makes this taste sort of like it was made with brown sugar. It’s a deeper sweet that really grabs you. I’m a fan and like that the nut pieces are nice and small.

Salty Road Salty Caramel Apple salt water taffy: I like the hint of salty with a nice burst of apple flavor. I wouldn’t choose this flavor on my own, but it’s just right for the fall. Wonderfully chewy and sweet for a little morsel of the season.

Marlo’s Bake Shop Original, Midnight & Banana Bread biscotti: I like that these are soft and not the super hard, super crunchy kind. They are a little dry on their own, so it’s the perfect complement to a nice hot drink. Next time I have hot chocolate, you bet I’ll be dipping these!

It’s a pity there wasn’t another recipe this time, perhaps for an apple cider! I hope that they try that again on their cards. Their treat selection was on the money with the transitioning season. Which treats do you want to try? To get Treatsie, sign up with my link and get your first box free!

[This post contains affiliate links. Signing up through them helps support my subscription and I’d be ever so grateful. 🙂 All opinions are my own and I received no compensation for this review. I just purchased this box and wanted to share what I got!]

Yogi Surprise September 2015 review

laelene Post in reviews, subscriptions,Tags: , , , , , , , , , ,

Alright, first subscription box of the month. I’ve whittled it down to just four now, so I appreciate each one all the more.

Yogi Surprise is just under $36 per box (with code for 20% off your subscription – use my referral links from this post) and comes with yoga gear, skincare, food, and other lifestyle products. Boxes are sent monthly with no option to skip. They offer a referral program that earns you free boxes.

contents of yogi surprise september 2015 box with info card yogi surprise september 2015 info card with product details yogi surprise september 2015 promo card and yoga sequence card yogi surprise september 2015 back of promo card and yoga sequence card

Gaiam yoga mat sling – What a nice, simple tool to easily transport a yoga mat to and from class. I currently have a yoga bag that is quite well-ventilated and does the job, but this will be handy to have when I need to save on space.

Molly Muriel Butter Up soap – I feel pretty familiar with this brand now that I’ve received multiple samples and full size soaps of theirs. The other Butter Up bar I got was from Escape Monthly box this January. I like how gentle and foamy it is with just a mild scent. I wouldn’t have minded receiving one of their other soaps, but I’m happy with this.

All Good Coconut Sunstick – I find rubbing solid formulas like this a lot of fun. A little goes a long way and I end up smelling like a delicious snack! This will be perfect to bring along on travel without worrying about airline liquid limitations.

philosophie Berry Bliss vegan protein & superfood powder – Erm, I’m not really sure how to consume this. Can I just mix with water or would that taste awful? They have a smoothie recipe on the back, but I don’t really make those so perhaps I will try mixing this in with my morning yogurt.

Yogi Surprise Rooting Down yoga sequence series card – Here’s the second card of the series, with a focus on grounding and having a strong foundation. The instruction page has been updated for this month’s sequence so you can download the PDF and view the poses, but no video this time.

Urban Moonshine Joy Tonic – I first came across this brand in another Yogi Surprise box and this is one of their other products. This is supposed to help with anxiety and bring a sense of calm and peace.

Big Dipper Wax Works Citronella tea light candles – What timing! The Homegrown box just came with ingredients to make my very own citronella candle so these are perfect to have as well. I like to keep the porch door open for the cats, so I will try keeping a candle burning near that area to see if it prevents mosquitoes from making their way inside.

Caveman Cookies in Original – Wow, I tried just tasting one but it was surprisingly addictive and I ate the entire cookie. I like how it’s sort of like an oatmeal cookie combined with a soft energy bar in its texture. It’s very chewy and moist. Great little snack to pop in your bag for whenever you need extra energy or to stave off hunger.

I’ll get around to trying each of these and expand my horizons a bit. I like the mix of product types! What products do you want to try from this box?

[This post contains affiliate links. Signing up through them helps support my subscription and I’d be ever so grateful. 🙂 All opinions are my own and I received no compensation for this review. I just purchased this box and wanted to share what I got!]

The hidden gems of iOS 9

laelene Post in general blog, reviews,Tags: , , , , ,

I just got around to upgrading my phone to iOS 9 today and there were some surprises in store for me! First was the new font, which is a bit… cuter, I’d say. It’s hard to describe but I feel like it’s a bit thinner, more rounded, and seems slightly more spaced out. Most people probably won’t even notice it.

The biggest shock was when the keyboard popped up and *gasp* there were lowercase letters! This seemed like such a basic thing, yet it took years to finally get it. In fact, I’ve already converted to Swiftkey as my default keyboard because the Apple one just doesn’t cut it.

ios 9 new safari bookmark icons and lowercase keyboard

As you might also note from here, Safari bookmarks now show a letter when there’s no custom icon from the site. Previously, they used the Safari compass icon as a placeholder.

ios 9 app menu redesign

Switching between apps takes on a new feel as you swipe in the opposite direction now. It glides more but I find it harder to close two apps at once.

ios 9 menu box buttons

Menu box pop-ups feel rounder and more spaced out.

ios 9 new photos folders for selfies and screenshots

New default photo folders group together “Selfies” and “Screenshots”

ios 9 new photo scrubber

Photos have a scrubber at the bottom, where you can quickly navigate through.

Other nice updates allow you to zoom on videos to get a better view, quickly select a bunch of photos by swiping across them (no more individual taps!), and swipe down on a photo to go back to the thumbnail view of an album.

ios 9 new notes with checklist, sketching, and image capabilities

Notes gets a lot more functionality, with the ability to create checklists, draw sketches, and insert photos.

Notes can also be put into folders, making it easier to organize.

ios 9 add webpage to notes

Now easily add a webpage to your notes too!

ios 9 search within settings functionality

Search within settings when you can’t remember where something like battery usage would be found (don’t we all have trouble with this?)

ios 9 view event showing schedule before and after event

Viewing events in Calendar show you a glimpse of your time before and after the event.

ios 9 reminders with number of reminders and overdue items shown

Reminders have nice summaries of how many items are in each list and which of those are overdue.


ios 9 text overlap

Sometimes text runs into each other though.

And then of course there are plenty of other changes that you probably heard about as well:

-directions for public transit in select cities

-smarter prompts from Siri: swiping right from the home screen pulls up suggestions for contacts, calendar events, apps, and more

-“Back to [previous app]” option in the top left now lets you quickly return to the app you just came from

-Low power setting to conserve your phone’s power usage

-Improvements to performance so battery life is extended

-Passbook is now Wallet and you’ll be able to add loyalty cards in addition to other forms of digital cards/tickets

-A News app for aggregating news that you might want to read

-“Remind me of this” prompts Siri to set up a reminder about whatever you are looking at

-Add attachments in Mail – not just for photos anymore!

So far I’m really liking the changes and I look forward to stumbling upon others that make the experience better in subtle ways. I’m not upgrading my iPad mini just yet because a coworkers told us that the version of Reflector we use isn’t compatible with it. I need to be able to show my tablet screen for demos and webinars and I’m not keen on paying for the newer version of the software just so I can have iOS 9 on my tablet. Have you upgraded to this new operating system? What do you think so far?

Homegrown Collective August 2015 review

laelene Post in reviews, subscriptions,Tags: , , , , , , , ,

Hah! How perfect that this came when I’ve been having some skin flare-ups. I wonder if they’ll be good for that in addition to actual bug bites? I don’t know what is causing my redness and bumps but it might just be worth a try.

The Homegrown Collective GREENBOX is $39 per box + $9 shipping (or as discounted as $429 for an entire year, with options in between) and comes with fun and easy projects to live a more sustainable lifestyle. Boxes are sent monthly with no option to skip. They offer a referral program you can apply to join.

inside of bugs, be gone! homegrown collective 2015 box with the info sheets on the inner lid contents of the homegrown collective august 2015 box with bugs, be gone! theme

Project #1, DIY anti-itch salve: This looks really promising for soothing itching skin of all sorts. I love how simple it is, so it can be quickly put together and slathered on. I’ve rubbed it on my swollen fingers and so far so good with the soothing effect. I may smell like I’m trying to ward off vampires, but if it helps with the itching then I’m all in.

the homegrown collective august 2015 project diy anti-itch salve info card the homegrown collective august 2015 products for diy anti-itch salve

Project #2, DIY plant-based bug spray: Whoa, there’s a lot going on here! All sorts of scents to keep those bugs at bay and create a barrier between us and anything that might want to to irritate our skin. Mosquitoes, beware! This should definitely pack a punch.

the homegrown collective august 2015 project diy plant-based bug spray info card the homegrown collective august 2015 products for diy plant-based bug spray

Project #3, DIY mint citronella candle: I know that citronella is great for keeping bugs away, so this is a great candle to have for burning outdoors. Luckily, it smells good to us humans and can provide a nice freshness to the air. I like to keep the door open in the evening so the cats can play on the porch, so I might try having this candle by the door to hopefully keep the insects from flying in.

the homegrown collective august 2015 project diy mint citronella candle info card the homegrown collective august 2015 products for diy mint citronella candle

It’s great to have these natural ways of repelling insects so we don’t have to worry about what we’re putting on our skin or what we’re breathing in. This box offers three great ways to keep the bugs away and/or soothe any bites that you might have gotten.

the homegrown collective august 2015 diy insect repellants & salve info card

Want your own? Subscribe to the Homegrown Collective to start getting projects too!

[This post contains affiliate links. Signing up through them helps support my subscription and I’d be ever so grateful. 🙂 All opinions are my own and I received no compensation for this review. I just purchased this box and wanted to share what I got!]

Petit Vour August 2015 review

laelene Post in reviews, subscriptions,Tags: , , , , , , ,

I was really excited about this box, which came with a really large full-size product to try. Everything happened to be from a brand I’ve experienced before, but all products were absolutely new to me.

Petit Vour is $15 per box (or as much as $30 for international subscribers) and comes with vegan beauty, skincare, and other personal care products. Boxes are sent monthly with no option to skip. They offer a referral program that earns you points towards free boxes (email to say I referred you if you sign up!).

contents of petit vour august 2015 box with juara serum, modern minerals finishing glow, yarok serum and defining creme, mychelle enzyme scrub, and info card with you're glowing theme petit vour august 2015 box info card with item details

Juara Clove Flower & Tumeric Serum – What fancy ingredients! I’ve never had any product with clove or tumeric before. A little bit is enough to nourish the whole face and it has a slippery texture that then absorbs into skin well.

Modern Minerals Tea Rose Finishing Glow – Hmm I’m debating whether I should use this product. It seems like a blush-like item and I don’t usually use that, but this seems like fun to apply. I might try it on my cheeks or even eyes, for a rosier look.

Yarok Feed Your Shine hair serum & Feed Your Curls defining creme – This definitely brings more shine and luster to my hair. I just don’t like the smell though, so I’d have to use it super sparingly to not get a whiff of it with each move. The creme seems like a cool product to style with. I hardly ever do my hair, but I’ll pull this out the next time I do.

MyChelle Fruit Enzyme Scrub – I love this product! So happy that we got the full size to use. It smells wonderfully of something sweet and the little grains offer excellent exfoliation. It’s so much fun to rub around on my face and I feel great using it.

I’m a fan of what came this time and just the scrub was more than worth the value. What do you think of this box?

[This post mentions a referral program. Signing up and emailing to say I referred you helps support my subscription and I’d be ever so grateful. 🙂 All opinions are my own and I received no compensation for this review. I just purchased this box and wanted to share what I got!]

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