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birthday present wrapped in recycled materials

Isn’t it precious?

Yaaay, I can officially cross off one item from my wishlist because I got a present from Panda today.  🙂  It’s an early birthday present and it already has my fingers numb from overuse.  What is it?  Well, none other than BuckyBalls!!!  And what is that?  Well, they’re magnetized balls 5 mm in diameter and you get a set of 216.  Can anyone tell me the significance of that number?  A trip to Wolfram Alpha quickly enlightens you: it’s 6³ (six cubed), which means that number forms a perfect 6X6X6 cube.  Very handy for a condensed form of safe-keeping and transportation.  And that is exactly the shape I found it in today when I unwrapped the gift.  Let me also say I’m so proud of Panda because he has really taken my greening efforts to heart and took gift wrap from a present he received to wrap mine, made the bow himself out of old ads, and found a cute image to cut out of another ad to make my card.  Isn’t that just lovely?  The preparation was almost better than the gift.  But if you have ever played with BuckyBalls, you can understand why it was just was almost better.  Honestly, they are so great and amazingly entertaining.

buckyballs and orange storage case

Complete with carrying case!

In fact, they’re so loved that they’ve got a fan following with plenty of pictures to share on their own creations.  That’s what I love about products that are so simple – it leaves a lot of room for innovation and creativity!  This one also gives a great interactive lesson in magnetism and how polarity works.  By trial and error, you can quickly learn how you can make some ball fit nicely in a square grid whereas others fit much tighter in a staggered grid shape.  If you check out the pictures on the Facebook page, you can find many descriptions including “hedron” and other such nerdy terms.  What better way to fall in love with science?

buckyballs stuck to scissors

Testing out their magnetism…

buckyballs hanging on to scissors

…still hanging strong!

buckyballs still hanging on to scissors

By this time the connection was weaker, but just that one point of contact allowed it to support that weight for awhile!

starting to unravel the buckyball cube

It holds pretty well.

buckyball cube became a tangled mess

Uh oh, once you mess it up like this, it’s really hard to fix.

And a photo blog in the coming weeks to show some of the fun creations I sacrificed my thumbs to make!  (It can be quite difficult to pull those suckers away from each other.  They have a magnet grade of N35, which is pretty darned high… aka they have strong attraction and repulsion forces.)

Magician vs. illusionist

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I saw David Copperfield with my parents on Christmas Eve and though the show was good, it was not magical to me.  Perhaps it is because I have come to an age where I understand some of the logic behind the tricks he does or perhaps it was because I found him to be rather arrogant, cuing us to applaud every little thing he did.  Ultimately, he isn’t a magician, so I suppose I shouldn’t expect a magical experience.  After all, he’s an illusionist and that part he did quite well, playing with our minds so that it was hard to fathom just how he pulled off his stunts.

I was also very distracted by his odd sense of humor and all-too-confident demeanor.  I went looking for cool tricks that I just couldn’t explain, but he tried to mix in too much comedy for my taste.  Certain things also appeared too staged, like the husband who slapped his wife’s butt when they were on stage because her knit dress was showing her undergarments.  When David asked if anyone had any questions, it was way too obvious that the guy shouting, “Do it again!  Do it slower!” was part of the show.  It didn’t help that those aren’t even questions.

david copperfield makes 13 members of the audience disappear

That's my daddy in the front row with the sweater on!

Nevertheless, there were some entertaining moments and he certainly is skilled at his crazy illusions.  The night ended on a high note when my dad was one of the audience members who go to go on stage and be vanished into thin air.  He eagerly went up and when the show was over, came out laughing heartily after having been a part of the show.  That was definitely worth it and we got an autographed picture for his troubles.  So in the end, it turned out to be a fun time, but I do believe we could have used a little more disbelief to enjoy it more.

Pontiac limo

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Saw this guy on the freeway as we were exiting.

Saw this guy on the freeway as we were exiting.

Now there's a model of limo you don't see often (or ever).

Now there's a model of limo you don't see often (or ever).

Yes, it’s the same car, FYI.  I happened to get in front of it so I could catch it in all its limo glory!

“Concealed” snails

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I randomly noticed these while standing around one day.  So cool!

I randomly noticed these while standing around one day. So cool!

Note the one in the far back too!  I was going for a sort of artistic angle.  😛

And then there was this guy, tucked away.

And then there was this guy, tucked away.

Ho hum holidays

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I’ve felt strangely disconnected with this holiday season, perhaps because it’s the first time I’m not on winter break since… well, since I can remember!  It was a lot easier to be excited about not going to school and having my birthday off, but I’ve had things pretty easy lately.  Other than my internship three days a week, I’m pretty much doing my own thing as I job hunt, so there’s no huge distinction between this week and the last.  For some reason having my parents back and not having my internship for these two weeks doesn’t have a strong effect on this impression.

I feel oddly out of sync with the world and watching those shows full of holiday cheer is like watching some foreign movie.  I don’t really connect with what is going on and I kind of watch with a bit of confusion.  Perhaps some snow would help me get in that mood.  I saw some pictures Katana took while she goes on a cruise through parts of Europe and that is what I consider to be festive!  I guess it also sucks that my neighbors really cut down on their Christmas lights in the past two years, so the most prominent reminder of this time of year is no longer there.  I’d like to go somewhere to enjoy a bit of a wintery feel.

Kitty cleaning

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cat peering out window

feeding a cat

anti-social feral cats huddled together
Beautiful eyes, but oh so unused to human contact.
cat sitting on cage

cat eating food

Don’t look so expectant!

sick kitten wearing a special collar
Had to protect him from hurting himself and popping out his rectum again.

frisky kitten about to jump from a pole

kitten climbing scratching pole

lazy cat sitting quietly
Not much of a mover.

cat playing with colorful string

My ideal laptop

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long battery life


fast with lots of programs

large screen
loud sound
webcamI nearly

I nearly broke my charger yet again yesterday, when I tripped on the cord at a very bad angle.  It’s got me thinking that I’d really like to just get a new computer rather than consider charger #4.  However, my computer is in pretty good shape and it’s a pity to get rid of it.  At first I was looking at some of those websites that pay you for a used laptop, but then I remembered all my relatives in China who’d love to have a nice and (relatively new) computer like this one!  Sometimes I forget how lucky I am, with access to the latest electronics and the funding to afford the ones I want.  The past two or three cameras I’ve had were all taken back to China after I broke them, fixed up, and given to a relative to use.  Same thing goes for my first laptop.  Seems like I tend to replace my electronics when my clumsy hands break them.

Dell laptop

Maybe I'll go back to my roots with a Dell.

So, though I’m not yet in the market for a new laptop, I do anticipate a new in the next year.  That got me thinking about the qualities that I need in the perfect one…  It would need to be sturdy to stand up to the abuse I put it through, occasionally dropping it, usually holding it precariously, and often stretching it to its limit.  I’d need a long battery life because I tend to use it heavily and if I am ever away from an outlet, I need to still be able to survive!  I’d also want it to operate very well with multiple programs running – I tend to have 10-30 tabs open in my browser at any given point, with some flash programs going, my instant messaging platform, a picture viewer and uploader, music player, and some documents I’m working on.  It needs to multitask like I do!  It also needs to be able to store my huge collection of pictures, videos, music, and documents, as well as support my myriad of programs.

HP Pavilion laptop

Being the brand-loyal kind of person I am, I'll probably opt for another HP.

What else?  I’m a huge fan of large screens and both my laptops have had wide screens.  I need really good speakers because I’d like to be able to hear things from afar and sometimes I think I’m a little hard of hearing.  There’d also need to be a built-in webcam for those days when Panda and I are not together and I need to see him on screen to be at ease.  It should also have a keyboard that can stand up to minor spillage and crumbs so I don’t have to worry replacing that.  And I think that they all come with wi-fi standard now, so that shouldn’t be a problem (but would definitely have to be a feature).  It’s also nice to have a CD-RW and DVD-RW drive, in case I ever need it (which isn’t that often).  Finally, I must have a card-reading slot so I don’t need to worry about cables to get pictures off of my camera.

As for things I haven’t had yet, I’d like bluetooth in this next one.  Not crucial, but a fun feature to have.  I have a remote for controlling media on this one, but I hardly used it, so that’s just a perk if it’s there.  Oh, and I’d like a long battery life without the really bulky battery that sticks out.  I like the angle it puts my keyboard at, but I don’t like how it doesn’t fit well into things.  Plus it’s suuuper heavy, so a lighter computer would be nice.  And that just about sums it up!  I’m sure when I start looking at features now in laptops, I’ll find a few more things I’d like to have.

The real reason for a mailbox

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Look at all the wonderful things I’ve received in the mail!  If it weren’t for that, I’d say do away with snail mail (though getting a handwritten letter is nice, but who does that anymore?).

free mock phone sock, mobile sock

My free Mock came via AirMail! Fits my phone perfectly. 🙂

apple card

A card, all shiny and new and what can it hold?

apple itunes gift card

Why, a gift card I won worth $25!

Brand loyalty

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dog, loyaltyI am a brand loyal type of gal.  There are definitely certain brands that I prefer and remain loyal to, whether or not they are the best product/service out there.  I believe this stems from my loyal nature in general.  I’m certainly very loyal to my friends, my schools, even the places I’ve lived.  I do what I can to be on their side and defend them against differing opinions.  The same goes for products I use – it seems that part of why I learn so much about them is so I can explain them to the ignorant or the skeptics.  And when my beloved brands are in trouble, I’m fretting along with them, hoping they’ll survive and giving them as much business as I can manage (like today at the Mongolian Grill place, where I even left a tip).

I have pretty strong convictions about the Asian food I eat.  In fact,I can think of exactly what brand of soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil, shrimp crackers, fish sticks, and saqima I always go for.  I’m a little less picky with my American brands (food or not) and there tend to be one or two major ones of each category that I like.  I’ve stuck to mostly one store for clothes, one bank for checking and two for savings, two brands for computers, one for shampoo, one for toothpaste… you get the idea.

cattle getting branded

Yikes, not that type of branding!

I’m fascinated by branding and what motivates me stick with the brands that I end up choosing.  Once I go for one, it’s really hard for me to switch to something else.  It’s kind of like when I go to a restaurant and choose an item on the menu, the next time I go I’m likely to order the same thing, no matter how hard I try to force myself to get a different dish.  Much of it is because I have expectations the next time I go and no other dish satisfies what I was craving quite like that original one.  And that’s exactly why I wanted to eat at that particular restaurant in the first place: because I was in the mood for that dish I had there.  So similarly I wonder if perhaps I stick with my brands because I expect something very particular from them and I know that I won’t be disappointed.  Though other brands might be better in other areas, those aren’t the areas I value as much.

Yes, now that seems like a reasonable explanation.  But how do they get me in the first place?  I know there’s a certain aesthetic appeal, as well as practicality/functionality.  Sometimes a logo can really make or break it for me.  That first impression tells me a lot:

Is the company innovative and advancing?

Is the company fresh, hip, and cool or too stodgy?

Did they put enough effort into the logo for me to trust that they’d put enough effort into their product/service too?

Does the branding reflect what their company is about or are there mixed messages?

And so images that are too boring, not eye-catching, or memorable are often thrown out pretty quickly.  Names and color schemes have a similar effect, but don’t affect me quite as strongly.  The ones I’m drawn to are also judged based on usefulness and ease of use to determine the ultimate choice.  Oftentimes it’s quite a hard decision, especially when it comes to technology.  With all the new ones coming out, it’s hard to choose which company to go with.  At least in the other arenas, things don’t move quite at that breakneck speed and I’ve settled pretty comfortably into a brand I love.

Ultimately, I think it comes down to which ones can grab my attention, then give me a good enough experience to not want to try somewhere else.


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Recently, in an effort to save money, I’ve been limiting myself to eating a few large meals throughout the day.  I’m the type of person who loves snacks and usually spends the day munching on smaller portions.  Apparently, experts studying eating habits call this “grazing” and find that it’s not as bad as people have been led to think.  Being a lifetime grazer, I certainly know that that is true, since I’ve always been extremely healthy, despite my so-called “bad” eating habits.  Plus, it has played a role in my relatively steady weight by keeping my metabolism up.

snacksI’ve found that I’m so used to eating small meals throughout the day that this change in eating patterns has really disrupted my body’s rhythm.  Since there is so much time between meals now, I feel ravenous much of the time and even woke up on occasion to be so nauseatingly hungry that I grabbed the nearest snack to scarf down while still lying prone in my bed.  I could barely open my eyes for how tired I was, but I could taste the bile creeping up and I knew I and to something so save my poor stomach.  It was not a pleasant experience and I certainly don’t want to have to deal with it on a weekly basis.

So, I have decided that I really should adhere to my original philosophy of eating when I want, which is nearly constantly throughout the day.  After all, I’m not at the point where I can’t afford to eat when my body says I should, so that attempt at saving money just wasn’t a good idea, considering how much my body had suffered for it.  Therefore, I’m going out to the store in the next couple of days and stocking up on snacks again.  I guess I just can’t live without my little munchies to sustain me every hour or so.  Bah to all those who think that three meals a day is the way to go.  At least for me, it’s just about the worst thing I can do for my health.

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