Community bond

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I just came back from watching a screening of No Impact Man tonight, which left me with a thought: it is important to have a sense of community.  One of the last things talked about was what Mr. NIM would recommend for people if they were to do just one thing to change their lives to be more environmentally-friendly.  His advice?  Volunteer for an environmental group because with that comes the community connection.

Typical Chinese meal: lots of dishes shared between everyone.

Typical Chinese meal: lots of dishes shared between everyone.

I find that to be a really good point – we’re not on this planet alone and we shouldn’t live and act like it (though oftentimes we do, especially in the American culture).  Much of the poor behavior that we’ve learned is because of this mentality.  Everyone wants a house to themselves, a car or two for their family, and their own share of everything.  The concept of sharing even extends to how our meals are eaten, with individual portions given out rather than some of everything that is shared amongst a group.  When we’re all too busy thinking about me, me, me, we do a lot of things that benefit us, but harm those around us, humans, animals/plants, and environment.  Plus, having that sense of community bond keeps us grounded and centered so we don’t lose sight of ourselves and fall into the throes of negative behavior (assuming your “community” is not a gang or drug cartel).

This point seemed particularly relevant for a poster I saw on the walk back.  It was advertising a young man who was struck by leukemia and was in the Intensive Care Unit at our local hospital.  He desperately needs a bone marrow match and as the poster said, he needs your help.  I thought of how when we as a population share our resources (which sometimes means donating blood or cells or the like), we are so much better off as a whole.  There are so many lives that could be saved if the healthy people in the world were willing to share some of that health with those less fortunate.

Typical American meal: individual portions of each dish.

Typical American meal: individual portions of each dish.

I actually just made a friend with a young lady in a similar situation (she just doesn’t need to be in an ICU).  In her last video update, she said something that I feel is something more people should think about: if the person who got leukemia was your mother, father, sister, brother, cousin, aunt, uncle, etc., then how would you react?  Would you still be so reluctant to donate cells that your body easily reproduces to save a life?  We’re not even talking about organs that can’t be replaced or something that drastic.  Sometime it’s blood, bone marrow, or plasma, but it’s all things that you can make more of in the coming days, weeks, and months.

I really think that this wouldn’t be so much an issue if we were more connected to our communities and had a better sense of those around us.  Honestly, how could you continue to not offer what you can if you cared for the people around you?  Once people start realizing that they won’t need to undergo the scary spinal tap procedure they thought was what you need to donate bone marrow, I think they have no excuses.  It’s either just like giving blood or you’ll be under anesthesia anyway.  In this case, sharing is caring!

Similarly for the environment, if we just cared more about others, we’d be able to move away from the individual cars per household mentality to the public transportation mentality.  One reason people tout buying local so much is because it supports others’ businesses and prevents you from getting outrageous out-of-season foods that are harder to find during certain times of year.  (Local produce may not actually be better for the environment though, but that’s an issue for another day.)  Other ways to be environmental and help your “neighbors” (including those in other cities, countries, and continents) is to reuse things rather than creating more trash that will end up in somebody’s backyard.  Too many people are living in dumps and all because of our irresponsible consumerism.

So moral of the story?  Care more about your neighbors, local and global.  It’ll make things so much better for everyone.

Best Buy(ing) experience

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For some Best Buy’s Reward Zone members, an invitation came to a private event from 7:30 to 9:30 last night.  The rechargeable USB batteries were an incentive, to be given to the first 50 people to arrive.  My mom and I decided to make the trip, invitation card and member ID in tow.  We weren’t in much of a rush, arriving just 15-20 minutes prior to the start of the event.  It’s a good thing we showed up when we did – a line of 40 had already formed!  Thankfully, batteries were given per member card, so we were well within the first 50 to show up and get a slip to exchange for the free gift.

After waiting in the cold for anywhere from 20-30 minutes, the line began to move.  We heard some hootin’ and hollerin’ in the distance, which confused us until we reached the entrance.  Inside, all the employees of the store were standing facing us, clapping and cheering and ushering us in.  A lot of thank yous were thrown out and one of the guys standing on the checkout counter was holding a big sign that thanked us for being their loyal customers (or something to that effect).  I felt at once silly and appreciated, which was a great way to start their two-hour event.  Now that’s what I call a great way to shop!  It’s a pity I didn’t have my camera on hand to document the moment!

A raffle was held every fifteen minutes, with $50 gift cards given out.  Employees swarmed the place, offering help to those with questions.  Games of Rock Band and DJ Hero were set up for people to try and a special offer on Wiis was front and center by the checkout stations.  All in all it was a festive time and a truly great way for Best Buy to make their members feel special while priming them to be in a spending and jolly mood.  Now that’s the kind of service and experience more companies should go for!  After all, happy customers make loyal customers.

Computer, charge my batteries!

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usb batteries charging in computer ports

And so my computer does, giving them the juice they need.

pair of rechareable usb batteries

I got these lovely things at Best Buy from the RewardZone. 🙂

When I first heard of rechargeable batteries that can just be plugged into a USB port, I was concerned the the width of the USB port was juuust too big for the AA batteries, but alas, it’s a perfect fit!  I wonder if they designed them to work together like that or if it was just a happy coincidence.

Brown is the happiest color of all

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white frame sunglassesLately I’ve been wearing a pair of white-frame sunglasses that I got at the LA County Fair.  They’re modeled to resemble Ray Bans (I think that’s what they’re called) and because of their shape, they fit my face easily.  I often run into trouble finding sunglasses that fit my head because I tend to have a wider distance between temples.  Most sunglasses hug my eyes and leave red marks on my cheeks after wearing them for awhile.  I usually end up with a headache too.

It’s a fortunate thing that I bought this pair, because I’ve been using it consistently ever since.  It seems the more you wear shades, the more you need them.  Is it just my imagination or have my eyes really gotten more sensitive to sunlight?  Whatever the case, psychologically at least, I need sunglasses on a bright day.  I actually just got these on a whim at the fair because I thought that the white frames were outrageous enough to be silly, yet mainstream enough to not get stares.  I’m always on the lookout for a snug pair that will fit my face and I suppose now I understand why the real Ray Bans are so expensive.

Well, using and abusing the white pair so much, I found one day that I didn’t know which bag I had it buried in.  My purses become black holes, so it was hopeless to find the things without dumping out the entire contents of my bags.  Unfortunately, I was on a time crunch, so I grabbed the first pair I could find – a brown pair I’d bought a long time ago.  I think I got them at my favorite (and now non-existent) shop in Westwood, Good Choice Gifts.  I do remember I had gotten the matching black pair because I couldn’t decide (as usually is the case).  I’ve since misplaced the black version.

Look at how happy I am!

Look at how happy I am!

I ran off, sunglasses in tow and put them on just before driving the car out of the garage.  And suddenly, bam.  The world looked beautiful, happy, better.  After so long wearing my black shades, I had forgotten the miracle a little brown shading can do for your eyes.  Forget rose-colored glasses!  Brown is most cheerful color of all.

If you’ve never owned a pair of brown sunglasses, I highly recommend them!  I’d say lighter shades of brown are better, giving just enough tint to the world without darkening it too much.  Filtering everything through this new lens on life makes greens greener, blues bluer, and everything richer!  I swear the sky has never looked so appealing than when I saw it through these sunglasses.

And hey, if the world looks happier to you, you’ll probably end up being happier too!  🙂

Bleeding Blue & Gold

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Belonging to an alumnus whose nickname is Frisbee (because he was on the Ultimate team).

Belonging to an alumnus whose nickname is Frisbee (because he was on the Ultimate team).

Our class gift was far from exciting, but I'm still a proud '08er.

Our class gift was far from exciting, but I'm still a proud '08er.

I'm totally getting myself one of these when I own my own car.

I'm totally getting myself one of these when I own my own car.


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Whoa, I can't believe they've actually branded this!

Whoa, I can't believe they've actually branded this!

About a year and a half ago, when I was living my final year on campus, I had a spectacular roommate who was an amazing musician (among many other things).  I had written a little post-it to myself that I stuck on my desk and one of our friends came in and read it: “I fiddle.”  Somehow, from there, Ms. Mariachi got the impression that there was a new product on the market called an iFiddle (must be her musical background).  The friend and I then proceeded to tell her this story:

Apple is coming out with a new product modeled after a real fiddle, which you can hold just like one, but instead of having strings, it has sensors that recognize when your bow and fingers are on it.  It can then play notes just like you would normally, but the great thing is you can connect your iFiddle to your computer and play background music to accompany your notes, or choose to have them transcribed into a composition as you play!  They’re coming out with a whole line of other instruments you can play with it as well, so you can get really creative with the pieces you compose.  You can also hook it up to your iPod to play back pieces you were working on, or use a song you have on there as the accompaniment for your work.  Then through iTunes, you can edit your compositions and share them as new songs…

We had this whole elaborate story going, both of us building off the other’s inventive descriptions until we got to a point where we just couldn’t contain ourselves anymore.  We burst into hysterical laughter that Mariachi had completely fallen for our ruse, which was neither planned nor rehearsed.  In fact, it was completely spontaneous and neither of us had a clue as to where it was going as we spoke!  That’s the beauty of improv!  And all the better that she believed us through and through, and was excited that such a product was coming out.  Just gotta love the random moments you have with your friends.  I just wish I could remember more of the fabulous details we were able to think up on the fly so that you could truly appreciate our brilliance that night.  😉

Ocean currency

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A beautiful specimen I found.

A beautiful specimen of a sand dollar I found.

I was crushed when I dropped it and it completely disintegrated!  :(

I was crushed when I dropped it and it completely disintegrated! :(

Small world

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Living and working in the microcosm of UCLA can be quite the experience.  With each person I meet, I can find about three different ways that I connect to them, whether through mutual contacts, shared passions, or similar work/volunteer/student organization involvement.  It’s really crazy when you meet someone and connect to them on so many fronts, which just makes the bond that much stronger.  I probably also experience this a bit more because of my tendency to be a social butterfly, with my contacts spread out far and wide.  I’ve been involved in so many things in many different ways that there’s bound to be some common ground beyond just the UCLA connection.  It’s really cool!

Perhaps that’s part of why it’s so hard for me to leave this Bruin world.  I quite enjoy walking around and running into people I meet.  There’s really nothing quite like catching up with an old friend and seeing how much things have changed.  It’s also so nice to make a new friend and already have so much in common with them.  This campus really is like a little world of its own and it’s a wonderful community to be a part of.

Cool Haus ice cream!

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A special treat waiting for us!

A special treat waiting for us!

Their names are architecturally-inspired.

Their names are architecturally-inspired.

So it's rather like Diddy Riese ice cream sandwiches... take your pick!

So it's rather like Diddy Riese ice cream sandwiches... take your pick!

So this is the window in the back where you get your order.

So this is the window in the back where you get your order.

Happily got mine.

Happily got mine.

They specially printed the Education for Sustainable Linving Program logo!

They specially printed the Education for Sustainable Linving Program logo!

The wrapper is edible too (made of rice paper), so no waste!

The wrapper is edible too (made of rice paper), so no waste!

Opportunity Green Conference 2009

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opportunity green 2009It’s been a long and exhausting weekend for us at Opportunity Green, as we worked long and hard to throw a fantastic conference for everyone.  A lot of lessons have been learned on my end, watching how the intensely crazy registration panned out for us and getting a behind-the-scenes look at how things were running.  We didn’t expect so many people to show up to the event, so it was challenging to handle the overload in capacity, but it’s great that we got so many interested people to attend.  All in all I had a rewarding experience, getting great feedback from participants who were so thankful and appreciative!

Working the registration table for Speakers, Sponsors, and Press!

Working the registration table for speakers, sponsors, and press!

I’ve also had some fabulous conversations come out of these past couple of days, as I randomly chatted with other volunteers, a few sponsors, and some of the attendees.  It’s wonderful that people are so friendly and most were very patient with us.  Granted, registration delays were probably expected for those who showed up without being registered online already.  Things also worked so well because we had dedicated interns diligently working from the wee morning hours til late in the evening, volunteering our entire weekend to make this event happen.  Of course, the OG full-timers were working even harder, sleeping less, staying longer, but never complaining about how exhausted they must have been.

Many a time we had to be resourceful, giving, and downright creative to get the work done, but as one of our staff pointed out, we never lost our cool.  It never occurred to me just how useful that must have been in keeping everything running smoothly, but it’s true!  I suppose that’s a large part of why the participants were so enthusiastic about their experience at the conference, because they never saw any of the fires we were putting out throughout the day.  That’s exactly how things should be!  It will get hectic and overwhelming at an event of this scale, but with everyone working the event being level-headed and patient, we got through just fine.

Now it’s time to enjoy the trappings I did manage to get from the conference (like these awesome bamboo USB drives from MINI USA and a lovely Whitelines notebook) and let my body recover.  Everything aches or throbs and my mind is so cloudy I keep on making typo errors, but I’m glad to know that tomorrow I will have no more physically draining activities.  Rather, I’ll be working hard on my sample entries for, as I apply to be a freelance blogger for them while I look for a job and try to get more involved in the green space.

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