A story of luck and optimism

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I consider myself a very lucky person.  I’m not the one to exclaim that I’ve never won anything before when I get a prize from the radio station, or when I get chosen for a raffle prize.  Though I haven’t actually won anything from my local radio station, that is probably for lack of trying, not for lack of luck.  When I do want something, I often win it, through something that I can really only attribute to luck.  I suppose I also weigh wins heavier than losses, since generally the loss is expected and a win is rare.  So in that respect, it probably also feels far more frequent.  But nonetheless, while most of the population has never won anything, I have – and multiple times too.

I believe that much of it comes from optimism and a general positive state of mind.  Luck, after all, is really what you make of it.  Those who consider themselves to be lucky are far more likely to act in ways that will actually render them to feel more so.  For example, one time when I really wanted to win a pair of uniformed bears being raffled off at my Military Ball, I enlisted the help of my friends and got more ticket entries for that particular prize.  That greatly increased my chances of winning and lo and behold, I had the winning ticket!  If I hadn’t believed in myself, I probably would have either decided there’s no way I’d win and not even try, or just throw my tickets in and not try to increase my chances.  It’s like they say – you can’t win the lottery if you don’t buy a ticket!  As with anything, you won’t get what you want if you don’t try (and try your best while you’re at it).

Gimme, gimme!

Gimme, gimme!

This played out beautifully in one of my most successful wins ever.  It was the first Friday after school had started again at UCLA in the fall of 2007.  We have a tradition on campus of holding Resfest, an athletic carnival, at the John Wooden Athletic Center.  On-campus residents can go play dodgeball, compete in an obstacle course, even get a henna tattoo!  At the event was a table giving away free rugs, ranging from small 2X2 foot ones shaped like basketballs, footballs, and the like to the grand prize: a 5X8 footer with the UCLA logo!  With my eye on that big rug, I entered to win and dragged along half a dozen of my other friends, one by one, to apply as well.  The people at the table were certainly amused by my dedication.

As I went to wait for the drawings, I headed to one of the gyms where they had the obstacle course set up.  A bunch of my friends were in line to run through the challenge, so I stayed to cheer them on and take pictures.  In all that excitement, I nearly forgot about my beloved rug.  When I went to check my phone, I noticed that I’d missed a call from a number I didn’t recognize.  I immediately went out to the table again and was chatting with them when we discovered that I had been called by them!  Unfortunately, they gave my rug away to someone else, but that was fine, because it was just one of the small ones.  Ninja had come with me and we waited around for the real prize to be drawn, hoping the name they drew would be mine (or his).

Victory picture!

Victory picture!

It wasn’t.  They called the number and I eagerly stood, now hoping that the winner wouldn’t pick up and I’d have another chance.  No such luck!  The girl picked up and came to redeem her prize.  Sad, I watched as they congratulated her and took pictures for the Daily Bruin.  Ninja and I hung around chatting with the tablers and next thing I know, the owner of the company (Campus Mats) who was giving the rugs away kindly offered both of us free rugs (the nice big ones)!  He had been tickled by my pure persistence and enthusiasm in getting all my friends involved so I could win and he said that Ninja deserved one too, for being such a gentleman and not hesitating to agree to give me the rug if he won (some of my other friends weren’t so keen to give it up if they won).  And just like that, we went from no win to double whammy!  He collected our information and a few weeks later, we were proudly clearing the floors in our rooms to put down our wonderful gifts.

It was certainly lucky that the guy was so generous, but it was optimism and positivity that got me to try so hard and attract his attention.  So really, being lucky and optimistic go hand-in-hand.  What it really comes down to is your perception of the world and your subsequent actions that make being lucky easier or harder to come by.  At least that’s my experience, anyway.

Family time

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I got a chance to spend some quality time with my dad today, showing him some of things I did and saw while I was in Southeast Asia and even going shopping with him.  We’re a family of few words and often it is difficult for me to small talk because that’s not what we do.  So today, I used the pictures I take as a medium for sharing my recent life experiences, mostly in Thailand, Hong Kong, and Singapore.

It was nice to tell my dad what I had been up to and hear from him the projects he’s been working on.  Over the years, we haven’t shared much.  Usually he’d just ask me about how classes were going and discuss career stuff.  And I only ever went to him if I needed some thoughts on jobs or something along those professional lines.  We talk business, and then we stop talking.  Because of that, I know just the basics of what’s he’s up to – working in China as VP of an environmental consulting firm.

Today, however, there was a bit more of an exchange.  We’re awkward with each other when it comes to conversation because we’ve spent 20 years not talking much.  Not every family functions the same way and a big part of my nuclear family is the individualism we have.  I do my own thing in my own room and my parents do their own thing in their own spaces.  They only come to my room occasionally to find me if it’s time to eat or wake up and I haven’t gone downstairs.  Sometimes I feel the pressure to try to be more like a normal family and interact more, but who’s to say that’s better?

I never understood the people who talk to their parents on a daily basis.  It was always a mystery to me what they had to talk about.  Over the past couple of years, I’ve learned that it’s really nothing.  They talk about absolutely nothing, really.  Boring things like the weather and meals and unimportant general statements here and there.  Recounts of days with some thoughts thrown in.  Yet that is exactly what makes it so nice.  They’re not talking to really learn anything most of the time; they’re talking just to converse with each other, share with each other.

That’s what I found today.  I learned a lot of random things that won’t matter in the long run, like my aunt is looking for skincare gift packages.  He, in turn, learned a lot of random mundane things too, like how I think sting rays would be great pets.  In a few weeks, I bet we won’t even remember this stuff, but it’ll have created a deeper sense of connection that can last.  It seems that those families that are constantly in contact can be close just because they exchange so much with each other over the years.

I guess there doesn’t always have to be a lucid point to each interaction.  I’ve never liked pointless conversation, at least not via a device (hence why phone calls rarely last over 2 minutes).  Unfortunately, most of the time that’s the only way to connect with my parents.  Another reason why I just don’t talk to them.  It’s too much effort, it’s too awkward, it’s completely pointless.  Now I’m seeing that it may not be – not entirely, anyway.

Constructed wilderness

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As I was putting up pictures from my trip to the Singapore Zoo today, I was once again struck by how open their design is.  Carefully camouflaged in the moats and brush surrounding each animal’s area are barriers that have psychologically entrapped them to their designated space.  Mostly it looked like electric wiring that taught the animals that once they tried to move out of a certain boundary zone, they’d get hurt.  I don’t know if there were other things as well, but the cages that these animals were in were mostly of a mental construct.  All you have to do is teach them enough times that going a certain place will cause discomfort or pain and they will soon stop trying to push that boundary again.

If they can climb around like that, they surely have the ability to escape.  Maybe they just don't know it.

If they can climb around like that, they surely have the ability to escape. Maybe they just don't know it.

It made me wonder which is worse – to see the cage you’re being locked up in and know the physical boundaries that way, or to learn the physical boundaries through making mistakes initially and then psychologically maintaining those boundaries, whether or not they still exist.  So though it was cool to see those animals with nothing obstructing my view, I hope they aren’t traumatized by this type of captivity.  There was also a trade-off between how close you could get for pictures, since there had to be some sort of distance creating a barrier so it appears the animals cannot get to you, whether or not they actually can.  At least there’s no fencing in the way of pictures (though there is annoying reflective glass)!

I just hope those animals aren’t suffering mentally because of this sort of subconscious control exerted on them.  Just because it makes the experience better for us visitors doesn’t mean that it’s better for the animals too.  I sincerely hope that the open layout is a win-win for both sides.  I don’t want those poor animals to be paying both physically AND mentally/emotionally just so we can get a better zoo experience.  That’s not worth the trade.  I’m sure there are those who would argue a zoo in and of itself is not worth it though, so I guess it just depends on how far you want to take it.

Legos, a mind challenge

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photo credit: tantek.com

I believe that Legos are one of the best toys that people (particularly kids) can play with.  They’re so wonderfully simple, yet combined together can be amazingly complex.  Kind of like how life works – you have all these microscopic cells that combine to create life.  The sum of the parts is greater than the whole, right?  When you start putting a lot of things together, it’s not as simple as addition – it’s more like multiplication, where things get more and more complex as there are more units of whatever that are interacting with each other.

Now Legos don’t get quite so complicated, but they certainly do lend themselves to an endless variety of structures!  Using these little building blocks, you can make robots and houses and animals and faces.  Really, whatever you are creative enough to conjure up in your imagination, you can find a way to represent it using Legos.  I love that they’re very plain and the beauty that arises from them can only be got through creative thinking.  It encourages people to think.

See, you’ve got these parameters.  You only have square and rectangular blocks.  They can only stack on each other.  The fewer circles you overlap to put them together, the less stable that connection.  There are only a handful of generally primary colors to work with.  That’s pretty much it.  Then you’re let loose into a world full of designs that can fill up your head.  These are the kind of toys that challenge kids while making it fun.  That’s why I believe in the earliest versions of these lovely toys.  The crazy designs that have come out since then take the creative fun out of the user’s side and puts it into the manufacturer’s side.  Now it’s people who work for the company that come up with cool things and shapes are made to fit that.  Not as exciting as finding out how to make something look like that with the given (limited) resources.  It has become more about aesthetic appeal than mental appeal now.

However, I will say that those new designs can still teach kids something.  I’ve often self-taught myself skills and I find that when that happens, you lose out on the “tricks of the trade.”  So rather than having to figure it out yourself, if you first follow instructions and build exactly what is mapped out for you, you can learn the methodologies behind how to create such a thing.  I can imagine if you got one of those pre-designed versions of Legos and tried to build it just by looking at the end result, you’d find yourself with pieces in the wrong place, missing pieces, or leftover pieces.  If you take that first time as a process-learning experience, then take that and start making your own things from that structural knowledge, I’d say that was still time and money well-spent.  I’m just afraid that nothing will be learned, except how to read and follow instructions.

Besides, there’s nothing quite like the mindless fun of putting blocks together without the pressure of creating something beautiful.  With plain blocks, there’s that freedom.  With strange ones that are meant to be something else, it’s not as fun to mess around and let your mind wander.  You never know what you may come up with and what you can learn in the process!

An unraveling

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I’m fascinated by this packaging.  So dense!  I just wonder how much energy it takes in the process.

alice t-shirt folded

alice t-shirt unfolding 1

alice t-shirt unfolding 2

alice t-shirt unfolding 3

alice t-shirt unfolding 4

alice t-shirt unfolded

And if you don’t know what Alice is, go check it out!  As they say, “Everyone needs an Alice!”

Class gone aquatic

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“Alright class, next week we’re meeting in the pool.  Please bring your swimsuits, bathrobes, and thinking caps!”

Imagine if your English teacher told you that in school.  How would you react?

No longer just for fitness!  photo credit: ci.poway.ca.us

No longer just for fitness! photo credit: ci.poway.ca.us

Personally, I think I would have been thrilled.  I love water and I am a good swimmer, so it’d be fun to have class in a pool.  However, I think I would wonder why the teacher would choose such a location and activity for us to engage in.  After all, shouldn’t we be analyzing sonnets and writing essays?  But hey, there’s a certain bit of wisdom in this decision – I was inspired by a line I heard from Larry in Numb3rs:

“You know, since water is so conducive to thinking, it’s a wonder we don’t have classes in swimming pools.”

He likes to sit around in tubs pondering the universe until he gets eureka moments (and apparently this strategy works quite well for him).  I’m sure we’ve all heard the story of Archimedes and his eureka moment that is often used as an example of how stepping away from a problem after thinking about it help you come up with a solution.  So, why shouldn’t we lounge around in tubs or showers when we’re musing over things?  Why not go for a swim?  There’s something therapeutic about not having to support your weight as much and being caressed by the silky water around you, or being massaged by the drops beating down on you.

My very own set.  Works beautifully.

My very own set. Works beautifully.

I think there’s something about water that relaxes us.  It makes us feel cleaner and fresher.  It “washes” away our worries and pains.  Perhaps it’s just good to get out of the elements we’re normally standing on and be in a different environment.  Whatever the case, I’m sure everyone knows a few people who sing in the shower and take baths to relax.  It may also be that we tend to be bare when we’re washing ourselves, and being exposed, we let our thoughts out more easily.  Inhibitions are relinquished and guards let down as the warmth of the water envelopes you.  It could just be the case that you are alone and there’s room to disregard everything around you without offending someone.  Whatever the case, there’s something magical about a hot shower or a warm bath.

I think a session in the pool could be great for brainstorming.  Just think of something you need to work on and then paddle around, splash a bit, even blow some bubbles!  Letting go of yourself can help, then playing with mindfulness could create even more connections.  Then, as your ideas come, jot them down on Aquanotes and continue to let your mind wander.  Aquanotes truly are a great invention!  They allow you to write down whatever you want in the shower or even underwater.  That way you don’t have to worry about pens and pencils that won’t write on soggy paper.  Their special pencil and paper is waterproof, so all you have to worry about is not using them up too quickly!  Brilliant, isn’t it?

So next time you’re straining your brain, take a break, take a bath.


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Brake.  Gas.  Brake.  Gas.  Brake.  Brake.  Brake.

What it looks like.  photo credit: enterstageright.com

What it looks like. photo credit: enterstageright.com

The morning commute sucks, even at 9:30.  You would have expected it to be a little clearer, but I guess enough people go to work later that it doesn’t even matter anymore.  Panda has mentioned a few times that he wants to live near work so he only has a 5-minute commute (much like mine to Opportunity Green when I’m at his place).  I completely understand.  The problem will be working close enough to each other that we can find a place that isn’t too far from either.  For I certainly don’t want to have to wake up in the morning only to drive an hour and a half to start working.  It’s exhausting and the complete wrong way to start the day.  I’m amazed that so many people do it.

I hate to get up in the morning as it is.  When you put a morning commute as miserable as they get in LA, that’s just about the worst way anyone could start their day.  I can’t imagine something more stressful and draining, both physically and mentally.  And for those who experience road rage and get extremely anxious when they are running late, it’s emotionally taxing as well.  If only everyone could just work from home and cut the commute, be close enough to just walk on over, or had public transportation that easily transported people.  Maybe cities should be planned in such as way as to ease this sort of congestion.  I’m not sure that would be enough though, what the complexity of the problem.  Perhaps businesses and residences should intermingle more evenly to spread out the flow of traffic in all directions instead of one main one.  It just doesn’t make sense to have hordes of people heading into a central business district each morning and rushing out each evening.  Is there really any real benefit to having business hubs?

What it feels like.  photo credit: Curtis Gregory Perry on flickr

What it feels like. photo credit: Curtis Gregory Perry on flickr

It might be that the problem would not be solved with a different distribution of businesses, but rather needs to be tackled via transportation solutions.  I know I sure wish I had someone to drive with so I could take advantage of the carpool lane and probably shave a good 20-30 minutes off of my 90-minute drive.  Even better would be a mass transportation system that runs at that time.  The only way I can get from my valley down to more central LA via public transportation is a commuter bus that only runs in the early morning.  This city is in desperate need of a mass transit makeover.  Buses, trains, subways, monorails, whatever.  A city so spread out shouldn’t leave its people with so few options to get around.

Let’s end the concept of rush hour.  It’ll make the atmosphere cleaner and the people happier.

Our tradition

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The routine we generally follow whenever we get to see each other.

Step one: take pictures of each other.



Step two: take pictures together!


Standard "in the car" shot.


The more challenging vertical shot.

Step three: take pictures of the food.




Step four: do something non-food related and take pictures!



Yup, our lives revolve around food, photos, and fun.  Don’t be jealous.  😉

When time stands still

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Just like old times, taking self-portraits in the car.

Just like old times, taking self-portraits in the car.

I got a chance to hang out with Katana yesterday and it never ceases to amaze me how each time we see each other, I don’t feel like she’s been gone for that long.  The last time I saw her was sometime during Christmas break a good nine months ago, but it’s easy for us to fall right back into an old pattern, an old routine.  I guess this is kind of how I live my life, since the same thing happens when my parents and I are reunited, and last month when I finally came back to LA and saw Panda again.  In each case, the time we spent apart doesn’t seem so long because of the ease in which we slip back into familiar territory.  Sure, a lot has changed, but fundamentally, we’re still the same.

It’s weird to think about Katana and Elle, who were the two best friends I had from my high school years at Valencia.  Ever since Katana and I graduated, with her going off to VMI, then NMMI, and I going off to UCLA, the three of us have only gotten to hang out sporadically, whenever it happened to work out.  Usually that meant about once or twice a year, particularly the over the holidays and/or during another one of our seasonal breaks.  And though interactions were few and far between, we were still the Asian girls who stood out and didn’t quite fit into the mould of what people expected girls, especially Asian girls, to be.  I guess that’s what ties us together in the end – this common way of life that leads us from “normal” girl activities to things like JROTC, where we met, or to be particularly outspoken about some feminist beliefs.

Sometimes I can’t believe I’ve known these two ladies for nearly 7 years now!  I haven’t ever known and stayed in contact with someone for that long.  Being that I moved every 3-4 years, that’s not too surprising.  For the first time in my life though, I’m going back to old friends again and again.  They are no longer memories to be stored away in a compartment labeled based on what city I knew them from.  Now they are a consistent prescense in my life, however fleeting that may be.  So I guess this is shocking to me because I don’t know what it’s like to have lifelong friends.  Do they all fare so well seeing each other so infrequently?  No matter where we are, whether it’s spread across three states in the US (like we are now), or spread across countries (as we’ve often been), I don’t need to see or even talk to these girls to know they will be there.  It’s kind of like family.

A picture is also like a moment frozen in time...  photo credit: _Mike_Howard_ on flickr

A picture is also like a moment frozen in time... photo credit: _Mike_Howard_ on flickr

Speaking of family, mine is also a very scattered one, with me seeing my relatives something like seven times over my lifetime and seeing my parents twice a year on average.  And though we’ve all grown a lot these two decades, I still think of my parents as 35-year-olds and honestly, only when I look closely do I realize they’re not anymore.  But in my head, there’s a semi-frozen image of my family members – my cousins are still budding young adults, my parents quite young, and my grandparents still sprightly.  Sure, we’ve added a few new members since then, but they kind of just get tacked on without the others gaining much in age.  I don’t know how it works in my mind, but that’s how I recall my closest kin.  Every time I see them again, even after four years away and so much that happened in between, I remember a lot of my childhood and the main processes remain unchanged.  I still get spoiled and stay with the same people and generally do and eat the same things.

Even for my parents, the few weeks I see them out of the year doesn’t seem so odd because those memories last me a long time.  I’ve got so much other stuff going on while I’m on my own that just touching base with them semi-annually is plenty to work from.  It does get lonely in the house sometimes when I’m the only one, but I’m used to solitude.  That was much like how our household functions anyway.  Besides, at my age, it’s time to be moving out and doing things on my own.  Much as I adore my house, Valencia is not really the place to jump start a career.  I’d rather be in Westwood or Santa Monica, or somewhere more central to the hubbub of LA.

Finally, the day that I came back after months away in Singapore, I was nervous to see Panda again.  It was our first time being apart since things really got started and it was certainly not a short period of time to cope with.  Even now I wonder how we managed, because not seeing him for a day can make me antsy.  I was glad that we fell pretty quickly back into a comfortable rhythm, working out our schedules around challenges, as we’ve always done.  I had been afraid that it would take some time to warm up again and that we may almost be like strangers for a bit, but that didn’t last very long.  Once again, time altered its flow for me (well, at least to my perception it did) and it was like a fraction of the time had actually passed.  I guess that’s what happens with people you care about.  Katana said it best: we have changed enough to have things to talk about, but haven’t changed so much that we don’t connect anymore.

The bathroom

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Sleek & shine Garnier Fructis, glossing Fekkai, and apple Suave.  All green.

Sleek & shine Garnier Fructis, glossing Fekkai, and apple Suave. All green. Oh, and green poof (I mean... loofah...)!

Irish Spring.  Green.

Irish Spring. Green.

Scope and Dial.  Contrasting shades of green.

Scope and Dial. Contrasting shades of green.


Green toothbrush. Green flosser. Green floss box (kinda).

Fructis and Suave again, in all their greenness.

Fructis and Suave again, in all their greenness.

See a trend?  Today I just noticed how much green there is!  Completely unintentional too.

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