It was a lovely day today and I had an equally lovely time going on an outing with Skim for the afternoon. We met up at Bugis MRT and got on a bus that took us out to East Coast Park, where we were able to rent two bikes and take a nice ride. A mere two minutes into our journey we nearly crashed into each other, as I tried to unsteadily pass my camera to her. I never knew my right hand was so weak at maneuvering! The opposite was for her, as she had trouble with her left hand, so there we were, a complete screaming disaster as we saved ourselves from near destruction. I then switched to be on the left side and we managed to make the pass so she could take some pictures for me. Why we couldn’t just stop our bikes like normal people I don’t know. It’s far less exciting that way!

Doesn't that look like fun?
We went along the path and enjoyed cooling breezes from the ocean, quiet stretches in woodsy areas, and navigating around the sudden influx of people that would come upon us. It was a lot of fun to be out in the sun and going through natural areas as we chatted about a variety of things, like our thoughts on careers and the type of work we do. Along the way we stopped to watch some wakeboarders, parasailers, and windsailers having fun out on the water. I don’t know if I’m fit enough to do that kind of thing, but I’d sure like to try someday! First I want to learn how to surf though, which hopefully will be good for my sense of balance. I’m really interested in water sports in general, so I hope I get around to trying all of them at some point.
The one thing that wasn’t so enjoyable about the ride was when our butts started to get sore about two hours in. I kept shifting around in an attempt to put weight on different areas, but once we stopped for a quick snack, we both felt the soreness creeping us. At first walking was a little strange and I wondered if this is how it feels to get off a horse after a long journey. I’ve only ever been on horses for brief times, about an hour or so, so I never got the bow legs that others have. We were right by the ocean at that point, so we went down to the water so I could at least say I touched the ocean water here. It’s a lesson from my trip to Australia that I’ve never forgotten – going in the water is something so simple, yet it’s something I didn’t do in the Gold Coast, so I’ll never repeat that mistake again.
This time, I took some jumping shots and it looked so fun that Skim decided she’d get her feet wet for the sake of that. Normally she wouldn’t want to touch that water because there’s a fair share of trash in it, but jumping over water is pretty awesome, so she just had to give it a try too. What a fun day! 🙂