Every year as a child, my dad and I would watch the Sound of Music on TV together around the holiday season. It’s one of those things that reminds me it’s that time of year and I plan on watching the live version that Carrie Underwood’s doing in a few days. My dad won’t be able to watch with me, but it’s still a nice memory. I’m reminded of that because yesterday I got to enjoy some of my favorite things! Panda and I really took advantage of what LA has to offer and went around making the most of this chance to do many things I love. So here are a few of my favorite things (along with random tidbits from the day)!

Free sunglasses.

I kept smelling a really fragrant scent in the yard… and tracked it down to these tiny suckers. Jasmine FTW!

Are you surprised? Of course Missy would make it on here. She’s too cute not to.

Molly deserves a shoutout too. Here she decides if it’s worth it to go outside.

I <3 UCLA and enjoying peaceful drives.

Love the boba at cha for tea!

Crispy chicken at a boba place is usually bomb. A most excellent snack.

Driving in LA… palm trees, freeways, and beautiful skies in the distance.

Checking out a Tesla Model S and how the handles are flush with the body of the car. Do they push in? Are they sensor-based?

Time for fun at the beach!

The beach offers fantastic skylines.

Sharing a snack with my boo.

I mark off my territory.

Jumping for joy!

Splashing around gleefully.

I’m a starfish!

My new favorite move: the pistol!

Hi world! Now how do I get up? 😉

Bringing out my beloved board for some springy fun.

I found a strand of seaweed that I decided to jump rope off my board with.

Do you remember those toys you spun around you ankle to swing a ball around and you jumped over it? I was trying to replicate that.

Taking a break to admire the pelicans gliding by. Too bad there were no dolphins this time.

Having some fun atop my skateboard. 🙂

Took another break to admire the patterns of nature this time.

I’d love to come here for my yoga practice!

Almost forgot to do some cartwheels!

Look ma, one hand!

This is where I pretend I can do a handstand and hold it. Just go with me on this one. 😛

So brilliant and beautiful.

While taking pics for me, Panda helps wear my ring.

And a little time with my awesome board. Best ever!

Time to leave this beautiful place.

I didn’t know the front of firetrucks could tilt like that!

Climbing up into the mountains and getting a colorful sunset.

I didn’t use the cupcake ATM, but I did get some Sprinkles!

For dinner, one of my favorite places. This is a new location I haven’t been to!

Classic hot and sour soup. They chop everything so finely it’s amazing.

I decided to try the wonton soup too. Great for cleansing the palette.

Most delicate xiao long bao known to man.

The Americana’s such a nice place to hang out at this time of year.

On the way home, I found myself behind this Maserati that had stalled and was just sitting there, dead. It soon got help from a tow truck and police.