Been a long day, so a quick post for now…
I showed it in my video awhile ago; now here is a picture for posterity. The wonderful cut I got from Panda. 😛

Been a long day, so a quick post for now…
I showed it in my video awhile ago; now here is a picture for posterity. The wonderful cut I got from Panda. 😛
At the Singapore Bird Park, there were quite the variety of birds to see! From frolicking penguins to macaws “making out” to upside-down parrots, it was quite the adventure.
penguins playing from Mary Qin on Vimeo.
macaws making out from Mary Qin on Vimeo.
bird climbing upside down from Mary Qin on Vimeo.
I don’t know what program I’m supposed to be installing to be able to record a video from my webcam on my computer, so I have resorted to online methods. Most programs I found don’t seem compatible with Windows 7 anyway. So here’s my attempt at the vlog I wanted to do before. The audio’s a bit harsh, so turn down your volume!
For those of you who don’t have a BCD Tofu House near you, here’s your chance to see what it’s like! Since eating Korean food is practically an art, I thought I’d walk you through the experience… First off at any Korean restaurant they give you plenty of little appetizer/side dishes. It ranges from kimchi, a staple, to potato salad to iced pickles. At BCD’s, the main courses are tofu soup bowls, which you can get with bugolgi and kalbi and other such meats if you desire. They also start you off with a little fried fish, which I always love.
Right around the time you get your tofu soup, they bring hot stone pots in which the rice was made and scoop it out for you, so moist and fresh and steaming. I love that they throw in a few random peas for you to find.
Then they pour water into the stone pots to soak the rice that got burned into the sides a bit.
Once you get your boiling soup, you must act fast and throw in the egg! I like mine cooked thoroughly, so it’s always a rush for that…
After having some of the soup, it’s time to find the egg! It tends to blend in with the tofu, so you might have accidentally ingested it.
If you ever need service, all you have to do is press this button (most people have no clue that it’s a button!) and your table number will show up on the display. A doorbell kind of sound will alert the staff that a table wants attention. No more awkward attempts to get your waiter/waitress’s attention!
And completely irrelevant, but rather amusing was this billboard in their parking lot. Please excuse my over-enthusiasm.
How'd you like to find this in your bathroom stall?
Sooo my friend uses her phone with this sticker still on it. o.O
Well, this is the pedestrian crossing button I would have pressed to try to get the white man to show up sooner, but...
Seems like this type of black paint job is the new fad now.
Gosh, this thing was TINY! How do people fit?!
Pity they had to ruin it for the sake of filming.
I’ve been attending a sustainability lecture series and one day in class, a speaker (Mud Baron), brought some organic flowers from his garden at North Hollywood (or was it Hollywood?) High. A couple of volunteers were tasked with making some nice bouquets as he spoke and at the end of it, the eager ones went up to claim a bouquet.
There was one stipulation, however: you must give it to someone else on the streets or wherever, after you leave the lecture hall! Then we were to take a picture of said “someone,” happily touting his/her new home decoration piece, and send it to Mud so he could post it on his Twitter feed.
I knew exactly who I wanted to give mine to, but along the way, I got distracted and nearly gave them off to this fellow…
Suddenly, this little guy runs up to me and stares longingly at my bouquet! Should I give it to him?
He got a whiff and decided against claiming himself some flowers. Oh well!
Alas, I guess they weren’t his type of plant, so I did end up giving it to the person I had in mind (a former roommate, who was having an art exhibit that night). It was certainly an amusing detour though. After all, Mud never specified our recipient had to be human!