Posts Tagged ‘animals’

Seeing things

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Do you see it too?


Feeding time

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robin feeding from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Kangaroos & wallabys

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kangaroo resting on top of pile of sawdust

Gettin' a little sawdusty!

kangaroo sleeping in the shade

This smart one hid in the shade right below where most people stood so we wouldn't even notice.

wallaby hunched forward with legs outstretched

I think this one was a wallaby. Quite flexible!

A feline future

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I’m so excited!  My mom just told me this weekend that we can officially get a cat again!  And not only that, we can get two!  It’s something I only dared dream about lately, and I have certainly been pining for some feline friendship.  It’s been a couple of years and I think I’m starting to feel a lack of companionship now that I am living on my own, no longer surrounded by college buddies and textbooks keeping me busy all the time.  While I really enjoy being able to put work away once I leave and spend the night unwinding, it would be so much nicer if I had a pet, even if only on the weekends, to spend time playing with.

Awhile back, we had discussed how we could make raising a cat work, between the traveling my parents do and the uncertainty of where I will end up in the coming years.  I reasoned that my job and life now is pretty stable, and my mom is around enough that we could pull it off.  My apartment allows pets, so bringing a cat wouldn’t be a problem and my apartmentmate doesn’t mind since I’d keep the litter box in my own bathroom.  With those ducks in order, it really just came down to my mom getting final approval from my dad.

My mom volunteers at a shelter when she has time, and there are often older cats that people don’t want to adopt.  We’d be more than happy to take one of them home and away from the threat of being put down.  My dad, on the other hand, wants a kitten or younger cat, so my parents actually decided to get one of each!  I’m totally thrilled and I can’t wait to go to the shelter with my mom to find our future pets.  It has been awhile since our last cat died and I have been telling Panda how important it is for me to have at least one cat in the future.  I’m so glad I won’t have to wait as long as I feared I might.


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Just enjoying swimming around on a beautiful day!

manatee from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Animal walks

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I find it interesting how each animal moves so differently. It’s like their signature. Climbing, lumbering, crawling, slinking…

trapeze monkey from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

lumbering bear from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

giant tortoise crawl from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

the jaguar slink from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Flamingo royalty

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The tallest ones were the ones being followed around like they were kings!

flamingo ringleader from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Dog talk

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two dogs sitting in the driver's and front passenger's seats of a car

Look closely and you'll see the two dogs quietly sitting in the seats as if they were two old buddies who pulled over to sit and chat in the car.

Angel fish

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Peacefully flapping away.

glowing angels from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Overweight meerkat

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a fat meerkat sits, a normal meerkat peers from under rock

This fatty just sat there while the skinny ones ran around.

fat meerkat sits and stares

Wow. How did it get to those point?!

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