There had been quite a dry spell from the last time we ordered one of these meals, so I was ready for another box to come. For awhile I stayed away from Blue Apron because they changed their methods and you no longer get to choose any three of six options for your box. Instead, you indicate preferences: which meats you will eat, or if you’re vegetarian. Then your meals are chosen for you based on those preferences. One week I really wanted to get the box, but I wanted one of the vegetarian dishes and my pre-selected veggie dish was not the one I was trying to select. So… I ended up not getting it.
This time I liked all three meat dishes so I went for the order. The pork buns were delicious, though next time I’d just far less fatty meat. I really liked the pairing with the red cabbage salad there. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed the chicken and mushrooms because I usually find chicken to be dry and the mushrooms weren’t ones I’m used to eating. I had no idea there was garlic bread too, which was awesome. I ended up breaking the fish up when I cooked it and the flavors got kind of lost, so that’s probably the only dish I wouldn’t recreate as is.
Blue Apron is just under $60 per box and comes with 3 meals of 2 servings each. That’s $10 per meal serving! Boxes are sent weekly unless you choose to skip (which is very easy to do). After ordering a few times, they will offer free meals you can send to friends (but no referral program).