Woo hoo, spring is just around the corner! What a great way to get ready for it, with refreshed, hydrated skin.
Petit Vour is $15 per box (or as much as $30 for international subscribers) and comes with vegan beauty, skincare, and other personal care products. Boxes are sent monthly with no option to skip. They offer a referral program that earns you points towards free boxes (email contact@petitvour.com to say I referred you if you sign up!).
Juice Beauty Stem Cellular CC Cream in Warm Glow – Holy cow! I was very surprised to find this in the box and totally thrilled. I’ve wanted to try this for a long time but the price is quite high for something I wasn’t sure would work for me. What a great opportunity to try it! I found it had a pretty thick consistency and provided light coverage. It looked good and blended with my skin tone well. I’ll see how I feel once I use the whole thing and decide if I’ll get more.
Metropolis Soap Co. lavender & spearmint nourishing lip cream – Ah, the lavender scent is just wonderful. Why aren’t there more lip balms with that scent? This is a great lip balm for relaxing with and it provides good moisture. Sometimes I just want to sniff it though! Applying it was very soothing and the spearmint gives a nice cooling sensation. Having the scent right under my nose actually helped calm me AND clear my sinus congestion! Pretty useful, eh?
Vert Mont Perfumery EROS perfume – This is probably one of the boldest fragrances I’ve experienced. There are some really earthy scents going on in there, which kind of remind me of a fragrant sort of wood. It makes me think of my grandmother’s dresser. I can’t say I’d use it though – for reason it reminds me of a fortune teller. It’s a bit too strong for me and the more subtle scents I prefer.
The Little Alchemist Cacao & Banana Face Glow – This is so cool! I love the glass jar and I was surprised to find a powder inside, which makes this a really generous size. I used a small bit for a face mask and was surprised at how well it covered my face. The smell is hard for me to place – sometimes the cacao is obvious, but other times there’s something else I smell. Can’t identify the banana in there at all. It tightened when drying and then felt great washed off. I definitely felt like my face was fresher and less inflamed.
Whoa, I’m impressed by the value of this box. Just the CC cream alone is worth it, but the mask is amazing too! Which items do you like most from this box?
[This post mentions a referral program. Signing up and emailing contact@petitvour.com to say I referred you helps support my subscription and I’d be ever so grateful. 🙂 All opinions are my own and I received no compensation for this review. I just purchased this box and wanted to share what I got!]