I wasn’t going to write a Thanksgiving-themed entry since the holiday hardly felt like one and I don’t like holidays dictating my writing, but I happen to want to write about something that is somewhat related.
As I was driving home yesterday (stuck in afternoon traffic that I’d all but forgotten about until right before I was planning on leaving), there were these big rigs that were right next to me (and nicely blocking the sunlight for me!). I could see under the one directly to my left to the one in the lane next to it and I almost felt as if my car could fit under them. That got me thinking about whether or not someone can lay down on the ground and fit under the lower parts of the vehicle (particularly where the wheels are and under the head).
I recalled hearing about someone who jumped in front of an oncoming subway and pushed the person down there onto the ground. The two of them made it out unscathed because the subway car was high enough on the tracks that they could fit underneath. Or maybe it way just one guy or maybe it was under a train. Either way, you get the idea, right? Well, I was thinking of this in terms of those big rigs and it looked shady. The lowest part looks too far down for anyone to not get caught and dragged along.
Well, it suddenly occurred to me that I was thinking of someone my size. What of fat people? I hope that this is not too insensitive, but obese people would definitely not fit under any of these vehicles! Sooo it goes to reason that if you are extremely overweight and one day need to save your own life by fitting underneath a subway, train, or big rig… well, you’re screwed. Hence, all those people who stuffed themselves full tonight should think again before fattening themselves. Who knows, you might just need to save yourself from getting run over and that extra inch around your waist could make the difference.
And there is my Turkey Day entry. 😛