Posts Tagged ‘childhood’

The academic cost of moving

laelene Posted in stories,Tags: , , , , , ,

When I was growing up, my parents and I would move every few years (no, I’m not a military brat nor are we missionaries – the two most common guesses). As a kid, this was never really an issue – I’d just help pack up my stuff and settle into another new room. I’d go to a new school with new teachers and new friends. Life would continue on its merry way and my experiences expanded further. I even went to China for a full year of schooling when I was 9 and came back without skipping a beat. But then came 7th grade.

We were living in St. Louis at the time. I’d been there for 5th and 6th grade. I don’t know when I found out, but sometime in 7th grade my dad found a better job out in New York. We’d be moving over winter break. In a way, I was glad – there was one class I was really struggling with and I was convinced I’d get my first C in the class. That’s a seriously awful grade for a straight-A student with a Chinese-American upbringing. I don’t know if I would have actually done so poorly, but I was glad I’d never have to know! The move to the New York school system meant that that particular class would get lost in the shuffle; there was no equivalent course at my new school, so it wouldn’t transfer and count for a grade.

I thought my problems were over with this fresh start, but boy was I wrong. My counselor at the new school was concerned with placing me in the advanced track in case I had a gap in education (this was only for science and math classes). She convinced my mom and I that the best course of action would be to take the classes for the normal track and then test out of it before starting high school. So I finished up 7th grade and the next year came and went as well… my counselor had left by that point, so when I went to find out how to test back into the advanced track, I hit a wall. There was no such test to be found. I was stuck taking algebra while my peers in advanced placement had moved on to trigonometry (or something like that… the details are fuzzy now).

girl sitting at hotel desk studying with textbook, homework, and graphing calculator

Studying in our Houston hotel room.

What I do remember clearly was that I blazed through my freshman math class with 100% on all homework and an infuriating 98 or 99% on the final. My teacher loved me, probably because I made him feel good as a teacher. At the end of that year, I went to him and asked what I needed to know for the follow year’s math. He got me a book and told me which chapters I’d need to focus on and my mom spent the summer tutoring me. I even brought all my materials with me when we went to visit my dad down in Houston, where he’d been working for awhile. His company headquarters had moved and we were planning on moving there to join him eventually (though we ultimately ended up going out to Los Angeles instead).

Before I started my sophomore year, my mom and I went to the principal and counselor to present all the work I’d done (fully documented in the form of homework and tests). We convinced them to let me take the next level of math with a compromise: they said I still had to sit in the class I was “skipping” due to New York state laws that force you to spend a certain number of hours in that classroom. So I doubled up on math that year and “caught” back up. I don’t remember what happened in science. I wonder if ultimately it made all that much of a difference in my education. The one main component was that I was surrounded by less motivated peers in the normal track, whereas when I got back into the advanced track classes, I was surrounded by overachievers.

Sooo the moral of the story is not to move your kids around in the middle of a school year if you care about high academic performance. Between the different school systems in America, you never know what a transition will do. At least try to hold off until the summer so there’s a much more clean break. I’m going to plan on not moving anytime during the middle and high school years for my kid(s). It’s a whole lot harder to get caught up after the fact and with each step you miss, it could set you back that much more.

365great Day 321: strength

laelene Posted in 365great,Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

365great day 321: strengthI love feeling strong (and being strong). It’s rewarding when I can surprise people with how strong I am and what I’m capable of. Growing up, I was pretty good at picking up athletic skills. I sprinted well, climbed most things, and learned to swim with little effort. I remember back in 8th or 9th grade when I could do the flexed arm hang for ages. One of my favorite parts of track practice was when we did weights. Cardio has never been my thing. As a voracious reader, I learned to carry 30+ books to the car on a weekly basis. As a good Chinese kid, I always helped my mom carry most of the groceries in the house. My personal challenge was to do it all in one trip, which usually meant a good 5 bags per hand. When I went back to China for a year in 3rd grade, I was able to outrun even the 6th graders. In more recent years I just like the confidence I get when I can do something that people doubt my body is capable of, like carrying my 6-foot something friend pictured here. I’d rather be able to do that than run a marathon, personally. I think it also gives me more confidence to travel alone, since people never think I can hit/punch/kick as hard as I can, so I can surprise them if I needed to defend myself. One thing I love about yoga is that it builds my strength. My favorite pose? Plank! And overall I think your body just feels better when you’re strong, which is a great way to live.

365great Day 299: touch lamps

laelene Posted in 365great,Tags: , , , , , , , ,

365great challenge day 299: touch lampsWhen my mom got me this lamp as a kid, it was so exciting. I was able to adjust it to multiple levels of light depending on my needs, all by tapping it! How cool is that? Technology has a way of making life easier and much more fun. I loved using my body as a tool to control this lamp and it kept it by my beside for years. I’d even take my cats paws and use them to help me change the lighting in my room at times, wondering if I could train them to control the light too. I never quite got around to spending the time to teach them because I liked doing it myself too much. I also liked the greater control it offered me, with varying levels of light for reading, sleeping, or whatever else I was doing. Maybe I’m just easily amused, but I think lamps like these are great!

365great Day 294: childhood blankets

laelene Posted in 365great,Tags: , , , ,

365great challenge day 294: childhood blanketsThis blanket has been with me ever since I can remember. Over the years, its pattern has faded and the stuffing is all out of place, but it is oh so soft and comforting. While I’ve tried a multitude of other blankets, they can never replace this one and I hope I have it forever. I remember snuggling up with it when I was sick, playing fortress with it when I wanted to escape into my own world, and falling asleep with it enveloping me. I’ve wondered about the girls on it many a time and come up with stories about what is going on in the scene. Whenever I am home with my parents, I use this blanket and just pile on whatever else on top when it’s not warm enough. I’ve loved the smell of it freshly laundered and buried my face in it to capture my tears and wrapped my cats in it like it was swaddling cloth. It may be worn and old, but that is exactly what makes it great, for it holds a power to make me feel cared for.


laelene Posted in stories,Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

I’ve had some pretty random and interesting experiences in my life. There are the moments when I had crazy encounters with strangers, the cool things I got to experience as a result of living in Los Angeles, and wonderful childhood memories. I’d like to share more of these, since a good story can be captivating, entertaining, and powerful. Perhaps I can hone my writing skills enough to write short stories!

long stretch of flat desert road

Driving, driving, driving, til she needed to go.

Today I was chatting with Autumnfall and our conversation reminded me of an experience I had back when I was working on the set of Wristcutters. I was interning for the first time and found myself taking on all kinds of roles, including buying food, managing staff (and wrangling extras), and taking care of the actors. When we were up in the deserts of Lancaster, our hotel was a good 40 minutes from set and I got called to go pick up one of the actresses. I got her from our hotel and we started racing down the long stretch of road. She asked to smoke in my car, and being the accommodating person I am, we cracked the windows open a bit so she could puff away. About halfway there, she wanted me to pull over. There was not much more than cacti and tumbleweed for miles in all directions and she needed to pee. So, there I found myself, pulled over on the side of this two-lane road as the actress squatted next to the open passenger door of my car and relieved herself (all the time still enjoying her cigarette). It was completely out of the blue and the type of startling experience that sticks with you for how random and odd it is. It also makes for a pretty hilarious tale to tell others. Autumnfall is going to take some elements of the story and write up a little fictional story from it. 🙂 I look forward to seeing what she does with this fodder!

This, in addition with Katana’s recent request that I read over some ideas she has for a book, make me want to share more of my life stories and grand adventures. I could share the times I took rides with strangers in foreign countries, the wacky times I spent with rich guys, the amazing things I got to do as a child, the fun experiences from college, and so much more… I just wish I could put together words as well as the writers I know (Autumnfall & Katana). Alas, I’ll do my best and hope to provide some worthwhile reads. Stay tuned!

365great Day 260: parents

laelene Posted in 365great,Tags: , , , , , , ,

365great challenge day 260: parentsHappy birthday to my mom! I’ve written about how stupendous she is before, so I won’t go into detail again, but she’s really somebody to be admired. I mean really parents in general are pretty amazing (particularly mine :-D). They’ve worked so hard to bring me to this country and provide me with a comfortable upbringing. I’ve never had to worry about anything serious because they’ve set me up for a path of success. I can hardly believe how fortunate I am with everything I get – parents who aren’t overbearing, who teach me enough but let me learn on my own too, who show their love for me in all sorts of ways, who are always there if I need them, who allowed me to grow up in this country, who set fantastic examples of what it is to work hard and be a good person… they’re great in every way.

Return to New York: Re-Exploring the City

laelene Posted in lifestyle glimpses, photo blog,Tags: , , , , , , ,

Alright, here’s the continuation of our Veteran’s Day mini vacation! To see what we did the first day, go back here.

panoramic of hilton garden inn breakfast with omelette, potatoes, pineapple, cantaloupe, grapes, grapefruit, english muffin, tea, and orange juice

Started off the second day with a lovely breakfast at HGI Danbury.

welcome to new york sign on freeway going from connecticut to new york state

After packing up and checking out, we left the Connecticut side of things where I used to go to the mall, YMCA, and Stew Leonard’s. Back to New York!

driving by lake in brewster new york area

One more drive through my town of Brewster, admiring the lakes in the area.

road going up steep hill to brewster hill area

Oh that steep hill that pictures can’t seem to do justice to. I remember many a bike ride down and walk up that thing.

large white house with long driveway in brewster new york

At the base of the hill is this giant house, which was always a great mystery to me. I think it’s two units. Looks so grand!

keep calm and cronut on and keep your eye on the cronut not on the hole signs at dominique ansel bakery in new york city

Once we arrive in the city, we swing by Dominique Ansel Bakery, which I am told is where the cronut originates.

magic souffle at dominique ansel bakery in new york city with bite taken out of side

No more cronuts, so I went for the magic souffle instead, which they cooked in something like 10 minutes.

large talking transition tent set up in new york city

As we walked towards the World Trade Center area, we saw this cool tent set up for #TalkingTransition.

rack of bikes for rent in new york city

Fancy a bike ride? No problem! I’d rather walk though.

jumping off of and next to giant yellow sculpture in small park in new york city

I saw a bright sculpture and just had to have some fun with it.

bench and bike racks on grating over subway station

Underneath that bench and bike racks you’ll find a vent for the subway station. Strange sort of place to sit.

stacked parking in new york city

Have you ever tried stacked parking? I haven’t.

giant red balloon sculpture in center of fountain area in new york city

Upon arriving in the WTC region, we were greeted by this large balloon sculpture.

canstruction rollercoaster sculpture made of cans

We were told to check out the Canstruction exhibit and this rollercoaster was my favorite.

11 tears memorial in american express tower with large crystal suspended above pool of water

A very poignant memorial for 11 American Express employees lost in 9/11.

cluster of trees with yellow leaves lined with holiday lights

We got tickets for the 9/11 memorial and came across these cute trees on our way over.

Just as we neared the 9/11 memorial, the sun came out to light up the new One World Trade Center building being built.

Just as we neared the 9/11 memorial, the sun came out to light up the new One World Trade Center building being built.

9/11 memorial entrance sign

Here we go into the memorial… first it took us through a line winding around buildings and through a security check.

9/11 memorial brochure and tickets

The brochure and tickets we got.

9/11 memorial sign explaining roses are placed on victims' names on their birthdates

Aw, that’s so sweet of them.

9/11 memorial falling water with yellow roses on names and people lined up looking out

A ton of people were there looking through names and taking in the rushing water.

9/11 memorial falling water in deep abyss

I think they did a good job designing this memorial. It’s a powerful image paired with impressive sound to give you enough of a haunting feeling.

9/11 memorial tree with yellow ribbons and wreath with yellow and white flowers

Adorned with yellow ribbons… this tree got plenty of visitors.

9/11 memorial commemorative guides with people browsing and worker replacing brochures

Memorial guides were available in many languages.

nypd police truck with viewing unit sitting atop it

When we left, I saw this police guy watching the entrance to the memorial.

nypd raised viewing cube higher than second story of building

And another funky watching station the NYPD uses.

panoramic of 9/11 memorial mural along new york city sidewalk

Check out this massive mural for those who have fallen and those who have carried on.

eye mosaic on subway station wall

Random eyes in the subway station are kind of awkward.

bowl of hot and sour soup at ollie's

For dinner, we went to Ollie’s! I gobbled down hot and sour soup meant for 4.

half-eaten bowl of wonton noodle soup with bbq pork at ollie's

Panda shared some of his wonton noodle soup.

small rack of six xiao long bao juicy pork dumplings with vinegar sauce

I also got the xiao long bao (juicy pork dumplings).

xiao long bao juicy pork dumpling in vinegar sauce with ginger slices covering it

Panda helped me eat one and loaded on the ginger. The couple next to us literally stared at him as he ate it, apparently in disbelief that he could have all that ginger.

chinese potato strips dish with peppers and thinly sliced potato

I was so excited that they have potato strips! One of my favorite dishes, but few restaurants offer it. They’re so crisp and wonderful! This one was SPICY though.

salted pork chops at ollie's

Panda gets his all-time fav dish: salted pork chops. We were very full by the end of it all.

new york city skyline at night in distance seen from new jersey

After taking the bus back to the New Jersey side, where our hotel was, I noticed the skyline visible in the distance as we walked. Nice!

I got back to the hotel to find that 1. a friend on Yelp had seen me checking in and was wondering where in New Jersey I was since she was in the area too 2. two friends/former managers from Singapore had seen me posting on Facebook and wanted to meet up since they were in NYC and 3. a friend had seen my pictures on Instagram and was wondering where I was since she was in New Jersey too! Lol, way to go social media. So I arranged to meet up with my college friend who reached out on Yelp and my Singaporean friends who reached out on Facebook. I couldn’t make plans with my college friend who commented on Instagram, but maybe next time!

metal cartoonish statue in subway station

The next morning, we had breakfast with my friend and then went to meet up with my Singaporean friends. Saw this randomness in the subway station.

magnetic calendar sold at moma shop in new york city

We found the Singaporeans at the MoMA gift shop browsing. It took me a sec to figure out these calendars!

good grips measuring beaker set with four tubes and colorful bases

I almost got these at the MoMA store, but they weren’t large enough for the measurements I wanted.

view of portion of new york city skyline from new jersey side

After a brief visit to the city once more, we were back on the New Jersey side, getting a great view.

sunset in distance with philadelphia skyline visible

The rest of the day was spent driving home. As the sun lit up the sky in pink, Philadelphia came into view and I passed out for part of the ride.

fried tilapia dinner with salad, rice, beans, and chips

For dinner, I found a Mexican place in Delaware and tried something new.

colorful yellow, green, and pink chewy lollipops

They gave us such cute little dessert lollipops!

johns hopkins hospital at night

On our way through Baltimore, we passed by Johns Hopkins as we avoided the toll roads. Soon enough we were home!

365great Day 252: music

laelene Posted in 365great,Tags: , , , , , ,

365great challenge day 252: musicMusic can move us in ways that are much more profound than anything else. Sometimes I hear songs that evoke strong emotions and memories. They take me back to a period in my life when I used to hear those tunes and a whole slew of memories associated with that. Whenever I want to feel a certain way, all I need to do is pick out music that creates that sort of mood for me. I’ve chilled out to more soulful stuff and gotten energized from more upbeat stuff. Even better than that is when I can sit down at a piano and play out something that reflects my feelings. We sold our piano years ago and I missed playing whenever the mood struck, so when I saw this piano on the street, I just had to play around a bit. It was such a moment of pure joy to tap out a few notes and connect with music by creating it. Nowadays I don’t really have access to instruments, other than the Chinese piano that sits at my parents’ place. I’m looking forward to getting a piano again someday and refreshing my memory on songs I learned as a kid. The way I feel when I can play a beautiful melody is so special and truly great.

365great Day 248: random acts of kindness

laelene Posted in 365great,Tags: , , , , , , ,

365great challenge day 248: random acts of kindnessMy fourth year of college, for Valentine’s Day, I was super surprised when I got a delivery. My fraternity was doing one of those fundraisers where you can send a flower and bear in a cute little package to anyone on campus. When one of them came to me, I was sooo confused. Who in the world would have gotten me something for Valentine’s? I didn’t have a boyfriend or even anyone I was seeing. Baffled, I took to the web and eventually got a message from a random friend who just thought it’d be nice to send me something, so he bought one for me to support the fundraiser. How sweet is that? Then when I was in the UK, I joined LoveSoc, a club that some students put together where they’d prompt you to do random acts of kindness, like giving hugs or leaving change. It’s those little surprises that can be so wonderful, especially when they’re completely out of the blue. I really should do more of those. As a kid I was very generous – probably even too generous – and I miss those days of bringing a smile to people’s faces. It’s one of the greatest feelings in the world.

Return to New York: Walk Down Memory Lane

laelene Posted in lifestyle glimpses, photo blog,Tags: , , , , , , ,

I thought I could summarize all of our long weekend activities from last weekend into one post, but as it turns out, there are 77 pictures I want to share, so I’m splitting them up into two posts. First off will be the day we spent revisiting my old stomping grounds and faded memories in the areas of Westchester and Brewster. The rest will come in another post! Now, join me as I go down memory lane…

beautiful day for a road trip with clear blue skies and little traffic on the roads

A perfect start to our trip!

large truck with bales of hay tied down

This reminds me of the time my friend yelled HEY while driving… what she meant was HAY (on a truck), lol.

dillsburg tobacco outlet convenience store with gas station

I’d like a side of gas station with my tobacco outlet please.

driving torwards george washington bridge from new jersey side

Crossing over…

free samples of sliced honey crisp apples at whole foods

A quick pit stop at a ginormous Whole Foods leads us to these yummy apple samples.

free samples of tortilla strips and guacamole dip at whole foods

We totally pigged out on the chips and guac alongside some employees. It had quite a kick!

marinated mushrooms with garlic and herbs at olive bar in whole foods

I was sooo excted when I saw marinated mushrooms, but after buying them and trying them, I found they weren’t the taste I was looking for.

venus flytraps for sale at whole foods market

I *almost* bought one of these, but I’m holding off til we move.

holding cart basket with wheels at whole foods

What a fun basket cart you can wheel around!!

colorful kayaks lined up outside ll bean store

Such pretty colors. I’d love to hop in one and explore a river.

driving along small road with trees growing close on both sides

I’d forgotten what it was like to drive on roads like these.

westchester community college parking lot by academic arts building

The first memory we revisited: Westchester Community College, where I had Chinese school on Sundays. I still remember the parking lot area!

westchester community college academic arts building

And that’s the building where I learned many years of Chinese and took a cartooning class, a paper cutting class, an oil pastel class, and more…

brand new wendy's building with very modern look

Whoa, check out that super modern Wendy’s!

freeway exit sign for brewster


brewster train station

Good old train station where we’d pick up my dad after work.

former house in brewster hill

Aww, my old house! We were the first tenants; I wonder how many have lived there since.

former house of pearson's in brewster

I took a quick peek at the house where I used to babysit a family of 5 kids. The only family I’ve ever babysat for!

sunset and lake in distance viewed from brewster hill with steep road going down

Our neighborhood is up on a STEEP hill. I don’t know if you can tell but take a look at the person walking up. Great views from here!

henry h wells middle school panoramic

Hello, middle school. This is where I learned how to make tweeties, played full-contact basketball with the guys, and went to some awkward dances.

brewster hill general store

Across the street from the middle school is the deli that I remember so fondly.

brewster hill general store menu of classic sandwiches

They still have my fav sandwich, the Pesature, which I liked mostly because I knew the people it was named after.

holding up menu for brewster hill general store inside store by deli

I love this place because of the deviled eggs. I’ve never been able to find ones that I like better.

pesature sandwich and deviled eggs from brewster hill general store

So of course, I had to stock up on those eggs! The nice lady threw in two for free when I got half a dozen. NOMMMMM

pretty pinkish sunset through bare tree branches

Such a pretty sunset out here.

panoramic of brewster high school

My old high school, which did not have the left half when I moved away. Too bad I couldn’t see the old part, where I knew everyone in my graduating class (and many in other grade levels too), took way too many classes at once, learned of 9/11 (and got sent home), and always had snacks to share with friends.

fidder on the roof poster and picture of cast from brewster high school 2002 performance

I watched Fiddler on the Roof when I was a sophomore and it was cool to find the poster up, albeit at the far end of the hall where it might get phased out in a few years. I still recognize many people in the pictures!

brewster high school pride of 2004 poster for graduating class

If only I’d stayed to graduate from this school, I might just have made it on this poster.

stone brewster high school sign lit up at night

It was a brief visit, but good to see my old school. Go Bears!

tuned to z100 radio station in new york region

Tuned in to my radio station from back in the day. Over a decade later and I still like what they play.

stew leonard's world's largest dairy store storefront at night

I only vaguely remembered Stew Leonard’s and I really wanted to show Panda the singing cows.

panoramic of stew leonard's interior section with fruit stands

It’s massive inside and like an IKEA, where you follow a single path winding through the store. Tons of electronic animals will sing to you as you pass by or press a button.

stew leonard's checkout aisles

It’s such a homey feel in here.

stew leonard's christmas trees all lit up and stowed away in tented area

As we were leaving, I caught a glimpse of Christmas trees that were hidden away in a tent. I just had to investigate!

There were so many memories that came back to me, like that pizza place we JROTC kids used to walk to and the trek from the middle school to the high school for track practice and the peacock farm near the high school and the hidden trail that we’d run on for gym sometimes and the few driving lessons I took (including the awful mistakes I made) and riding my bike into town and volunteering at the library that was practically smaller than my house and hanging out with the guys from the group home and all my crazy nicknames (like China White, which I’d completely forgotten) and so much more… coming back after getting a better sense of where things are on a map really helped me with my scattered memories. I was able to piece a lot back together and I had a ton of random stories to share. It was a fabulous time!

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