Last week I was going through emails and saw these adorable pie pops from Treatsie. My friend “Calavera” and I decided we had to make them, so she came over this weekend to make some belated Pi Day treats.
Posts Tagged ‘cooking’
Pie pops for Pi Day
Prospurly December 2015 review
Ok, with all but one application submitted, I’ve got some time to tell you all about the most recent Prospurly box that I got. I haven’t had time to really dig in with these items, but I look forward to it!
Prospurly is just under $45 per box (with code for 10% off your subscription – use my referral links from this post) and comes with artisan foods, bath & body items, home products, and other sustainably crafted items. Boxes are sent monthly with no option to skip. They offer a referral program that earns you free boxes.
The Savvy Heart peppermint body resurfacer – This leaked a bit in transit, so there were some refreshing oils left in the box. It’s a lovely mint scent that is very refreshing and the granules of sugar rub well into skin. It leaves a cooling feeling that’s great after working out or to start your day invigorated.
Aimee’s Home Cookin’ Germania Gluhwein mulling spices – Ooo it’s the perfect time to use mulling spices to make some apple cider! I love that it comes with its own little reusable pouch to keep the spices in when brewing. The scent is very aromatic and I feel like this would make awesome potpurri. Any chance there’s enough scent left after boiling that it can be dried and used as such? Doubtful, but we’ll see. I can’t wait to try this out since I’ve been loving apple cider lately.
St. Fiacre’s Farm organic loose leaf peppermint patty tea – Whoa, peppermint chocolate tea. Now that sounds interesting. What’s up with this minty theme in the winter? Is that common? I’m trying to stay warm over here! For now I’m keeping this sealed as I work through other teas I have, but come February or so I’ll probably break this out.
Melisa’s bundt cake soap – Mmm, this smells sweet. I think bath products shaped and scented like desserts are awesome. It’s really cute that she includes a recipe for a pound cake on the tag! Now that’s tying in the theme.
St. Fiacre’s Farm Winter Balm – This is a hand balm that smells like none I’ve had before. It definitely reminds me of the holidays and the formula is perfect for winter. Letting a bit start to melt with my body heat, I can then rub it on my hands to keep them nice and soft. I like that this is lightweight yet packs a punch. It’s super cool that it uses natural disinfectants so I can also help ward off some germs every time I lotion up!
jpants Crimson Clover seeds – I’m a little confused because there’s supposed to be stickers and “other goodies” in this pouch according to the card, but what I got was seeds. Did they miss something with mine or perhaps change their mind after producing the cards? Well, whatever the case, I have some nice little clover seeds that look like they will produce flowers! I like that prospect, so I’ll add this to my “to plant” pile and figure out when I want to actually do that. We don’t get much good sunlight indoors, so I don’t think now would be a good time.
jpants Dwarf Mugo Pine Bonsai Tree Kit – Now this is just the type of thing I was hoping to receive from a box like this. I’m all about cute, useful items that I wouldn’t find on my own! Since it takes awhile to grow get this to germinate, I can do some research and then get started later this winter. We’ll see if I’m successful! Usually I can get a plant to grow to a certain stage, but keeping it alive seems to be the hard part. Plus with travel plans, it’s not easy to keep plants well-maintained.
I’ll likely use everything from this box, though I miiiiight share the tea with someone else. I look forward to taking a bath at some point to give myself time to relax and use the scrub. This week has been long and tiring. What do you think of these products?
[This post contains affiliate links. Signing up through them helps support my subscription and I’d be ever so grateful. 🙂 All opinions are my own and I received no compensation for this review. I just purchased this box and wanted to share what I got!]
Prospurly November 2015 review
Alright, box number two! I really liked the skincare products and overall festive feel of this box.
Prospurly is just under $45 per box (with code for 10% off your subscription – use my referral links from this post) and comes with artisan foods, bath & body items, home products, and other sustainably crafted items. Boxes are sent monthly with no option to skip. They offer a referral program that earns you free boxes.
Bubbles & Botanicals Apple Spice cocoa butter whip – Oh the fluffiness of this whip is delightful! Just a little scoop and you get great moisturization. The apple spice scent is perfect for the holidays and makes me want to snuggle up to a fireplace with hot apple cider. I’m in love.
Leaf Seed Berry Green Apple Essence exfoliating facial toner – From Juice Beauty, I learned about green apple for skincare so this is very appealing. The glass bottle feels luxurious and classy. I think I can smell a bit of the licorice root in there as an undertone to the apple. I love toners because they make me feel so refreshed and cleansed. I might try putting this in a spray bottle to use.
Juniper Earth headache shower bomb – With lavender and eucalyptus, this shower bomb is totally soothing. I love relaxing to lavender scents, so I might keep this by my pillow for awhile. I think it’d be perfect for showering at night, when I don’t want the normal invigorating shower bombs that wake you up. It’s a great size too, so I’m sure it will last me a couple showers!
Pacific Northwest Stationary Studio ROANDNOVA holiday gift card set – This trio of holiday cards seems ripe for framing and keeping around as artwork. There’s a snowflake, pinecone, and reindeer design that are really cool and look like watercolors. The twine gives this a rustic feel and the folds don’t look done by a machine so this set feels artisan. Did they mean to spell stationery with the ‘a’ or should I mention to them the typo?
Sakari Botanicals Sweetgrass Tea – Very interesting that they used a large tea bag for their packaging, but it does not appear that you actually brew the tea directly in the bag. I’ve never had sweetgrass, so I look forward to brewing this at work next week. We’ve been having internet issues so it seems that every morning we end up losing connectivity and going home to finish up the day. I like to have hot drinks at work since it tends to be cold for us cold-blooded folk.
Yes It’s Pure Elderberry Boost herbal tonic – I was first introduced to tonics in a Homegrown Collective box. I didn’t try it many times, but I’ll give this a shot this season and try a bit a day to help keep my immune system up. It smells sort of like a dried berry I’ve eaten before and the taste is slightly sweet and herbal, I guess. Pretty good, considering its supposed medicinal qualities!
Whiskey Oak Pork & Poultry Seasoning – Ok, first of all, I am obsessed with packaging like this. I haven’t a clue what I’d put in it after I use up the seasoning, but I will treasure the jar, that’s for sure. Am I weird for this obsession? Well anyway, major smokiness to this rub that will certainly give meat a distinct taste. I might try making jerky with this seasoning, now that I have my dehydrator!
I’m a fan of everything in this box and I enjoy the curation of these products. I can’t wait to try them all and embrace the upcoming winter. This rather makes me ready for a snow day! The next theme is “Seasonal Splendor” so I’m sure it will be very holiday-esque. I’m excited to see what comes! What do you think of these products?
[This post contains affiliate links. Signing up through them helps support my subscription and I’d be ever so grateful. 🙂 All opinions are my own and I received no compensation for this review. I just purchased this box and wanted to share what I got!]
Hello Fresh October 1 Delivery review
Back to catching up on these reviews… it feels like I just made some of these meals a few weeks ago, but holy cow, it’s been 8 months?! I’ve brought back some of these recipes on my own, which has been fun. (Interested in trying Hello Fresh? Use my referral code to get $40 off your first order: 9CAMJS)
Hello Fresh is just under $70 per box and comes with 3 meals of 2 servings each. That’s less than $12 per meal serving. Boxes are sent weekly unless you choose to skip (which is very easy to do). They offer a referral code that gives $40 off to the person you referred and $20 off your next order.

Soup is fun since you get to throw a bunch of things in the pot. Forgot to take a picture of the final product, which was a little more watery than I would have wanted.
All in all, solid dishes that I’d tweak a little do my own thing with. I’ve already done more roasted tomatoes, since they’re so simple and I quite enjoyed that.
[This post contains affiliate codes. Signing up through them helps support my subscription and I’d be ever so grateful. 🙂 All opinions are my own and I received no compensation for this review. I just purchased this box and wanted to share what I got!]
Home Chef May 6 Delivery review
I don’t browse Facebook much anymore, but when I was a few weeks back, I saw an ad offer for Home Chef. For $30 off, I was totally willing to give it a try! Their soba dish caught my eye since our recent one from Hello Fresh was soooo good.
Home Chef is just under $10 per serving and comes with your choice of up to 8-9 meals of 2-8 servings each. They also offer a breakfast option as well as fresh (seasonal) fruit. Shipping is $10 for orders under $40 and free for orders over that. Boxes are sent weekly unless you choose to skip (which is very easy to do). They offer a referral program that gives $30 off to both the person you referred and your next order.

The meat and salsa were yum! I liked how the salty beans and the more bland rice blended for a base. I wish the rice absorbed more flavor from the spice though.

I’m so proud that Panda pretty much made this all on his own. I just had to help with making sure the chicken didn’t stick to the pan.

I was surprised at how soft and juicy the chicken was and that the bok choy slaw was to my liking. Nice!

Panda took charge again and did most of the work for this one. I helped with a few tasks here and there.

This actually turned out to be way more filling than we expected. I totally want to make our own potato chips now.
As you might have noticed, we opted for four dishes this time. What I like about this subscription is the flexibility in adding as many as you want, and even having the option for a breakfast recipe as well as getting some fruit to supplement your meals. I’ll definitely keep an eye on their recipes and order again the next time I like the upcoming menu.
[This post contains affiliate links. Signing up through them helps support my subscription and I’d be ever so grateful. 🙂 All opinions are my own and I received no compensation for this review. I just purchased this box and wanted to share what I got!]
Hello Fresh July 2 Delivery review
Whoa, I can hardly believe it’s been a year and a half since we started getting these boxes. I somehow totally slacked on reviews and didn’t do any of our 2014 ones! So here we go, a look at some of the dishes that we once cooked. This delivery came because I forgot to keep pausing and I happened to forget to do the same for Blue Apron at the same time, so we suddenly had TWO boxes to cook, right before our weekend trip to Pittsburgh! Luckily we planned it out and cooked & ate like crazy for a few days. (Interested in trying Hello Fresh? Use my referral code to get $40 off your first order: 9CAMJS)
Hello Fresh is just under $70 per box and comes with 3 meals of 2 servings each. That’s less than $12 per meal serving. Boxes are sent weekly unless you choose to skip (which is very easy to do). They offer a referral code that gives $40 off to the person you referred and $20 off your next order.

I enjoyed the sauce and would want to try it with drumsticks in the future, since I don’t like eating around all that bone.
These dishes were well-curated and certainly made me feel like it was time for a summer barbeque. We’ll have to bring out some of these recipes as the warm weather arrives again!
[This post contains affiliate codes. Signing up through them helps support my subscription and I’d be ever so grateful. 🙂 All opinions are my own and I received no compensation for this review. I just purchased this box and wanted to share what I got!]
Homegrown Collective olive oil & vinegar infusion project
I’ve been meaning to share the infusions I did from the May Homegrown GREENBOX, so here they are! This was a simple project that wasn’t super messy and didn’t require too many components – mostly just time. I chose to do the cold infusion method since it’s easy to let things just sit. I didn’t read their instructions online, so I missed the memo on the apple vinegar at the end, but I still like my results!
The olive oil flavor is more subtle and doesn’t appear too much different, especially when I’m using it as part of cooking. The balsamic vinegar was definitely stronger due to the peppers! Overall I’m happy with the level of infusion for the vinegar and I’d do a second round of infusion for the oil next time to get a stronger flavor since the ones I chose were milder to begin with. This was a nice project and I’ve been using these as my go-to items when I need these ingredients for cooking.
Escape Monthly July: India Box Review
Tempted as I was to get the bonus box with even more goodies from India, I didn’t want to spend any more money. I’m certainly pleased with this box, which felt pretty authentic and got the seal of approval from one of my Indian friends for products that she’d enjoy. If you sprang for the luxe box that was offered for India, do let me know when you review it! I’d love to see what else they found.
Escape Monthly is just under $40 per box (with code for 20% off your subscription – see end of post) and comes with a variety of food, home, skincare items themed around a city. Each box comes with a Moon Handbooks guide for that region. Boxes are sent monthly with no option to skip. They offer a lovely recurring referral commission program.
(click to enlarge and read full messaging)
This box even smelled of Indian influences. Must be the sandalwood.
Here’s what came in the box:
Moon Handbooks guide to Taj Mahal Delhi & Jaipur– I’ve never been to India, so when I get a chance, this will certainly be very useful. I’ve got to admit, I’ve never been super attracted to going there because of the heat I imagine in the region. I just see myself being beaten by the sun the whole time, trudging along. Is India really as hot as I think? I’ll have to see…
Saffron Road Korma simmer sauce – I got this brand before, but a different sauce flavor, so I’m looking forward to trying both. My info sheet talks about the Tikka Masala flavor, which I actually have. My box came with the korma instead, which is completely new to me. My friend tells me it’s fabulous though. This will be an easy way to cook some meat with tons of flavor!
Pure Indian Foods organic ghee – I’ve never heard of ghee before, but it smells so rich! Just like caramel or toffee. I don’t usually cook with butter, so I’ll have to find some recipes that call for it and try this fun product that’s apparently quite healthy for you.
Nemat International Amber & Sandalwood fragrances – This small tube of sandalwood packs a punch! It totally reminds me of Asia and even kind of makes me think of my grandmother. I love getting a whiff of that. The amber scent is so light that I can hardly smell a thing. They recommend meditating with it, which I totally need to try.
Banyan Botanicals Organic Healthy Hair Oil – Hmm, I’m totally reminded of food when I smell this oil. Kind of strange, but not a big deal! It’s a really nice oil that isn’t all greasy feeling and I’m hoping it not only makes my hair appear healthier, but promotes hair growth. I would like to try growing out my hair, but I always get impatient when it’s a couple inches past my shoulder because it gets dry.
Banyan Botanicals Peppermint soap – Ooo, this peppermint soap is the perfect thing to refresh and cool down your body with. I loved inhaling the minty scent and I know that it’ll tingle a little when I use it. I’m very sensitive to the cooling sensation of mint. Just what I like to think of on hot, muggy days.
Masala Pop Chai Masala popcorn – Whoa, what a unique taste. I like that this popcorn has a nice strong flavor yet it’s not too sweet. A popcorn made with tea? So cool. While I’m still not big into popcorn, this one is a lovely change from the usual kettle corn you might find.
Maya Kaimal Kashmiri Curry – Another great sauce to try! Now cooking can be as easy as chopping up some meat and veggies and pouring in this sauce. I like that it’s tomato-based and I’m very curious how the whole nutmeg flavor plays in. I totally have to saute some eggplant and try it with this. I’m inspired to get back to home-cooked meals more often.
Gouri Puja bindis – What gorgeous little bindis! I am coordinating with my coworker to come in with bindis together one of these days. They’re so fun and beautiful and the perfect bonus item in the box this month. Love it!
This was truly a box where I felt like I escaped to India and learned about the country. I’m into everything offered too! How do you like this India Escape Monthly box? If you want to sign up, try one of these codes (not sure which ones are still active): INDIAESCAPE or PARISESCAPE for 20% off the lifetime of your subscription or GIFTESCAPE for 25% off.
Next month in August, we’re going to Paris!!! I can’t wait for that, since I’ve had an unofficial love affair with France since middle school.
[This post contains affiliate links. Signing up through them helps support my subscription and I’d be ever so grateful. 🙂 All opinions are my own and I received no compensation for this review. I just purchased this box and wanted to share what I got!]
Blue Apron April 22nd Delivery review
There had been quite a dry spell from the last time we ordered one of these meals, so I was ready for another box to come. For awhile I stayed away from Blue Apron because they changed their methods and you no longer get to choose any three of six options for your box. Instead, you indicate preferences: which meats you will eat, or if you’re vegetarian. Then your meals are chosen for you based on those preferences. One week I really wanted to get the box, but I wanted one of the vegetarian dishes and my pre-selected veggie dish was not the one I was trying to select. So… I ended up not getting it.
This time I liked all three meat dishes so I went for the order. The pork buns were delicious, though next time I’d just far less fatty meat. I really liked the pairing with the red cabbage salad there. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed the chicken and mushrooms because I usually find chicken to be dry and the mushrooms weren’t ones I’m used to eating. I had no idea there was garlic bread too, which was awesome. I ended up breaking the fish up when I cooked it and the flavors got kind of lost, so that’s probably the only dish I wouldn’t recreate as is.
Blue Apron is just under $60 per box and comes with 3 meals of 2 servings each. That’s $10 per meal serving! Boxes are sent weekly unless you choose to skip (which is very easy to do). After ordering a few times, they will offer free meals you can send to friends (but no referral program).
Plated review
Awhile back I mentioned that I wanted to try Plated and then I got a comment from them offering a first-time discount. By the time I was ready to go for the offer, I had seen a Facebook promo for a “free” box (you pay shipping). Since I didn’t hear back from them when I asked what they could offer me beyond that, I decided to just try the box at that discount.
Plated is $15 per plate (serving) or $12 per plate with a monthly $10 membership fee (or as discounted as $96 for an entire year). Boxes are sent weekly unless you choose to skip (which is very easy to do) and require a minimum of 4 plates. They offer a referral link that gives 2 free plates to both the person you referred and for your next order.
I really enjoyed this dish and ended up gobbling up way more than I thought I could in one night. They’re kind of like an oversized dumpling and I love both cauliflower and spinach, so the filling was just to my taste. It was nice to have a little bit of fresh spinach on the side too, tossed in a tart dressing. It made a wonderful lunch the next day and I’d totally make them again. I might even try putting a little bit of meat in there for some more substance.
I liked this dish, but I don’t think I’d crave it. The green pepper I got was moldy and I contacted Plated’s support with no response. I used a little bit of it from the fresh parts that were still ok. This was the first time I’d ever cooked rice this way, first heating it on the stove and then sticking it in the oven. I definitely could have added more seasoning to the rice since it was rather bland.
While I did enjoy the dishes I tried, I find Plated to be higher priced without the better ingredients, recipes, or service I’d be willing to pay for. I don’t like the monthly membership fee, which inflates the price of the already more expensive dishes. I cancelled my membership before they charged me for it and don’t plan on reordering with them for the time being.
I was also put off by their poor service – at first things looked promising when they got back to me saying they’d send me a box for free to give me a little extra beyond the Facebook offer. But when I replied with my meal choices, I never heard back. And on the moldy pepper front, still not a peep from their customer service. They could have really impressed me by sending me a free box to review and being responsive to my delivery issue. If that was the case, I might have kept ordering from them.
[This post contains affiliate links. Signing up through them helps support my subscription and I’d be ever so grateful. 🙂 All opinions are my own and I received no compensation for this review. I just purchased this box and wanted to share what I got!]