Posts Tagged ‘experiences’

Lego creations

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , , , , ,

Look at all the cool things they can build with Legos!!

lego escalator from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

lego santa sleigh from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

lego hollywood bowl from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Adventures in cooking

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For a period, my cousin and I had to fend for ourselves, so we got into cooking rather than eating out or microwaving. This is what we ate that week…

meal consisting of chicken & snow peas, tomatoes & eggs, rice

Day 1: chicken & snow peas, tomatoes & eggs, rice. The chicken was leftover from my mom’s previous dish.

meal consisting of potato strips, sausage with carrot & snow peas, mung bean jelly, rice

Day 2: potato strips, sausage with carrot & snow peas, mung bean jelly, rice. The jelly is a cold dish.

meal consisting of potato strips, sausage with carrot & peas, tomatoes & eggs, brownie, rice

Day 3: potato strips, sausage with carrot & peas, tomatoes & eggs, brownie, rice. Rice not pictured.

meal consisting of chicken noodle soup, sausage with carrot & spinach, mini quiches, tomatoes & eggs, rice

Day 4: chicken noodle soup, sausage with carrot & spinach, mini quiches, tomatoes & eggs, rice. Soup & quiches from store.

meal consisting of chicken noodle soup, spinach & eggs, mini quiches, rice

Day 5: chicken noodle soup, spinach & eggs, mini quiches, rice. Soup & quiches from store.

Dogs in cars

laelene Posted in photo blog,Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

I come across a fair share of dogs waiting in cars for their owners (sometimes with them too). Other than the pair of dogs I saw hanging out together in the front seats of a car, here are some others I’ve noted:

fluffy dog staring out back window sitting in car on rear deck

This one was waiting for its owner to get lunch at Panera Bread. I was pretty startled when it barked at me fiercely!

big fluffy dog staring out passenger window sitting in car on front passenger side seat

This one was waiting with its owner for someone to come out of the Hertz rental return. I was shocked to see such a large dog staring at me.

boxer dog staring out driver window sitting in car on driver side seat

This one was waiting for its owner to get packages from the rental office. It was so calm and still.

Giant stork

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , , , , , ,

Just walking along the pond one day when I spotted what at first looked like a log, and then a dog. As I got closer, I could discern that it was a stork! I then tried to see how close I could get; when I got too close, it took off…

stork by lake from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

stork flying from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Birthday memories

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , , , , ,

Today’s Panda’s birthday! We spent a quiet day running errands and buying groceries, then enjoyed a nice meal out before retiring for the night to work on our own stuff. Since I don’t have any footage of today, let’s review what we did on my birthday recently. 😛

striking metal from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Hosting scare

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , ,

Whew! I got an email this morning telling me account was deactivated due to malware or a virus, which made me freak out a little bit.  I reviewed the email and thought that it wanted me to delete a file called “malware.txt” but as it turns out, that’s the file outlining which files might be affected.  Oops!  I called up my hosting company, JustHost (which used to be Super Green Hosting but was bought out by JH), and they re-generated the file for me.

This time I opened it up and reviewed the listed files… they were all WordPress themes or plugins, most of which were inactive anyway, so I deleted all but one plugin.  I carefully checked the PHP code for that lone plugin and determined that there was nothing suspicious.  This time when I called up JustHost, they were able to reactivate the account for me.  What a relief!

Just for precaution, I updated the password for my WordPress account to something more secure, so hopefully that will stave off future hackers.

Sudden hail

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , , , , , ,

Weather’s been rather chilly in the east, with bits of snow trying to stick on the ground in the DC area. Reminds me of the day it randomly hailed for just a few seconds in LA.

hail in socal from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Valentine’s surprise

laelene Posted in photo blog,Tags: , , , , , , , ,

I’m not usually one for fanfare, but I do love a nice surprise now and then. Look at what Panda got me for Valentine’s! 🙂

seafoam green tous gift bag with pink & red gift tag

What’s this?!

inside of tous valentine's gift bag with red package

Peeking inside…

tous valentine's bag and box with baby panda

Baby Panda checks out the treat.

tous valentine's box open like flower petals

The red box opens up like flower petals to reveal a jewelry box.

round tous jewelry box with elastic band and bell

Cute little round jewelry box topped with a bell!

tous jewelry box opened to reveal bag inside

The next layer is the baggie.

tous jewelry box and pouch

Almost there!

tous bear flower ring

Yay, a cute little ring!

wearing tous bear green & white flower ring on finger

Look carefully and you’ll notice the “petals” are actually the TOUS bear wrapped around a sweet little Murano crystal.

BzzAgent to the rescue!

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , ,

bzzagent word of mouth marketing site logoSo I mentioned in my MorningStar Farms post that I got it for free from BzzAgent, which I joined just a few months ago.  Since then, I’ve gotten invited to two more campaigns, both of which have been really fitting and timely for my current needs!  One was for Schick’s Hydro Silk razor and the other was for Garnier’s Olia hair dye.

I’ve been using the same brand of razor since I started shaving and since I shave so infrequently, I actually have the original handle and am only on the third blade.  Granted, I’ve used some disposable ones here and there and once got another brand attached to the shaving cream I bought, but for the most part that original razor has lasted me for a decade or so.

When BzzAgent sent me the new Schick Hydro Silk razor for free, I was pretty excited to try something new.  My old razor would sometimes give me knicks and I was always wary of shaving around my knees and ankles because of it.  With the Schick though, it glided so smoothly that I had to try a second and third time just to make sure it worked!  I couldn’t believe it was so slick against my skin.  I love that it has 5 blades that are close together, providing a really smooth shave.  Now I have a razor that will probably last me another decade!

Most recently, I was offered to join the Garnier Olia campaign.  It’s a revolutionary new hair dye that uses oils to provide permanent hair color with no ammonia.  Love it already!  Apparently it has a bunch of natural flower oils so it smells great and it conditions and restores hair.  I’m about to get my hair cut this weekend and I was literally just thinking to myself how nice it would be if I could get it colored.  At this point though, I’m not about to pay for a coloring at the salon.  Then along came Olia, which I am getting a coupon for a free box of.  I can’t wait to try it!!

I’m pretty pleased with BzzAgent and I’m really excited to keep getting to try out great products like these.

Odd jobs

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , ,

Have you ever tried to get a bunch of odd jobs?  I just joined Fiverr and posted some “gigs” on the site yesterday in an attempt to get more traction for my sales, but also to see if I can get some extra income from doing random tasks.  For now the only thing I’ve come up with that doesn’t involved selling a product is teaching people origami.  I’ll have to keep thinking of what else I could do that’s worth $5 but not too much effort on my part.  I was going to do a Chinese name translation, but there are a lot of those out there so I’m not sure if I should compete…

Awhile back, I became fascinated with community marketplaces.  I had considered trying to become a TaskRabbit and provide services like pet-sitting, but I don’t really have a strong skill in those sorts of things that I could really do well.  It’s always a challenge trying to pinpoint my expertise in things like that – a concrete skill that I can do better than most that people would want to have done for them.  Then I came across Vayable, which I thought was really cool with its community-powered tours.  I have considered doing a UCLA tour through that, but have yet to organize an awesome tour that I would be proud of.  Luckily, I have a head start since I’d led tours for summer orientation, but I also want to include more cool historical facts and some updates since the campus has changed so much.

Most recently, I learned about Lyft, which is a community-powered transportation service.  That’s something I think would be really cool to do, since I’ve often driven my friends around, but I live too far from the central areas of Los Angeles to be of much use right now.  Such a pity, since I enjoy getting out and driving around (and hate finding parking) so this would be a great way to earn some money.

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