Posts Tagged ‘experiences’

iPhone downgrade

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iphone 3gs screen shattered from top left corner

There's even a chunk missing where you can see into the phone.

I’ve been using an iPhone 4 for nearly two years and I’d gotten so used to it that now that I’ve switched back to the 3GS, I’m really noticing the difference in performance.  Due to a couple of factors, I ended up trading my phone for a 3GS so my dad can use mine.  I had all but forgotten that the older model only has a camera on the back (and with no flash).  I’d gotten used to being able to take front-facing pictures and ones with flash or the HDR option.  The screen isn’t as crisp, but that doesn’t affect me much.

However, one thing that really bugs me is the slower performance and the shorter battery life.  These were both things I expected from my phone and I’ve been disappointed with the results.  The phone no longer lasts me through the entire day without needing a charge and things take way too long to load.  The screen isn’t as responsive either, but that could also be due to the delayed reaction from the processor.  Plus, I’m not used to the grip and dropped it within the first day of using it!  I was completely devastated that the screen got smashed even though it was barely a drop at all.  This never would have happened with my iPhone 4.

Thankfully, there should be a new iPhone coming out by the end of the year, so I just have to hold out for half a year or so until I can upgrade and get all my fancy technological needs satisfied once again.  Or, if I can manage to fix what was going on with this model, maybe my dad and I can trade back again until it’s time for that upgrade…

Where did the days go?

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , , ,

Suddenly I find it is already nearly a week since I last posted.  I’ve been pretty preoccupied with thoughts of business ventures and taking care of the mounting list of tasks.  Plus, Missy has been following me all around the house, purring and meowing and otherwise grabbing my attention whenever she can.  So, I leave you with a clip of a jetstream left behind by some plane… a glimpse at what I do when I travel!  Something like this could entertain me for minutes, since there’s not much else to see on the plane.

Health issues

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Wow, this has probably been the longest between posts that I’ve ever had.  Between getting my wisdom teeth removed and getting sick, I haven’t had much energy to get up from the couch.  Ever since the afternoon after the wedding, I had been a bit sniffly – I think because I’m not used to the weather out here.  By the time I decided to bundle up, it was a bit too late and I was already sick.  Things would get better and then I’d fall ill again the next afternoon.

On Tuesday, we tried to go get my wisdom teeth removed, but the x-ray machine at my aunt’s hospital wasn’t working.  By the time we figured out it wasn’t going to work, it was already 3:30 in the afternoon and not much gets done here after 4-5 PM.  We rushed over to a special dentist building but they told us they don’t operate after 3, so we went back the next morning.  I got my top two teeth pulled and was going to return to get one of my bottom ones removed today (Friday), but then I fell sick with a fever Thursday afternoon.  I had barely recovered from my fever Wednesday afternoon, so this time my grandma decided to take me over to my aunt’s for an IV drip.

Apparently my veins are small, so I couldn’t take a heavy flow.  We tried to increase the drip rate, but my wrist and forearm would hurt a bit, so the process took over three hours when it usually would have been closer to two.  When I was done, we went back to my aunt’s to rest for the night.  I woke up a few times feeling overheated and sweaty, so I slept in a little more to get extra rest.  When I was ready to get up, I had a quick breakfast and went back to have one more drip done.  This time I was pretty tired and fell asleep for most of it.  My aunt got me some more medicine to help with my sore throat and runny nose, so I’m doing pretty well now.

Initially we thought my fever was brought on by the strain of getting my teeth pulled, but it seems that I just happened to get sick on the side.  The first day, it was a bit tough to breathe since my gums would leak a little bit of blood here and there and I had phlegm stuck in my throat too.  I wasn’t allowed to spit or lick my gums and my mouth was a bit swollen so I couldn’t close it all the way.  For the first two days, I also wasn’t allowed to brush my teeth or gargle mouthwash, so that felt pretty uncomfortable.  By the second day, I had basically stopped bleeding and was able to chew some things and I’m pretty much all healed now.

All in all it’s been quite a battle all week, not just for me but for my grandparents and aunt, who have had to take care of me.  Earlier in the week, my other aunt and my mom also got sick, so it’s been quite the reunion this time around.  Either we all caught something or we’re just not used to the environment here anymore.

Away we go!

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After a whirlwind run three days in LA, it’s back on the road now and off to Beijing! I just spent the entire day waiting around SeaTac and now I’m finally on the plane! Soon enough I’ll be in China attending my cousin’s wedding. 🙂

Catch up later!

East coast driving, oh my

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , ,

Philosopher and I have been on quite the whirlwind road trip!  From D.C. to NYC to Boston and everything in between, we’ve seen quite a bit of the east coast.  Along the way, this is what we learned:

  1. Toll roads – there a LOT of these!  Trying to avoid them means some extra driving and countless small roads, but after getting hit with $3, $4, $6, $8.80, $0.90, and $12 from Maryland to New Jersey, we were pretty scarred for life.  On our way back, we detoured through Pennsylvania to make sure we minimized any tolls and it turned out great!  It only cost us $1 as we entered PA.
  2. Left exits – there are also a ton of these, for whatever reason.  It definitely threw me off a few times as I merged right to prepare to exit only to find my exit was on the left.  Thankfully traffic generally allowed for these mistakes and it was easy enough to get back into the left lane.  I’m guessing there are more of these because the terrain is harder to work around.
  3. Honkers – plenty of this going on.  Is it just us or are east coasters (particularly New Englanders) more impatient and horn-happy than most?  We kind of expected it from New Yorkers, but Bostonians too?  I don’t recall hearing so much honking when I used to go into these cities.
  4. Speed crazy drivers – I thought LA drivers drove fast, but then I watched as cars zoomed by me going 75 in a 55 zone, and nearly 90 in a 65 zone.  It seems that less people get caught so they are far more brazen.
  5. Full service gas stations – I went to my first one of these ever, only because we had been looking for a gas station for ages and this was the only one that came up.  It was weird to sit in the car and talk to some high school kid to let him know how much gas and what kind we wanted.  As I later found out, this is the law in NJ – what a weird state.
  6. We hate NJ.  On our way to New York, we made the mistake of taking the New Jersey turnpike.  Not only was it the most boring stretch of road ever, there were only like two exits within the first 30-40 miles!  Not being able to exit if I wanted made me feel strangely claustrophobic.  There was no escape!!!!  And when we finally did exit they pounded us with a toll charge.  Great.

This was the first time I’d driven long distances on the east coast, since I moved right after learning how to drive 10 years ago.  A decade later, I found I was basically a complete stranger to the way of the roads around here.  It was madness, but definitely a rich learning lesson (actually lesson upon lesson upon lesson) and we came out with a lot of stories/anecdotes to share and reminisce on.  Oh, and I was also constantly reminded of how spoiled I had gotten with automatic doors and windows.  I kept forgetting my key didn’t have a button to lock the doors of the rental car we had, so I’d close the door only to have to open it again to manually lock it.  And I kept trying to roll the window the wrong way.  What a trip!

Hobbling duck

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , ,

Philosopher’s in town so we went into D.C. today to check out the sights. We came across this duck at the Constitution Gardens Pond… little did I know it was a wounded fellow! I quickly left him alone after that.

Handheld checkout

laelene Posted in photo blog,Tags: , ,

At Giant supermarkets, you can use these portable scanners to do a pre-checkout of sorts. Fun!

handheld scanner at giant supermarket

Ritzy living

laelene Posted in photo blog,Tags: , , , ,

When Panda and I had the fortune of staying at the Ritz-Carlton Marina del Rey for a few days, I was excited to document the experience. Here are some of the highlights from that stay; click on pics for the full size.

do not disturb door hanger at ritz-carlton marina del rey

A fancy and cool take on the "Do Not Disturb" sign - California Dreamin' (makes me wonder what they have for outside the state).

water bottles with ritz-carlton logo at ritz-carlton marina del rey

They've branded their own water!

ritz-carlton logo on paper travel mug and ceramic mug at ritz-carlton marina del rey

Whether you like your hot drinks in the room or to go, they've got you covered.

ritz-carlton branded milk and dark chocolate at ritz-carlton marina del rey

Yum, Ritz-Carlton chocolates.

blue and gold ritz-carlton couch and throw pillow at ritz-carlton marina del rey

Sitting enjoying the silky couch and pillow.

ihome alarm clock at ritz-carlton marina del rey

A nice fancy iHome alarm clock was playing soothing music when we entered.

bathroom accessories at ritz-carlton marina del rey

They had a nice display of all the things you'd need in the restroom.

glass scale in bathroom at ritz-carlton marina del rey

Oooh, a fancy glass scale! I was afraid of breaking it when I stepped on - it just seemed so fragile.

toilet at ritz-carlton marina del rey with phone in reach

Hmmm, now what do you need a phone for while in the restroom?

toilet paper branded with ritz-carlton sticker at ritz-carlton marina del rey

Should I be surprised that the toilet paper got branded too?

view of the marina from ritz-carlton marina del rey

What a beautiful morning and a spectacular view overlooking the marina!

view of inland los angeles from ritz-carlton marina del rey

Looking inland towards downtown, you get a pretty great view as well.

view looking down at pool and hot tub at ritz-carlton marina del rey

They've got an awesome saltwater pool and hot tub. If water can be more slippery than itself, that's what it feels like.

bed at ritz-carlton marina del rey

The cleaning people usually leave my pillow and baby panda like this on the bed when they make it.

enjoying the pool at ritz-carlton marina del rey

I couldn't resist going for a quick swim in their pool. It felt so comfortable!

bag that the morning newspaper is delivered in at ritz-carlton marina del rey

In the morning as you leave, you'll find a newspaper hanging from your door handle.

Dream schedule

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My, how time flies when you’re enjoying yourself!  In my first week of scheduling freedom, I have started most days around 8:30-9 in the morning, when I wake up naturally.  I then spend the morning whiling away time enjoying an episode of The Voice or some Plants vs. Zombies gaming action.  Around noon, I packed up and headed out in search of places where I could sit and read or go online while enjoying the sunshine.  Sometimes I ended up hanging out in my car and oftentimes I found myself driving around to various parts of LA – Culver City, Santa Monica, Westwood…

I filled up my tummy for lunch, then spent the afternoons first online, then reading through the first book I plan to cross off my reading list: Switch.  Before I knew it, 5 o’clock would roll around and Panda would get back from work to find I wasn’t around.  I’d head back to meet up with him for a brief break to decide where to eat and off we’d go.  By 9 or 10 we’d be back for the night, winding down the day.  All in all a very relaxing and leisurely schedule for me!  Perhaps because it was so nice, it went by in a blur and suddenly I find myself at the end of the week wondering where all the days went.  Luckily, I now have the weekend to enjoy and more weeks of working online and reading offline to look forward to.

Lego music

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , , ,

Ever want to play a Lego instrument? Well here’s your chance! Just jump on circles on the ground and BAM, music! 😉

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