Posts Tagged ‘experiences’


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I spent the entire day watching episodes of Charmed and boy have I learned my lesson!  It’s no good to sit/lay in front of a screen for that long, especially not when you’re watching the screen at all different angles.  I’m sure it would have been better if I was sitting properly, but I would lay on my side, my belly, even my back to watch.  Now I’ve got this terrible headache so it’s time to stop viewing any screen and rest my eyes.

This harkens back to the days when I would binge on episodes of Princess Pearl, a popular Chinese drama from over a decade ago.  At least I watched those on a TV screen, so wasn’t so close and didn’t lay on the floor.  Still, I would wrap myself up in a blanket and surround myself with food much as I did yesterday.  It’s not the best way to pass a day and I’m looking forward to spending some time outside tomorrow, breathing fresh air and enjoying natural light.

Friendly ray

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manta ray at caesar's palace in las vegas

He was quite the social fellow!

close up of bottom of manta ray at caesar's palace in las vegas

He got right up against the glass to say hello!

Final dolphin hoopla

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , , , , , , ,

Check out some of the previous videos too.

A lesson on green chemistry

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I attended the Oppenheim lecture tonight, about green chemistry.  It’s a growing sector that is coming up with innovations that are not only environmentally safe and sustainable for the long term, they work better and make more sense for the bottom line as well.  While there are definitely plenty of “green” products that cost a premium, it doesn’t have to be that way.  As our economy and society demand better, companies will respond with great new solutions to consumer needs.

Many of the solutions that Dr. Paul Anastas, the main speaker, pointed out were rooted in bio-mimicry.  It’s a topic I’m fascinated with, since most (if not all) of the solutions we search for are already present in nature.  For example, he told us of the pain of trying to redo a bathroom because of all the hardened glue you have to scrape away.  It’s tedious and can be quite toxic too.  Instead, we can learn from mussels, which very strongly adhere themselves to rocks and other things just as well, but need no dangerous chemicals to do so.  By learning from the multitude of creatures in the world around us, we can find brilliant, simple, yet effective ways of solving many of our issues.

In addition, Dr. Anastas pointed out that we really have to allow disruptive inventions to come along.  It’s not good enough to just improve some of the products we have now; we have to be willing to adopt a method that could completely upheave the way we’re used to doing things.  Once upon a time any city would have telephone wires running overhead all over the place.  Nowadays that becomes more and more unnecessary as we shift towards wireless signal towers.  In the case of detergents, it is becoming a very real possibility that we could have self-cleaning clothes, which would wipe out the need for detergents!  Or, when creating clothes, rather than using dyes that could be harmful, they are now experimenting with growing cotton that in itself already has color.  It’s a willingness to completely rethink our approach to common issues that can lead to wonderfully disruptive changes to our lives and our way of life.

He also made sure to emphasize the fact that a company’s bottom line does not have to suffer for the sake of these new methods.  In fact, these can be built into very lucrative businesses.  What he said rang so true to what I’ve been learning from Opportunity Green as well: sustainability and environmental responsibility and very much in line with profitability, and not just because you’d have a green image.  In fact, if you don’t even consider the environmental impact, so many of these solutions are just plain superior as is.  Why wouldn’t you go with them?  I think a lot of sustainability and the green movement has been misunderstood.  People still think that to be eco-friendly is to be pricier.  We need more companies out there to show people that this isn’t the case so that the general population can start adopting products that are better for us all – people, the environment, the world.

I’m hoping that part of my impact in the future will be along these lines.  To break people away from the prejudices and misguided opinions of what it takes to be good to our environment.  To show them that they can save money, save the environment, and make our world a better place all at the same time.  It’s about time more light be shed on the beauty of green choices!


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Mayor Villaraigosa sent Opportunity Green a lovely message officially declaring 11.11.11 Opportunity Green Day! How awesome.

Volunteering the past few days has been busy, so here are some shots. No time to write much yet!

collection of various igo charging products from their sponsorship at opportunity green

iGo sponsored the charging station we had for people's devices.

a dozen cell phones being charged at the igo-sponsored charging station at opportunity green

We charged over a dozen phones at a time!

lunch at opportunity green as catered by tendergreens

Fantastic lunch from Tendergreens! I loooved the kale.

sound stage 6 at los angeles center studios set up as the main stage for opportunity green

The main stage area was huge and had some really cool lighting.

light at entrance of sound stage 6 at los angeles center studios for opportunity green

This light was created with what looked like old milk jugs or some similar plastic. Reminds me of the scales on a fish!

Seating reimagined

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It’s nearly time for Opportunity Green 2011, and I am reminded of these fun Kimball Fit chairs that were on show last year.  Who needs a traditional chair when you have this?

two of the lime kimball fit chairs on display at opportunity green 2010

Don't worry, just approach and sit!

enjoying sitting in the kimball fit chair at opportunity green 2010

After a long day, this was a welcome resting spot.

The hedonist diet

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I’ve never attempted a diet to lose weight (my strategy is eat less, move more) and I don’t ever plan on partaking in one.  I go by what I have now dubbed the “hedonist diet” – also known as eat what you want.  I tend to follow my cravings a lot, whether it means snacks, greasy food, or even Ethiopian.  It’s the one thing I don’t control very often and I allow myself to enjoy almost unconditionally.  After all, why not enjoy eating and turn it into an experience each time?  It’s not just something we have to do, but it’s something we can love to do.  Food can bring us a lot of pleasure, from alluring smells to delicious tastes, and I like to appreciate every moment of it.

This is what makes me a terrible grocery shopper and a big spender on restaurants.  When I grocery shop, I usually have one or two things in mind that I want to grab, and then I end up wandering the snack or ice cream aisle and come out with way more than I probably should.  Last time I went to Ralph’s, I came out with four boxes of popsicles because they all looked appealing.  More recently, a Whole Foods run landed me some grapes, string cheese, Greek yogurt, and chocolate fudge bites – none of which I originally intended on purchasing going in.  At restaurants, I usually make the mistake of overestimating how much I can eat at that moment and get one dish too many.

Well, this is how I spend my money.  I don’t really buy clothes or shoes or makeup (or whatever else most other girls probably buy).  I don’t drink or smoke or gamble, which are all pretty costly ventures.  Instead my money goes into retirement savings, rent, and FOOD.  Lots of food.  It’s the greatest pleasure in life next to love.  At least it is in my world!  I am very content with my hedonist diet and I’m lucky enough that my genes allow me to eat a lot without bloating like crazy.  Hopefully that lasts me well into old age so I can always enjoy eating the foods I love when I want, and as much as I want.

Gifting season

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You know, the nice thing about the holiday season is that it’s a gifting season. I was completely surprised when we started receiving cards and gift baskets at the office last year. It was my first time in a work environment where that happened and it was pretty exciting! Each week brought more and more food until the whole office was pigging out constantly. I even got a Patagonia bag from one of our clients! It’s only about another month now and the giving should be upon us again.

holiday card and box of chocolates

My first gift!

gift basket filled with godiva chocolates

A Godiva gift basket, oh yes.

Almost snow

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I went out to the east coast for the weekend and on Saturday, it was raining or sleeting all day.  At times, it almost got cold enough for us to get some snow down in the DC/VA area.  Almost.  I hear that more northern parts did get snow, and quite a bit, and I’ve got to say I’m a bit jealous.  I was hoping for some snow to enjoy here as well.  While I’d all but forgotten the experience of getting into a cold car and trying to defrost the windows while warming up, I do miss snow.  Nobody said I had to miss all the unpleasant experiences that come with it, right?

My selective memory allowed me to remember a brisk walk with snow crunching under my feet.  Pretty positive memory.  It allowed me to remember building snowthings and catching snowflakes with my tongue.  Very positive memory.  It did not, however, allow me to remember the bitterness of a freezing cold car.  Not so positive memory.  Well, that’s how it goes I guess.  After so many years removed from this kind of life, I chose to focus on the things I did like about it rather than that which was less desirable.  Nevertheless, with all the pros and cons trying to weigh each other out, I still wouldn’t mind moving back to more volatile climates for awhile.  It’d make me appreciate LA even more when I returned, right?

Squeaky defense

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , ,

There was a mouse scurrying around the house, so I closed it into one room when I randomly spotted it and proceeded to try to capture it from under the bed. It started to squeak at me when I got close to grabbing it. Stay tuned for what happened next in another installment.

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