Posts Tagged ‘experiences’

Friend from abroad

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My friend Philosopher is back in town after almost two years! I can’t believe it was so long ago that he first came to visit, or that it went by so quickly. I really look forward to the day when I can visit him in his home country again, hopefully for London 2012.

I’ve taken the rest of the week off for a grand California adventure, spending time from Los Angeles to Sacramento, and many places in between. It was pretty exciting to only have a one day work week, but it’ll be even more exciting once start our trip exploring the towns of the West coast.

I can’t wait and I’m sure we will take plenty of pictures! This is going to be magnificent. 🙂

Chinatown discoveries

laelene Posted in photo blog,Tags: , , , ,

cute panda slippers

machine and person making fortune cookies

My iPhone chronicles

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It’s been about a year and a quarter since I first got an iPhone and boy has it been a rocky ride!  I’ve been to the Genius Bar no less than seven times and had my device replaced 5 of those visits, with another where they replaced just the screen for me.  It all started off about two months in, when my 3GS wouldn’t send text messages.  The send bar would get to about the 90% mark, but never complete and send out the message.  This also appeared to affect my phone reception, where I often wouldn’t be able to get a signal.  When I took the phone to the store, I got a new one because they determined that the SIM card was stuck in too tight, which didn’t allow for proper signal reception.

Not long after, my phone slid off my desk onto our concrete floor at work.  The corner was cracked, so I went in to see if they could fix it up for me.  Lucky me, I got a friendly Genius in a good mood, so he took care of it for me.  I even blogged about that visit!  Unfortunately, it seemed that the sleekness of the phone made it prone to dropping, so it kept happening here and there.  One day I noticed that the metal part was splitting away from the plastic, revealing the inner workings of my device.  It was getting a little dusty in there, which was a concern.  I trotted back to the store and was once again given a new one.  This actually was kind of fortunate, since I was going to upgrade to an iPhone 4 and my dad was going to take my phone.  I certainly didn’t want to give him something all beat up, so I kept this one pristine!

I had barely gotten the iPhone 4 for a few weeks when I found that my mic wasn’t working and people couldn’t hear me.  For a phone, that’s a pretty big issue.  After all, the main function of the phone is to make phone calls…  So, I got a replacement and went on my way, but only for a month, when my camera stopped working and only showed me a black screen.  After this replacement, it looked like things would finally be ok.  It had been about a 4-month stretch of problems on a monthly basis, which finally ended in early October.

In mid-July, the Apple Store in Valencia was opening up.  With the promise of a free t-shirt, I was drawn to go to the grand opening.  While in line, I decided to take a few pictures with my phone, only to find that the app would try to open, crash the phone, and then restart it.  I tried again with the same result, so I tried a hard reset.  I got the same error, so at that point I was glad I was at the Apple Store, since I was going to need some help.  Guess what happened at my appointment?  After trying to do a reset via iTunes (and failing), my Genius got me a new phone.  Fancy that.  I was pretty happy since I’d started to get annoyed with the layer of oil that just didn’t seem to get wiped off my phone anymore.  A few taps would make my fingerprints stick and no amount of wiping seemed to slow that process.  Plus, I had dropped it a week or two earlier, chipping off a small part of the corner, so aesthetically my device was no longer in tip-top shape.

I’ve got just a few more weeks before my warranty runs out, and I am debating whether I should pay to extend it for another year.  I would definitely want to upgrade at that point, so I guess the question is if I can prevent any disastrous drops or breakdowns in the next year (or if I could deal with them until it was time for a new device).  I’d like to say I can, but I’m afraid that I’ll regret not paying for the extension.

Fireworks extravaganza

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Panda and I enjoyed some great fireworks in our nation’s capitol back on Independence Day.

Aww, cute heart-shaped ones.

heart fireworks from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

The planes taking off had to veer to the left pretty hard to make sure they stayed far away from the explosions.

fireworks and airplane from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

The hunt for the perfect purse

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , ,

Recently, I decided it was time for a new purse.  The one I’ve been using is just too large and flops over from not being full enough.  I had previously been using a smaller handbag sort of thing, which I switched out of when I wanted to be able to carry my iPad in my purse.  I also wanted to be able to separate my iPad into a different compartment so the inside of my purse wasn’t just a bottomless pit of stuff, but held things together better.  I hate digging around looking for something I know is in there, but got lost among the depths of the purse.

20110719-120955.jpg Armed with this criteria, I decided to do some shopping this weekend and came across a dark purple purse and a nice white one at Kohl’s.  I loved the color of purple purse, but it was a bit too long so the shape was kind of weird.  The white one looked really nice, but couldn’t fit my iPad in the center compartment that zipped up.  Other than that is was the perfect size and had all the compartments I was looking for, so I went ahead and bought it to give it a test drive.  I took these pictures to get Panda’s input and he pretty much thought the same thing, which gave me the final boost of confidence that I chose the right one.  And hey, if I changed my mind, I could always return or exchange it.  After all, Kohl’s has a pretty good return policy!


Then at work today, I asked the opinion of one of my coworkers and she brought to my attention a detail on the purse that makes it a little less classy.  I really love the triangular holes and the black stitching, but part of the silver lining looked cheap.  So, I decided to continue with my search and see if I could find something that would meet my needs better.  This time it also came down to two purses, one white and one purple.  I really liked the brightness of the white on the black and white one, but the design was too flashy and not at all like me.  On the other hand, the color of purple one wasn’t my favorite, but I did enjoy the shape and the middle divider was deep enough to hold my iPad and zip up.

20110719-121016.jpg Between the light purple one from today and the white one I had purchased yesterday, I couldn’t decide which one was better, so I just got the purple one to give it a test run as well.  While I really like the shape of it, the external pockets, and the internal compartments, I love the look of a white bag!  We’ll see how this one feels as I use it tomorrow.  I was already noticing how much easier it was to have a purse closer to your body, rather than a huge hunk of a thing hanging down your shoulder.  As for the color, it’s not something a lot of people would choose and I am perfectly fine with that.  I don’t mind standing out in a crowd!


I’ve already switched everything over to the purple purse and I’m still having trouble deciding if I should just keep both, choose one, or keep looking. My coworker did mention going to the Fashion District, so if we can do that this weekend, I’d definitely be open to replacing these with something else that catches my eye.  It’s hard to know when something is good enough!  I can’t help but think of what there might be out there that I have not yet discovered.  If I don’t find something soon, I think that either of these purses would do the job just fine and I’d never know the better, so I won’t worry too much about it.

Oh, and all this has reminded me of why I’m never that interested in shopping!  A “quick” trip to look at some items quickly turns into an hour or two and next thing you know, the day is gone.

Little Ethiopia

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My friends and I went to eat at Little Ethiopia (the restaurant) in Little Ethiopia (the place) to satisfy my craving for Ethiopian. Yum!

platter of ethiopian veggies and beef tibs

I love Ethiopian food!

ethiopian bread in basket

For one, the bread is this unique spongy sourdough-tasting pancake thing.

closeup of ethiopian bread to show porous texture

It's soft and a bit moist, with a lot of air holes.

piece of ethiopian bread with a hole in it

Uh oh, it can be kind of delicate too.

receipt from little ethiopia with cheap price and gum for dessert

I had a Groupon, so it was super cheap. And that dessert gum they gave us was so novel!


laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , ,

All day, Angelenos have been bracing themselves for the 405 shutdown, which has been dubbed “Carmageddon” due to the potential for massive gridlock across the city as traffic diverts elsewhere.  As it is, the 405 is known for terrible traffic conditions, so we were really unsure of what would happen when a 10-mile stretch of the northbound side (approximately from the 10 freeway to the 101 freeway) and a 4-mile stretch of the southbound side was closed for the weekend.  Anyone trying to get over into the San Fernando Valley would have to find an alternate route, ranging from PCH along the coast to the 101/170 or 5 further inland.

We’ve been hearing warnings for over a month, with traffic condition signs flashing: “405 Closed 10 to 101, July 16-17 Expect Big Delays”  It’s been over the news and I’ve heard that even people in Norcal up to the Oregon border were notified!  Caltrans sure worked hard to make sure that as many people knew as possible so locals could plan to stay in and visitors could schedule around the weekend.  As we got closer, we were even told about an app called Waze that could provide us with GPS routes based on traffic conditions to help us get around the congestion.

So Friday afternoon, people started leaving work (wishing each other a Happy Carmegeddon), hoping to get home before the craziness.  Many even stayed at home that day so they wouldn’t have to deal with or contribute to the evening traffic.  By the time I was getting out around 6, the freeways looked clear.  They never looked like at on a weekday!  I was originally going to wait until 8 or 9 to head home so I could avoid the commuter’s clog, but since it looked so good I packed up and left around 6:30.

It was the most amazing commute I ever had.  Even with normal free-flowing traffic, there are still a lot of cars on the road, but this time it was so much more empty.  I only saw one car using the carpool lane, and that wasn’t for lack of carpoolers!  They just didn’t need it.  The only time I really had to slow down was up by the Getty Center, where there had been a crash that needed to get moved over so we could squeeze by.

Thanks to Carmegeddon for freeing up the roads before the closure.  It made my life a lot easier that night!  We’ll see how the rest of the weekend pans out.  I’m steering clear until Sunday night.

Dead room

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , ,

A UCLA grad student explains the uses of this dead room. Watch how the sound dies once I face the other way. Your ears feel all out of whack in this thing! I can’t wait for the next TEDxUCLA. 🙂

dead room from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Del Sol color-changing

laelene Posted in photo blog,Tags: , , ,

I came across this fun brand of nail polish with an entire line of items that change color in the sun. They have everything from stuffed animals to swim trunks to frisbees. And of course, nail polish!

del sol nail polish changing color in the sun

In the sun, you get bright colors...

del sol nail polish changes color with no sun

...and then they fade to more muted colors inside.

Memory lane

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , ,

It all started with Jaycee Dugard… and ended with TV shows from my childhood!  Yeah, I know, random.  And you will never guess how I got there.

So there I was driving and listening to the radio when I heard that there would be a special on Jaycee Dugard.  Hers is a fascinating story, so I went online to take a look since I don’t have a TV to tune in with.  As I watched that story, I was reminded of one of the shows I used to love to watch (maybe because my dad loved to watch it): 20/20.  Since I was already on the ABC site, I started to watch videos of 20/20.  The episode I watched ended with a tour of the Spelling mansion that was just sold recently.

Now I’m not really into this pop culture thing, so I had no idea the Spellings were rich.  I had only heard of Tori Spelling here and there, and I have no idea what she has acted in.  I went digging more into this story of the sale of “the Manor” and eventually that led me to some related articles that covered 90’s pop stars.  Aha!  So that’s how a kidnapped girl leads to stars from my youth.

I started perusing the listings (you can read them yourself too) and there were so many great memories!  From Full House and 7th Heaven to Xena and Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, I started to remember all those shows I used to watch.  I had all but forgotten about Boy Meets World and Home Improvement, Touched By An Angel and The Secret World of Alex Mack.  But then there were some of my favorites: Sabrina the Teenage Witch and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  Oh, and Bill Nye the Science Guy and Lamb Chop’s Play-Along!!  I did enjoy those learning shows.  I also remembered some not mentioned: Early Edition and Mister Roger’s Neighborhood.  Boy do I miss the good old days of good old television.  I didn’t know all the shows covered, but I was surprised at how many I did recognize and watch.

It was nice to look back on those shows and if they are available to watch… I’d love to remind myself of how good they were.

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