Posts Tagged ‘experiences’

Chivas farm

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , ,

It was open farm day at the Chivas farm this weekend! Panda and I went to check out their farm and the soaps and other skin products they make from goat’s milk. Check out their line of products!

big black pot belly pig

We entered the gate to find this piggy eyeing us suspiciously.

petting a horse

Then there was this horse waiting for some attention.

goats eating feed

Then on to the highlight of the trip - the goats!

goat at fence

This friendly one came up to say "hi."

a pair of goats sitting next to each other

How cute!!!

goat with huge beard

All I could think was Billy Goat Gruff.

petting a goat

I enjoyed petting the goats.

black and white patterned chickens

Check out these elaborate chickens.

large tortoise retracting into shell

They even had tortoises!

tortoise with lettuce placed in front of it

Some girl tried to feed this one, but only managed to scare it into hiding.

pot belly pig hiding behind plants

On our way out, we came across the shy and antisocial pig again, this time hiding from kids.

chivas skin care facial creme, clear complexion soap, and pamphlet

I ended up getting a facial creme (perfect timing since I just ran out of the one I was using) and a clear complexion soap (hope it can help my acne!).

They also had some fabulous food there, as well as mini massages, facials, and yoga lessons. I wish I had taken more pictures!


laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , ,

square logoThis weekend Panda and I went to visit the Chivas goat farm (pictures to come in tomorrow’s post), where we encountered a cool device.  It’s called Square and it’s a credit card scanning device that, combined with a smartphone app, make for a powerful tool for individuals and small businesses.  This simple yet effective little gadget captivated me, so I decided to do some research.  It turns out that not only the software download is free in the app store, but the hardware is also shipped to you for free!  In fact, there is absolutely no cost to set up as long as you have a compatible smartphone, iPad, or iPod touch.

So here I was at the farm, taking a look at their products for sale: soaps, cremes, bath salts, chapstick… all made using goat’s milk rather than water.  I just finished up a facial cream recently, so I was in the market for a new one.  They had a lovely little jar of one, so I opted to get that, along with a clear complexion formulated facial soap for my acne.  I figured since we drove all the way out there to see their goats, try some goat cheese dishes, enjoy the other animals, and get a massage, I might as well get some products to support their fabulous operation.

sample receipt from squareWhen it came time to pay, a gentleman was standing there with an iPad that had a little white square sticking out from the audio jack.  I pulled out my credit card and he swiped it across the plastic square.  On the screen, my card was processed, authorized, and then there was a line for my signature.  Turning the screen to me, he had me sign.  I hesitated for a fraction of a second, wondering if I should look for a pen-like device to sign with, but then went ahead with my finger, since that just seemed the right thing to do.  With my signature captured, the transaction was complete and I was given the option to enter my email or phone number to receive a receipt.  My receipt included not only the items I bought, but a map of where the transaction took place!

square on ipad, iphone, and android phoneHow awesome is that?  Any mobile device that can connect to the internet when you need to do a sale can potentially be used as a platform for Square.  At this point it is available to many Androids and nearly all mobile Apple products.  This really lowers the barrier to entry that individuals and small businesses may have had in the past, where it was not worth it to invest in one of those large credit card swiping machines, pay a monthly fee, and pay a 1-3% transaction fee to the credit card companies.  In fact, this just about eliminates the barrier entirely, since a good portion of people already have or can afford to get one of the devices that Square works with.

I can just imagine an artist or crafts person who had trouble selling things on the fly before because of the cash-only restriction they had, now being able to travel all over the country, accept just about any card that exists, and all for a flat rate of 15 cents plus 2.75% for a card swipe and 3.5% for a manual card entry.  Sure, it might be higher than some cards, but for the convenience, you’d more than likely come out on top since many sales opportunities would have been lost otherwise.  How great would it be to create things wherever you wanted, and be able to sell your items to pretty much anyone you ran into on the street?

And of course people in the service industries can make use of this too, getting paid immediately after walking the dogs for your neighbor or teaching the local kids how to swim.  Business can now be conducted location-independently, and with less foresight.  It’s certainly easier to convince someone to buy something from you or take you up on a service if they don’t need to have cash on them.  Now I wish I had such a business so I could make use of this great product and service!  Too bad I’m not very good with creating things that I can sell.

Sanrio’s 50th

laelene Posted in photo blog,Tags: , , , ,

The celebrate Sanrio’s 50th year, McDonald’s has these Happy Meal toys that are digital watches in the shape of the characters.  Panda wanted to get me the Chococat watch because he knows that’s my favorite character, so we went to McDonald’s today and I got my first Happy Meal in years.  I believe the last time I got one was sometime in my childhood, but I really have no recollection.  I barely ever got them, since I generally wasn’t interested in the toys they offered, so it’s difficult to even recall when I ever did get one.

happy meal from mcdonald's with sanrio watches commemorating sanrio's 50th anniversary

I got a Chococat and Panda got a Keroppi.

Bruins vs. Trojans

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , ,

Ah yes, it’s that time of year again.  When our cross-town rivalry reaches its peak right before and during the UCLA-USC game.  This year, the students were back at it again, pulling pranks on each others’ campuses.  First ‘SC struck early in the week with a prank from years past: dying our fountain water red.  Then UCLA retaliated with some redecorating of ‘SC’s field and gave them nice blue and gold UCLA lettering.  The student bodies have tied 1-1, so now it’s up to the football teams to straighten out the score with their game tomorrow!

In the mean time, I attended an alumni mixer tonight uniting us rivals with a UCLA-USC gathering.  I met a lot of people in a lot of industries from all over LA (and from both campuses).  I even ran into a few familiar faces and exchanged business cards with others.  All in all a productive night – in fact it went by so quickly I didn’t even realize it was nearly 11 when I left!  No wonder my back was starting to ache; I’d been standing for three and a half hours!  It was a great way to kick off the weekend and now I just need to find a place to watch the game since I have no TV…

Ducks, ducks, ducks

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , ,

ducklings from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

duck swimming from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

swarming swimming ducks from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

ducks foraging from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Overfried fry

laelene Posted in photo blog,Tags: , ,

over-fried french fry that turned orange

I can just imagine all the greasiness this one was exuding.

Grasping at the subconscious

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: ,

As I pulled into the garage tonight, I remember thinking to myself, “that’s something you should blog about.”  Unfortunately, I didn’t take the time to stop and write it down like I usually try to do and now I’m at a loss for what it was.  I know it’s in my subconscious, floating just below the surface.  When I try really hard, all I can think of is a number of other things to blog about; I just can’t think of this one particular thing I had in mind.  It’s driving me crazy!  I know the thought is going to come up again, but who knows when?  I wanted to write about it tonight!

Our minds are very interesting things, ever so infuriating at times.  The harder I try to put myself in that state of mind as I stopped the car and got out, the more I get distracted with other thoughts and memories of unrelated details.  I guess I’ll just have to try to remember when I’m back in that situation again, in the car pulling to a stop, then getting out thinking about a topic.  For now it’s killing me and I think the best thing to do is just get to bed and stop driving myself insane attempted to recall this memory just out of my reach.

Maybe I’ll dream about it.

Hong Kong light and sound show

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , , ,

the light and sound show begins from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

the light and sound show from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

the light and sound show continues from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Thanksgiving traffic nightmare!

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , , ,

Ok, I get it, people (especially Americans) love their holidays.  But really, do you have to clog my commute on the rare occasion I get off of work early?  It would have been great getting off work today at 3 except for the fact that I had to drive for three and a half hours to get home!  Seriously?!?!  I mean, I was grateful when my morning commute was only an hour (compared to the typical 1.5-2 hrs), but that was MORE than made up for at night when I still didn’t manage to get home before the sun set.

I fully went through two bags of Veggie Straws & Chips, a huge bottle of water (from my KOR ONE hydration vessel), and my handy dandy tea mug.  And that was still with an hour and a half to go.  By that time I had to urinate so bad that I couldn’t bear to pull out my final “bottle” of water (it was in an anti-bottle, actually) to drink.  I was crawling at about 2-3 MPH for a good 3-5 miles as the 405 merged into the 5.  It was absolute insanity!  Why can’t people commute to their families tomorrow during the day, when I’m not exhausted from work and driving?

I’m definitely going to rest as much as I can this long weekend after that ordeal!

Floating to Ngong Ping

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , , ,

Here are some of the views that passed below me in my crystal cabin going up to Ngong Ping Village.

crystal cabin from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

people working in fields from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

people walking up to ngong ping from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

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